12 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are on the Right Track


Uncomfortable Feelings Indicate You Right Track

Life is not always a bed of roses, and in order to be happy, and be a strong person, everyone has to jump through a few hoops. Navigating through life can make you come across a lot of things that will cause you to feel uncomfortable, and cause you to think “I don’t think I can do this. This does not make sense.” Always know that the feelings, that come you feel uncomfortable in life don’t always suggest negativity; sometimes it means that you are on the right track.

Discomfort can be a signal of progress, evolution, and success in life sometimes. So, when you feel like you are having a hard time with life experiences, remember that you are simply leveling up in life. Your best life is just a touch away.

Here Are 12 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are On The Right Track In Life

Uncomfortable Feelings Indicate You on Right Track

1. You feel as if you are facing your childhood struggles again.

Even when you were a child, you must have experienced a lot of struggles, and you will know that you are on the right track in your life, when you face similar struggles in your adult life again. When this happens, don’t freak out or give up.

This simply means that you are becoming more aware of what you feel, and think and why you feel and think that. This awareness and consciousness can greatly help you in changing those feelings, and progressing onward.

2. You feel lost.

Feeling directionless in life is actually a good thing because it means that you are becoming more present in life. You are living in the moment instead of constantly worrying about what happened in the past, and what might happen in the future.

Feeling happy has got to do a lot with focusing on the present, and being happy with it. Even though planning your future is a smart thing to do, if you are constantly ignoring your present for your future, you are simply not living your life fully.

Related: 13 Quotes To Remember When You Are Feeling Lost In Life

3. You are using your right brain more.

The human brain is truly a remarkable thing. When you tend to use the left hemisphere of your brain more, you will notice that you are struggling more than usual. Activities like organizing, focusing, and remembering tiny details become all the more challenging than usual.

But, when you are using the right hemisphere of your brain more, you become better at handling emotions, you come more intuitive, and also your creativity reaches an all-time high.

4. You experience bursts of emotion.

When you have outbursts of emotions, don’t see it as a sign of weakness, because it isn’t. Emotions come out because they are demanding to be felt, and your job is to stop ignoring them and resisting them.

Becoming conscious of your emotions can greatly help you in being a stronger person because you should never let your emotions control you; you should be the one to control them. Always.

5. You have difficulty sleeping.

When you will find yourself unable to sleep properly, see this as a sign of the good things to come. You will feel like you want to sleep more, or sometimes you might want to sleep less. You might even wake up in the middle of the night, because your mind is racing with ideas, and things that you simply cannot stop thinking about. Or you might feel yourself full of energy sometimes, or very tired.

Your extreme emotions will tell you a lot about your journey, so notice them. Focus on them, and channel them in a more positive and fruitful direction.

6. You will want to spend alone time more.

Socializing with friends, partying and drinking won’t hold the same appeal for you anymore. You will want to spend more and more time alone because you want to focus on yourself, and what you need to feel happy and content.

Constantly surrounded by a hundred people will leave you drained, and you will feel that they are not adding anything to your life. This indicates that you are working towards the re-calibration of your life.

Related: 10 Surprising Benefits Of Spending Time Alone

7. You have vivid dreams most of the time.

If dreams are how your subconscious mind speaks to you (or projects an image of your experience) then your mind is surely trying to tell you something. This happens when you start having dreams at an intensity that youโ€™ve never had before.

Having vivid and powerful dreams is a sign of you being on the right track in life, so take this as a powerful sign of you leveling up in life.

8. You focus on quality more than quantity, when it comes to your friends.

There will come a time in your life when you will want to surround yourself with people who will add value to your life, and people from whom you will learn a lot of good things. You will not want people in your life who will just waste your time, and exploit you for their own motives.

The moment you start focusing on the quality of people in your life, more than the quantity, know that you are on the right path. You will no longer have time for negative people in your life. At all.

9. You feel that negative thoughts are your worst enemy.

You start to realize that what you think, go on to create your experiences, and itโ€™s often not until weโ€™re pushed to our limits that we try to take control of them, and handle them. And that is when you finally realize that you were in control all along.

When you see yourself pushing away all your negative thoughts, and trying to focus on having positive ones, that is when you will know that things are going in the right direction.

Related: 5 Tips To Help Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

10. You feel unsure of yourself.

You feel unsure of yourself because you are unsure of what is yet to come! Youโ€™re in the process of growing and evolving, and you never become uncertain when you change for the worse (you become angry and closed off).

In other words, if youโ€™re experiencing feelings of uncertainty, and insecurity, then chances are it is leading to something better in your life.

11. You have stronger and accurate gut feelings.

The more conscious you become of yourself, and the more aware you become of everything that happens around you, the better instincts you will have. You will understand instantly how someone is really feeling, or if a relationship is not going to stand the test of time, or that you won’t be able to hold your job much longer.

A lot of โ€œirrationalโ€ anxiety comes from subconsciously sensing something, yet not taking it seriously because it isnโ€™t logical. But it always means that you are on the right track in your life.

Related: 7 Common Gut Instincts You Should ALWAYS Listen To

12. You speak up for yourself more.

The more you grow, and spiritually evolve the more you realize things you didn’t before. You start feeling angry when you realize how people have always walked all over you, and how you have let them manipulate you, and take advantage of your emotions.

You decide that you will never make these mistakes again, and that is why you always speak up for what is right, no matter what. You finally start respecting yourself enough to only listen to what your heart and mind tell you to do.

Good things in life do not always come easy, and they do not always come in pretty packages. Sometimes, your struggles and roadblocks can help guide you to the best part of your life. You just need to stop and see that.

16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are on the Right Track
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