What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality


Hand Size Shape About Personality

Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

Your hand size can indicate something about your personality. Surprised? Don’t be. This is Science. This is all in our Gene. The size of your hand can say more than you ever thought about your personality. Your hands are amazingly useful, let’s explore them.

The practice of Chirognomy is the ability to predict a personโ€™s character, traits and future through the study of their hand.

Derived from the Greek words, โ€˜chiroโ€™ meaning hand and โ€˜gnomoniaโ€™ meaning judging. Together this means the art of judging character from the shape and appearance of hands.

This practice examines the shape of the hands, fingers, fingernails and the texture of the skin, of all of which it uses to derive insight into the individual in question.

We need a Proper measurement of your hand before we proceed further.

This isnโ€™t about the size of your hand according to your ruler, so donโ€™t stress yourself for getting the exact size. This assessment looks at the size of your hand in relation to the length of your arm.

hand size personality

Take your left arm and bend at the elbow to create a 45-degree angle. With your right hand, place your thumb on the side of the elbow. Stretch your hand out, reaching your middle finger towards your wrist. If your finger can reach your wrist, you have large hands. If you are not able to reach your wrist, you fit into the small hands’ category!

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People With Large Hands:

You are perfectionist and sensitive
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

If you have large hands you are a perfectionist! Your concentration often goes on the small details of projects. This could result in tardiness in some parts of your life. You are a very effective worker.

You focus on the smallest of details, wanting everything to be just right. If you are working towards a deadline you would rather push it slightly to make sure everything is perfect than rush to meet the timeline. This perfectionist mentality means you are extremely sensitive to criticism. You are the impulsive person who often knows to overreact, and you know that. You are regardful to other people, and sometimes you even neglect yourself.

People With Small Hands:

You are adventurous
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

Those of you with small hands are the free spirits of the world! You are always chasing down your next adventure, and donโ€™t shy away from taking risks. You can usually work your way out of any trouble with your excellent problem-solving abilities, which is important because you regularly find yourself in hot water! You enjoy the more dramatic side of life. Your personal relationships are often dramatic ones. You seek more attention from your partner.

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1. Having an upper phalanx thatโ€™s longer than the middle and lower one means you are often emotional person.

2. Longer upper phalanges also mean you are inspiring, spontaneous and creative. A longer middle phalanx indicates you are rational people and can easily turn ideas into plans.

3. If you are having a long lower phalanx, then you are in need for a physical challenge. But, you are grounded and focused on actions.

4. A constricted lower phalanx means youโ€™re not grounded enough.

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Your palm shape and finger size are also important.

1. If you have a square palm, then you are a practical and logical person. This means that you are a good mathematician. You want to solve your problems logically, and you are not very friendly with your intuition.

You are a practical and logical person
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

2. People with rectangular palms tend to solve their problems faster. Unlike the people with a square palm, you are a more intuitive person. You listen to your Gut Feelings.

You are intuitive and can solve problem faster
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

3. If you have long hands and square palm, you are a sensitive and adventurous person.

You are quick thinker emotional
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

4. People with oblong shape rather follow gut feeling when it comes to making decisions. Even when all the facts seem to point the other way, youโ€™d still choose something if your intuition says to.

You are intuitive and follow gut feelings
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

5. People with short fingers are very good leaders. They have helicopter view and are mostly focused on action.

You are practical focused on action
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

6. A little finger held apart means you have trust issues.

7. A bent top finger means you are concerned with doing the right thing.

8. Longer fingers can indicate a curious personality. You are analytic and have an eye for detail.

You are analytical and have eye
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

9. If your ring finger is longer than the index finger, it means you are attractive, charismatic, and charming. Also, you have excellent communication skills and can be a good risk-taker.

You are attractive charismatic
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

10. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, respect is a big motivator for you. Also, you are confident, analytical, self-sufficient and can be a good leader.

You are confident analytical
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

11. If the index and ring finger is of the same length, then you are a very caring, well-balanced, peaceful, and down to earth person. You are loyal and faithful, whether it is at work, in a friendship, or in a relationship.

You are very caring well balanced
What Your Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

What did you know about yourself?

hand size personality
This Is What Your Hand Size Says About Your Personality
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Hand Size And Shape Says About Your Personality

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