10 Super Clingy Things She Does When She’s Your Forever Person


Super Clingy Things She Does When She Loves You

Is ‘clingy’ a relationship red flag, or a secret language of love? Let’s uncover the super clingy things she does and what it actually says about her love for you!

Most people see being clingy as an annoying and negative thing when it comes to romantic relationships. The truth is, the clingy things she does when she loves you can show that she is truly your forever person.

Well, I have heard so many friends of mine constantly rant about how clingy their girlfriend is and how uncomfortable this ‘clinginess’ makes them in public and what not!

I feel like everyone treats clingy to be a bad thing.

But what if I tell you that being clingy is not bad? Actually, some clingy behavior can be a sign that she is going to be with you forever.

You are laughing at me, aren’t you?

Well, don’t. Because here is a list of clingy things that prove that you have found your ‘forever’ kind of a girl.

Clingy Things She Does
10 Clingy Things She Does When She Loves You

Here Are 10 Clingy Things She Does When She Loves You

1) She wants to know where the relationship is going.

We always think of this as clingy because modern relationships are not that secure any longer. Most of us don’t even know where our relationship is headed to.

So, if your girl is talking about or hinting at a ‘future’, she is a keeper because this means that she is committed and loyal and is in the relationship because of a purpose and just not for fun only.

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2) She wants to stay in touch.

If she constantly messages you and wants to know what you are doing and where you are going, don’t think she is trying to harm your privacy or something.

She is just trying to maintain a good communication rapport as she wants to be with you and she worries about your well-being.

3) She wants some respect from you.

One of the clingy things she does when she loves you is that she won’t let you get away with bad behavior. She wants to be respected and taken care of. You cannot easily take her for granted. You may think that she is high maintenance but remember that all the great girls are!

4) She likes it when you are around her.

She wants you to be around her, all the time if that is possible. She likes your presence and this basically shows that she adores you totally. Don’t think that she is trying to occupy your life or something; she is just trying to be around you as much as possible.

Clingy Things She Does
10 Super Clingy Things She Does When She’s Your Forever Person

5) She doesn’t maintain a physical distance from you.

One of the super clingy things she does is to casually hold your hand and walk. Or just randomly keep her head on your shoulder and rest. This is not PDA for her. Her physical attraction towards you is almost organic. It is as if she cannot stop herself from touching you and feeling your presence.

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6) She shows you off on social media.

Oh! Come on. She isn’t clingy if she is showing you off on social media. It is her way of telling the world that she has found someone special. In other words, she knows where she belongs and wishes to show that she is sure about her feelings for you.

7) She wants to know things about you.

If she wants to know all the little details of your life, how is that bad? She just wants to know you better so that she can be in your life.

Also, this means that she wants to understand you so that she can provide for you and fulfill your needs. If she won’t know what you like, how will she satisfy you?

Clingy Things She Does

8) Her time is yours.

One of the clingy things she does when she loves you is making her world move around you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that she is desperate or dependent on you. It is just that she has worked but she arranges her day in order to be with you.

To me, that is not clingy, that is in fact, so very thoughtful.

9) She enquires about your family.

If she talks about your family and enquires about them, this means that she is interested in meeting them someday. It is not that she is forcing or influencing you to make her meet your family; she just wants to be approved by your family as well.

Yes, all that she is looking for is some approval of the relationship by your family because she wants to be with you.

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10) She gets jealous and uncomfortable about other women around you.

We often think that jealousy comes from an insecure place.

So we assume that if someone is jealous, they are insecure about the relationship.

But that is not the case for everyone. She might just be jealous because she wants you for herself. She wants your attention and doesn’t want to share you with anyone. It’s adorable.

So, don’t think clingy is negative. I think you should cling to the clingy ones as they are your ‘forever’.

Clingy Things She Does
10 Super Clingy Things She Does When She’s Your Forever Person
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So, these were some of the super clingy things girls do when they’re really into you. Does your girl do any of these? Tell us in the comments below!

10 Clingy Things She Does which say She Is Your Forever Person
10 Super Clingy Things Girls Do When They Love You
Clingy Things She Does Forever Person Pin
10 Clingy Things She Does When She Loves You
Clingy Things She Does
10 Super Clingy Things She Does When She’s Your Forever Person

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  1. Ilerioluwakinshi Avatar

    wow, good job

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