Zodiac Unrequited Love: 6 Most Heartbroken Zodiac Signs Who Fall For The Wrong Person


Most Heartbroken Zodiac Signs Who Fall For The Wrong Person

Are you tired of falling for people who’re never there to catch you? Reading about the most heartbroken zodiac signs might help you!

There are few people who consciously or unconsciously tend to fall for people they can’t have. And there can be many reasons for that.

Some might argue it’s our poor sense of self that makes us develop unhealthy attachments and chase unavailable partners or our history of an unhappy childhood that makes us repeat the same patterns.

While all those arguments make sense, if you’re interested in a more spiritual take on unrequited love, we encourage you to explore the zodiac personalities.

According to astrology, everything in our lives, from birth to the very end is influenced by our astral placements. While many of us can experience unrequited love, there are certain zodiac signs that are more prone to fall for people they can’t have.

These zodiac signs when in love ignore all the red flags and go after someone who might not ever commit to them.

So, what is the connection between our zodiac and our dismal luck with unrequited love? Let’s find out through these 6 types of zodiac attachment styles!

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6 Most Heartbroken Zodiac Signs Who Fall For The Wrong Person

Here’re the most heartbroken zodiac signs:

Heartbroken Zodiac Signs
Why Do I Keep Falling For The Wrong Guy?

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The first one on our list of the most heartbroken zodiac signs is the Ram! Aries people are the most resilient of the zodiac. They are natural leaders with sass, courage, confidence, resourcefulness, and self-reliance. They are strong, bold, and daring.

They’re so self-confident that they believe that they can get whatever or whoever they put their eyes on. They get into a savior complex whenever they come across someone who is not responding to their love.

They believe that with their perseverance and love, they can make the other person fall for them. Obviously, not everyone is wanting to be saved or rescued, or fixed. So, this habit often makes their romantic life go south.

Related: Zodiac Signs Who Are Afraid Of Love, Ranked From Most To Least

2. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is the most intense of all zodiac signs. They are very persistent and ambitious. When they want something, the phrase “giving up” does not even feature in their dictionary.

The downside is that their intensity can turn into obsession and possessiveness. Scorpios also have an intense need to control and are often full of themselves.

If Scorpio is not on top of things, they will get agitated to the point that they will feel as though their life has been turned upside down.

Thatโ€™s why a Scorpio is often in shock and awe when they come across someone who is not interested in them.

So they try, again and again, to woo their object of desire. This attitude gets their ego badly bruised and they become one of the most heartbroken zodiac signs.

3. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarians are world travelers of the zodiac signs. They are adventurous explorers. Their fearlessness and inquisitiveness take them to the farthest corner of the world. They believe in doing the impossible and nothing is out of reach for them.

The downside is they stretch their optimism too far and may fall in love with idols, celebrities, or people who’re simply out of their league, whom they can never have.

They will keep pursuing their object of admiration in any way possible and if you try to get them in touch with reality, they wonโ€™t pay any heed. They keep setting themselves up for disappointment to become one of the most heartbroken zodiac signs.

Related: Hereโ€™s How To Find Love That You Deserve Based On Your Zodiac Sign

4. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is the most creative water sign. They are gentle, wise, and compassionate but they tend to have their heads in clouds. They desire to escape reality and therefore they are prone to dissociate and live in their imagination.

They handle loneliness very poorly and that’s why they pursue romance and love very seriously. But due to their desperation to find love, they often fall for people who are not interested or are not available.

But Pisceans refuse to wake up to this bitter truth. They keep hoping and trying and ultimately become one of the most heartbroken zodiac signs.

5. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taureans are the most practical, grounded, reliable, and loyal. They really crave sensuality, intimacy, and love and can go full steam ahead looking for it.

The downside is they are Stubborn…I mean Freaking Stubborn! They are used to getting what they want and their tenacious quality doesnโ€™t let them quit on their romantic pursuit.

They will try and try harder to seduce their person of interest, even if they donโ€™t even notice their existence.

A Taurean’s life motto is โ€œI Triedโ€ which unfortunately makes them keep banging their heads against a brick wall and end up as one of the most heartbroken zodiac signs.

Related: How He Acts Like When In Love Based on his Zodiac Sign

6. Cancer (23 June โ€“ 22 July)

Cancer is the most emotional of all zodiacs and naturally one of the most heartbroken zodiac signs. Cancerians are the most loving, caring, and nurturing people.

They have an innate longing to nurture and heal, and that’s why they gravitate toward people who need healing the most.

Their sensitive nature often lands them in situations wherein they fall in love with people who are not emotionally available. They are mostly empaths who tend to fall for individuals with narcissistic tendencies.

They are natural givers and it may take really long for them to learn to put their needs ahead of others.

Related: What Is Spirituality?

Did you enjoy reading about the 6 most heartbroken zodiac signs? What is your opinion on the unrequited love of each zodiac? Which zodiac sign is most unlucky in love according to you? Leave a comment down below!

Heartbroken Zodiac Signs
Most Heartbroken Zodiac Signs: 6 Zodiac Signs Unlucky In Love
Heartbroken Zodiac Signs
Most Heartbroken Zodiac Signs: Zodiac Signs Unrequited Love
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Zodiac Unrequited Love: 6 Most Heartbroken Zodiac Signs Who Fall For The Wrong Person

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  1. Anya Avatar

    Iโ€™ll have to add Aquarians to that list. Iโ€™m an Aquarius and truthfully itโ€™s easier to love someone out of reach than have to deal with the real thing. Also loving someone you canโ€™t have does not interfere with my freedom or solitude.

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