The 6 Most Cruel Zodiac Signs


Most Cruel Zodiac Signs

Do you know there are 6 most cruel zodiac signs who can give any Hollywood movie villain a run for their money? If you want to know who are these evil zodiac signs, keep reading till the end.

Who are the most savage of them all, when it comes to the zodiac signs?  All the 12 zodiac personalities have their light and dark sides, but there are 6 zodiac signs known to be the most cruel and savage, according to astrology!

Do you want to know who are these heartless zodiac signs? Let’s go then!

6 Cruel Zodiac Signs

Here is a list of the 6 cruel and savage zodiac signs to watch out for:

cruel zodiac signs
The 6 Most Cruel Zodiac Signs

1. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Topping the list of cruel zodiac signs is Scorpio. It is the most intense and passionate of all zodiacs. However, the word of caution is their intensity can turn in the wrong direction and become hatred and cynicism quite often.

They can have a very myopic view of things and turn overtly possessive and cruel if they donโ€™t get their way. One of the things Scorpios do is to assume about your intentions and motives and then react without finding out if the assumptions are true in the first place.

Itโ€™s hard to defend yourself against assumptions that arenโ€™t true and you canโ€™t win in an argument with a Scorpio. Scorpios know how to keep people guessing and off-balance, so they can strike you at your weakest.

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2. CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is also one of the cruel zodiac signs. Cancer’s emotions run high and they are very protective and nurturing. However, they can turn overtly possessive and run havoc if they feel threatened or fear losing something that is close to them.

When they are feeling this way they can become extremely nasty and savage and would do things under the spell of their intense emotions that they regret later.

3. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

The 3rd position for the cruel zodiac signs belongs to Capricorns. Capricorns also have a dark side and when they turn to this dark place they throw out all rules of civil behavior.

They will have no shame in resorting to cruelty if it helps them to advance in their career or pay back an enemy. They lack Empathy and can rejoice in someoneโ€™s misfortune instead of extending a helping hand to them.

Related: How Dark Is Your Soul (According To Your Zodiac Sign)

4. ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Aries is also one of the top cruel zodiac signs. They can get really cruel and mean with words when they get angry or upset. They are very competitive and sore losers. So, if you get in the way of their goal, they can get really obnoxious.

Any kind of competition with Aries will bring out their mean streak. Once they have won or made their point, they would cool off and return to being fun and charming, but their cruelty would already have caused damage to their opponent.

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5. LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Leos love the spotlight. They are so charming and attractive that no one can help but fall in love with them. But if they ever feel threatened or you step on their toes, they can rip you to shreds.

Leos know how to be diplomatic and politically correct. They would know just the right thing to say that would look good on paper but will tear your heart out. These kittens have claws and when they get angry, they can get primal and raw and one of the most notoriously cruel zodiac signs.

6. GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

The Gemini, represented by the twins, is cheerful and tactful in social settings. However, the negative Gemini twin is untrustworthy, erratic, deceptive, and short-tempered. At their worst, they can display bipolar-like characteristics, which others may confuse as mental issues.

One of the infamously cruel zodiac signs, Gemini is manipulative; they show false affection and friendliness, whereas, in reality, they enjoy toying with peopleโ€™s emotions and feel no remorse for hurting them. Geminis lie compulsively- they will exaggerate and twist the truth just to make themselves look better.

If they donโ€™t get along with you, be sure they are saying cheeky, false, and negative things behind your back. They donโ€™t react well if you point out their shortcomings and being quick-tempered, they will yell and argue just for the sake of winning.

cruel zodiac signs
The 6 Most Cruel Zodiac Signs

Did you like reading about the cruel zodiac signs? What are your thoughts? Please leave a comment below and let us know your opinion.

The 6 cruel zodiac signs you should watch out for!
The Cruel Zodiac Signs
The Most Cruel and Savage Zodiac Signs
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The 6 Most Cruel Zodiac Signs

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  1. Diane Bondo Avatar
    Diane Bondo

    I guess you forgot about us Sagittarians. We have alot of patience, but break our spirit and we will shoot you with our arrow.

    1. Robin Walker Avatar
      Robin Walker

      I am a Tarurs and I am not cruel or savage. So if you had a bad experience with a Tarurs, you probably caused it or pushed them to their limit. Because we are not naturally savage or cruel. What’s ur sign? I am good-natured and a empathetic mother and I love everyone bc that’s what God wants from us.
      .Amen…God bless you and have a better day. But please worry about ur self and not signs that’s not up there.

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