10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be


Becoming The Person You Mean To Be: 10 Uncomfortable Signs

Are you becoming the person you mean to be? There’re 10 uncomfortable yet reassuring signs that can confirm this!

Do you think you’re the person you’re meant to be? Like everybody else, you also have your own dreams and aspirations to become the person you mean to be, and in order to do that, you must embrace change.

Change is bound to make you feel uncomfortable but you must accept and embrace it. If you’re facing discomfort on your way, then it’s a sign that you are moving in the right direction.

Never turn back no matter how hard it is, else you may have to live a life that is less than you deserve and you’ll fail to be the person you mean to be.

This is the time you must open yourself up to new experiences and you should begin to realize the beauty of change. It is important for you to recognize the uncomfortable signs so that you don’t lose focus in the middle of your mission.

10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be!

Here’re the signs that confirm you’re becoming the person you want to be:

Signs Becoming Person Youre Meant To Be
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be

1. Independence Mode On

You are absolutely independent in your life now. This means that you wish and desire and even do all the things by yourself and this independence is absolutely important to you. You live so that you can be independent.

Sometimes, this independence makes you feel alone and uncomfortable but you don’t want to give it up for anything else in the whole wide world. This is because you feel that you are in charge of everything and this feeling is of utmost pleasure to you.

Your freedom to be you signifies that you’re becoming the person you mean to be!

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2. You Are Not An Absolute Fan Of Yourself

You feel that you have unfinished business. You need to work on yourself. You think that you are a project that needs polishing and you strive for this kind of excellence in your daily life.

Also, you are aware of the key areas that you should work on and this awareness is indeed the beginning of the change that you desire to achieve in your life. You’re on your way to be the person you mean to be.

3. You So Want To Dump The Unnecessary Relationships

With maturity comes a realization that some relationships come with a lot of baggage and stress. This means that some relationships are not as good for us as we think they are.

You will dump these unnecessary relationships as you want to start afresh on this front because you realize that you are strong enough to deal with the loneliness and sadness that breaking these ties may cause.

But what you are striving for is real and you want to become the person you mean to be, so you don’t wish to compromise that at all.

the person you mean to be
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be

4. Trust Is A Big Deal

You have been through a lot, obviously. And this ‘a lot’ has taught you one important thing, which is, you can only trust a few people in your life.

You wish to put your faith, trust, time, and energy into a selected few because you don’t want your trust to be broken.

You have often been in a position where you had to question your ability to trust but now you are certain: You must trust only after checking that that person deserves your trust.

5. You Feel Life Is Not Offering You Much

You desire and wish for new experiences every day and this desire pushes you towards betterment. But you always complain that life is not offering you enough. What does that mean?

This means that you expect more from life, you’re eager to explore more opportunities, take more chances, push yourself harder, and get out of your comfort zone.

You’re getting ready to be the person you mean to be!

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6. You Know What It Means To Be Sad

This means that one of the most familiar feelings for you is the feeling of sadness. You understand sadness and you know how to overcome it.

So much so, you understand the importance of sadness in your life. You don’t think it is as bad as people make of it.

You even think that sadness is pertinent and important for your betterment and your life. It is often said that people who have understood the concept of sadness, have understood one of the most important aspects of life.

7. You Are Uncomfortable With The Concept Of Time

This means that the thought that you might not have enough time makes you feel extremely uncomfortable.

You keep thinking that you are running short of time because there is so much to do and so little time to do it.

So, maybe you have mastered certain concepts of life but one thing that you have not learned that well is the way you should deal with the entity of time.

8. Regret Is A Common Feeling For You

Yes. Because you have reached a certain point where you understand yourself. You have also understood that you did make mistakes in the past. You are aware that you should not have done certain things that you did.

This feeling makes you regret some events of the past. Don’t worry; this is all part of your evolution. It is all about realizing that we had been once wrong and we should not repeat the mistakes this time.

Accept your mistakes, if you want to become the person you mean to be.

10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be

9. You Miss The Ones You Love

As you journey through life, you begin to recognize the profound impact certain individuals have had on your existence.

With each passing day, you grow increasingly aware of the significance their presence held in shaping your experiences, prompting a poignant longing for them.

This bittersweet realization fills your heart, occasionally enveloping you in a sense of melancholy.

10. You Are Uncertain About Your Future

You are afraid of the future. This is because you have dreams and aspirations and you are scared that those might not come true.

In addition, there is a deep-seated apprehension within you about potential future losses and the accompanying pain. However, the most significant concern that lingers in your thoughts is the fear of not evolving into the person you envisioned yourself to be in the coming years.

This feeling gnaws you and makes you feel uncomfortable.

Related: 8 Types Of Negative Thinking That Can Destroy Your Peace Of Mind

So, these are some uncomfortable signs that prove that you are on the right path to being the person you mean to be. Carry on and tread with caution (but also pride; not everyone has been able to walk on this path).

What do you think? Are you on the way to becoming the person you were born to be? Let us know in the comments down below.

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10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be
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10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be
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10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be
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10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be
the person you mean to be
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be
the person you mean to be
10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You Mean To Be

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  1. Mohammad Baquir Avatar
    Mohammad Baquir

    Except 3rd point I have 9 qualities developed over time and I have found out that due to these qualities sometimes I feel like either i am crazy or this world is crazy. But these points are so soothing and it means that o am on the right track. Thanks allot for this

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