How Changing Your Beliefs Will Make You Realize How Much Life Has To Offer


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How Changing Your Beliefs Will Make You Realize

“Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.” — Unknown

What are your predominant beliefs about life? There’s no right or wrong answer, but it’s important we know what we’re believing about life. Would you agree that what you believe determines your reality? I ask these questions because our beliefs are the canvas upon which we paint the masterpiece of our life.

Our beliefs are the repositories of our past and existing reality. We gain great insights into ourselves by understanding our beliefs since it is the foundation upon which we build our life. Similarly, we are unaware of the unlimited possibilities and opportunities available to us beyond our senses.

Related: 11 Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back In Life

Life is an intricate web, functioning perfectly and cohesively. What may look like disorder and dysfunction is actually a well-ordered system, working on its own accord. For example, how do the planets know the precise order to orbit one another in the solar system? How does the human body function, with its thousands of intricate biological processes? Yes, things may go astray with our physical health, however, I don’t believe this is Mother Nature’s fault as much as a fault in our thinking.

Life has so much to offer us, and we are accessing a tiny portion of what is possible.

Do you agree we live in a loving universe? Or do you believe the universe is a hostile place? It requires examining your beliefs and deciding whether you are open to changing them. In my 20s and for the better part of my early 30s, I believed the universe was a hostile place. I was convinced my hardships were life getting back at me for wrongdoings.


Naturally, I worked on changing my views and over time I changed my beliefs. I’m not asking you to change your beliefs but to consider an alternative reality is possible beyond your senses. I invite you to dip your toe in the possibility of this reality being comprised of love, kindness, and compassion. It requires activating our inner wisdom to align with this benevolent power.

If I’m to share one piece of wisdom gained over the years, it is this: everything you see and experience is not what it seems. Your hardships, disappointments, setbacks, and challenges are not intended to minimize you but to awaken you to your authentic power. Changing our beliefs helps us experience a distinct reality already present but concealed from our level of awareness.

Related: 8 Buddhist Beliefs To Heal Your Soul and Find Happiness

Therefore, as we expand our consciousness, we realize the true nature of our reality. We recognize our challenges and disappointments help us develop the essence of who we truly are—spiritual beings having an earthly experience. We begin to experience better circumstances based on our level of consciousness. To prove this point, think of a life-changing experience that took place 10 or 15 years ago. Try to get a sense of how you thought about what took place and compare it to how you think about it now. Would it be fair to say you’ve changed your perception of the event?

Sure, you might say the passing of time has allowed you to heal the emotional wounds. What if the level of growth you experienced over the years was the key factor in seeing this situation differently? What I’m trying to say is: when we expand our minds, we move from pain and disappointment to joy and freedom. We cannot hurry this process any more than hoping we fall in love with a new love interest. 

But we can surrender our thoughts to the universe and invite the truth about reality to fill its place. We can drop our resistance and mental anguish and ask life to show us what we need to learn. We can surrender to life because we are the expression of life. We are part of this intricate ecosystem and it helps when we collaborate with this energetic force instead of resisting it.

Knowing this, I invite you to consider areas of your life that haven’t been smooth sailing lately. Putting aside the current pandemic, write a list of beliefs you hold about your troubles or disappointments. For example, if it relates to a relationship, you might hold the belief your future partner must look a certain way, come from a certain background or ethnicity, be educated, etc.


Examine whether you’re willing to surrender your thoughts about it and ask the universe to show you what you really want in a relationship. Is it love, commitment, trust, honesty, kindness, and compassion, etc.? If so, focus on the feelings these qualities evoke within you. Imagine what this person would be like in actual life. Paint a picture of yourself being with them and visualize it daily.

Align with the possibility that this relationship already exists and it is a matter of calling it into existence. It requires being aligned with the emotional energy of your desires to bring it forth into your reality.

After all, life has more to offer when we expand our awareness of what is possible. When we open our mind and our heart to this creative intelligence, the true source of our supply will flow into our life.

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action to achieve your goals and dreams? Have you had enough of not achieving the success you deserve? If so, download your FREE copy of my comprehensive eBook NAVIGATE LIFE now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

Written By Tony Fakhry
Originally Appeared In Thought Catalog
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