5 Clear Signs A Deceased Loved One is Nearby


Clear Signs Deceased Loved Nearby

You donโ€™t have to be a psychic medium to get in touch with deceased loved ones.
In fact, ย passed souls will always reach out to us in times of need or longing. They can come with important messages or just to simply give you their reassuring presence and let you know everything is o.k.

Usually though, we tend to overlook these phenomenal events as an overactive imagination and classify it in our minds as grief processing.

But if we could all raise our awareness a little bit more, we might just find comfort in knowing that we are never alone. 

5. They Appear in Your Dreams

A vivid dream of a deceased loved one is classified as a lucid dream or vision. This is because of the potency of the dream.

Quite often these are so intense that they wake you up in the middle of night filled with emotion. You may even be consciously aware of the fact that you are dreaming and not even realize it.

Related: Why We Meet The Same Souls In Every Incarnation?

4. You Feel Their Touch

Most commonly felt shortly after a loved ones passing, the sensation of being caressed softly, either on the back or the hand is a clear sign of comfort from the deceased.

Others may also just feel, that they are not alone and sense the presence of someone else in the room.

Related: 5 Major Warning Signs Youโ€™ve Met Your False Twin Flame

3. Unexplainable Phenomenon

It is not uncommon for passed spirits to affect electrical components in the home. You may find burnt out light bulbs more often, or other devices starting to go haywire for no other apparent reason.

Think about it, if you were on the other sideโ€ฆ wouldnโ€™t you?

Related: Signs Youโ€™ve Met Someone In A Previous Life

2. Hiding or Appearing Objects

There have been many accounts of the deceased โ€œstealingโ€ things from the home only to later have them appear in the most random of places.

It may feel as though you have lost your mind, but donโ€™t worry they are just trying to get your attention! And apparently you are not listening.

On the opposite, you may also find that you have lost something that is really important and when you begin stressing out about it.. suddenly it appears in the strangest place, easy for you to find and you could have sworn that you just looked there.

1. You Smell Them

Our sense of smell is the strongest of our senses and just one whiff can bring back a thousand memories.

The most common accounts of fragrances are the smell of cigarette tobacco or cigars while no one in the smokes, perfume and flowers.

Related: 10 Signs A Deceased Loved One is Nearby

Interesting Story:

My 3-year-old daughter (at the time) came into the room one afternoon. She was playing with her kitchen set downstairs.

In her hands, she held a plastic plate, plastic food and a spoon. I asked her if she was making herself lunch and she told me โ€œyes but I have to go get more for Bill, Iโ€™ll be right backโ€. (I thought this was a funny thing to say).

She came back up from downstairs with another plate and so I asked her โ€œwhoโ€™s Bill?โ€. She looked at me and told me with a completely straight face โ€œheโ€™s sitting at the kitchen tableโ€.

My mind quickly raced to try to figure out what she was talking aboutโ€ฆ until I realized. Bill was our old neighbor he was in his early 90โ€™s when I last saw him and Bill passed away 2 years ago.

She would have been 1 year old at the time of his death.

Written by L.J. Vanier

5 Clear Signs A Deceased Loved One is Nearby
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5 Clear Signs A Deceased Loved One Is Nearby

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