5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality


Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

We are inherently inclined to see things from our individual perspectives and that is what separates us from others. But, the way you see things reflects who you are as a person, doesn’t it? Here are five optical illusions to test your personality and reveal the hidden qualities!

We spot patterns and designs based on how our minds are trained and that, in turn, reveals what makes the most sense to us.

These 5 optical illusions can be seen in two different ways and the aspect of your personalities would be revealed based on what you observed first.

5 Optical Illusions To Test Your Personality And Hidden Traits

1. Optical Illusion Personality Quiz – Test Your Mental Age

A Young Girl
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

What did you see first in this personality quiz, a young girl or an old man?

Your mental age is determined by what you observe first. By mental age, we do not mean age in terms of being smart or slow. Mental age, in this regard, is how you see the world, through the eyes of a young kid or through the lens of someone elder.

Result 1 – If You Saw The Old Man

The Old Man
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

If you saw the old man first, it means that you are quite mature in your thoughts. You have seen the world, experienced its ups and downs and have grown to see the world for what it is.

You have had the experiences and knowledge which have helped you grow as a person. You have, as time passed, grown as a wise soul and if this was the picture you observed first, you are calm and humble as well (you can see the old man with his head bowed down, lost in contemplation).

Surprised? This is how optical illusion personality test reveals the true you!

Result 2 – If You Saw The Young Girl

The Young Girl
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

If you saw the young girl in the illusion, it means that you are still a kid at heart. You still see the world with the curiosity of a child. Despite your experiences and troubles, you have not let go of your innocence, that you’ve had since the very beginning.

It is a rare quality to have as most of us tend to ignore our inner child as we grow up. You, however, have preserved this beautiful side of your personality and still find joy in the simplest things in life.

2. Optical Illusion Quiz – To Test Your Attention To Detail

optical illusions to test your personality
Optical Illusions That Will Test Your Personality

How attentive are you to details? Test yourself with these personality optical illusions now!

The illusion above is a unique picture where, based on what you observe first, it would reveal how closely you watch things. It is designed to see if you are detail-oriented or look at the larger picture based on what caught your attention first.

Result 1 – If You Saw The Old Couple

The Old Couple
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

If you saw the old couple first, then you take a larger view of life. You do not get stuck with trivialities and are always looking at life from a bird’s eye point of view.

You, therefore, are more of a strategist and would be good at strong managerial roles where you see the broader picture. You are good at planning and aren’t concerned with micromanaging things.

Result 2 – If You Saw Three People

Two men in the foreground and a woman in the background
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

If you first saw these three people, two in the foreground and one woman in the background, then your attention to detail is incredible. You pay attention to nuances when others don’t even know they exist. You observe minutely (people, places or things) and there’s hardly anything that can go past you without catching your attention.

You are the sort of person who is extremely good at planning things to the last detail and one may even say that you are obsessed with details. The point is: you are a detail-oriented person and you would rather know things intimately than superficially.

3. Optical Illusion Personality Test – Are You An Optimist Or Pessimist?

optical illusions to test your personality
Cat Optical Illusion To Test Your Personality Quiz

Is the cat going up or down?

This illusion is one of a cat on the stairs. There are two ways of looking at it and the beauty of this illusion lies in the fact that the cat may appear to be either going up the stairs or down based on your perspective.

You may notice a slight shadow under the overhanging nose of the stair treads. These shadows would only be visible if the cat was going down the stairs towards the viewer who is looking upstairs.

Result 1 – If You Saw The Cat Going Up

optical illusions to test your personality
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

If you felt that the cat was coming up the stairs, chances are that you have an optimistic view of life. You see potential and you see growth wherever you look.

Your mind has been trained to look at ways of rising higher in life, so given a situation where you have the choice of rising higher than others or falling to their levels, you would inevitably be the better person. There are clear signs of ambition in you and no one, except yourself, can stop you from going higher in life.

Result 2 – If You Saw The Cat Going Down

optical illusions test - cat going down
Five Optical Illusions To Test Your Personality Quiz

If you observed the cat walking down the stairs, you have a personality that is slightly on the pessimistic side. You are a skeptic, to be honest. It may have been based on your experiences in life or just because of the sort of people you may have met that tilted your view of life towards the negative side.

But this means that you don’t trust easily now, you calculate before you commit and you are wary of people who seem too sweet. It may just be your way of tackling the world but you are much sharper and shrewd in your dealings, making it almost impossible to trick or deceive you.

4. Optical Illusion Personality Test – Are You Spontaneous Or A Thinker?

optical illusions to test your personality
What Did You See First? Duck Or Rabbit? Optical Illusions Reveal Hidden Personality

Duck or rabbit?

This image is designed to reveal two animals that are different in their characteristics and the one which caught your attention first would reveal the way your mind works. Are you the spontaneous one who acts quickly or the thinker who takes their time?

Result 1 – If You Saw The Rabbit

The Rabbit
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

Rabbits are quick, alert and always on the move. If the rabbit is the animal you saw first, chances are that you are a person with a quick wit and irresistible charm. You are spontaneous and can act in a jiffy when the moment comes. You are always alert, ready to respond and quick on your feet.

You have qualities of people who are good with sarcasm and you have an excellent sense of humour as your mind processes things much quicker than the rest. You are not the one to dwell on your past but the one to live in the moment, giving all you have to everything you do.

Result 2 – If You Saw The Duck

The Duck
5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

The duck, as you may observe, are usually calm by the looks of it but beneath the surface of the water, they are paddling furiously to move forward. If it was the duck that you saw first, chances are that you share similar personality traits.

You are the one who is calm and composed on the surface but thinking vigorously on the inside. You are a deep thinker and your mind is always at work. You do not show but you are often preoccupied with thoughts that are meaningful and have deeper implications.

It is a rare quality to have as people speak more than you think while you are the exact opposite. You think before you speak and you understand before you act.

5. Optical Illusion Test – How Do You Accept Something?

optical illusions to test your personality
5 Optical Illusions To Test Your Personality Quiz

What did you see first?

This image is designed to see how you take things into account when thinking or talking about it. This image would reveal if you are easily trusting or take your time before letting your guard down. What you saw first would reveal if you take things at face value or analyze them deeply.

Result 1 – If You Saw The Pillars

5 Optical Illusions That Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality

If you looked at the picture and observed the pillars (white in the image above) then you are the sort of person who can trust someone easily. You are ready to take someone at their face-value as you believe in the inherent goodness of people.

You trust easily because you yourself are the sort of person who can be trusted. You see this quality in others too, and you believe what they tell you.

It may appear as naive but the fact is there are very few people who have innocence left in their being and if you do trust people, to be honest with you, it means that you too, as a person, are as honest and forthright as they come.

Result 2 – If You Saw The Women

The Women
5 Optical Illusions To Test Your Personality

If you looked past the pillars and were able to spot the women standing, facing each other, then you are one of those rare people who look beyond the obvious. You have this uncanny ability to read between the lines.

You, more often than not, are able to see through lies and deceit as you observe carefully, thinking, deducing and questioning. Truth is not obvious to you but something which you seek with patience and composure.

You are the sort of person who would only trust someone when they are worth it as you know exactly what lies beneath words. Actions speak to you and that’s the only truth you know to be real.

That’s all! Now you know about optical illusions that tell your personality.

If you enjoyed the optical illusion personality test, let us know in the comments, and feel free to share it with your friends and folks! And stay tuned for more optical illusions and personality tests.

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optical illusions that reveal your personality

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  1. Amelie Avatar

    It is clear to anyone with a modicum of sense and logic that the cat is going down the stairs. Otherwise, the life of anyone who walks on them would be in danger.

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