Danielle Bernock


Feeling Blue? 7 Ways To Instantly Feel Better

If you’ve decided you want to be happier I’ll show you the 7 ways I know to help you instantl

How To Actually Do What You Say You Want To Do

Have you ever said you want to do something but then you didn’t actually do it? There’s a rea

The Single Biggest Reason People Struggle With Low Self-Esteem

Person 1: I am the definition of ugly.

Person 2: No, you are surrounded by ugly.

The One Thing Critical To Successful Healing From Emotional Trauma

Successful healing from emotional trauma is possible and there is hope. Success through trusting

Is Hidden Trauma Impacting Your Life? Identify The 7 Different Types

Learn about the different kinds of hidden trauma and how it affects your life.

10 Ways To Start Feeding Your Inner Life To Thrive

Malnourishment in your inner life feeds depression, loneliness, lack of purpose, and more. Here&#

10 Major Ways to Build Trust in Any Relationship

We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone – but paradoxically, if we cannot trust,

12 Ways to Build Emotional Resilience and Why

“Resilience is a muscle. Flex it enough and it will take less effort to get over the emotional

5 Things You Can Do to Calm Your Fears Now

These 5 things are practical solutions. They’ll help you shift your thoughts from racing fears

10 Reasons To Embrace Change For Personal Growth

Embracing the change for inner healing and personal growth isn’t easy. It’s a lot of work and

How to Find Peace and Quiet: The One Minute Rule

Every day I have a designated “quiet time”. It’s time by myself where I go to connect to th

15 Powerful Childlike Qualities to Regain

Adults who regain these 15 childlike qualities gain a power to live a better life.

What To Do About Your Trauma

Knowing what trauma is when someone asks you is different than addressing it in your own life.