Instinct, Insight, Or Mastery: How Intuitive Are You? Tap Into Your Inner Navigator With This QUIZ


How Intuitive Are You Quiz: Four Clear Levels Of Intuition

How intuitive are you? Do you pay attention to your dreams, believe in your gut instincts, or listen to your inner voice? Take this interesting test your intuition quiz now!

According to studies, our instincts or intuitive capability might help us make faster and more accurate decisions. Most of us develop our opinions about people or events around us based on quick judgments. How can we be certain that the decisions that we make are right?

What Is Intuition?

Intuition is the idea that humans can make sound judgments without the need for conscious logical skills or reasoning. There are many people who use the phrase โ€˜intuitionโ€™ to describe a sensation or feeling they have when making decisions.

Letโ€™s take a look at different levels of intuition there are and how it makes us more confident and allows us to make accurate decisions.

How Intuitive Are You: Levels of Intuition

Intuition is a basic ability which we all have but few of us actually understand it. So making an attempt to identify what truly allows us to have a deep and meaningful connection with others. There are many people who claim to be more intuitive than others, as theyโ€™re highly sensitive to what others are feeling. Hereโ€™s a list of the different types or levels of intuition one may have. Find out which level you are at.

1. Level 1: Gut Instinct

You’ve probably all heard of intuition, and can recall a time when you recognised it or felt its presence in your life. Although gut instinct is the most well-known and widely accepted interpretation of intuition, it is merely a minor fraction of the whole intelligence system. You should not rely only on it to steer you to your full potential or outcome.

Gut instinct is simple, basic, and survival-oriented, which means it communicates through perceptions such as yes or no, stop or go, safe or dangerous, to relay its message.

2. Level 2: Heart-Based Intelligence

The second level of intuition is concerned with compassion and interaction. Your heart invites you to develop strength and empathy and to use them to speak and connect with all other living beings. It directs you to speak or do what is necessary for moments of emergency. You may even form unspoken bonds with people, animals, and places that cannot be expressed by words or rational reasoning.

3. Level 3: Visionary Power

Do you find yourself dreaming about things that could turn into reality? The third level of intuitive intelligence is associated with creativity and generating possibilities. It may be linked to spiritual vision, lucid dreaming, or other higher psychic experiences. This is the level of intuition where unexpected breakthroughs, fresh ways of doing things, and game-changing new ideas are prevalent.

4. Level Four: The Connection to Universal Wisdom

The fourth level of intuitive intelligence is associated with general awareness and consciousness. This intelligence is frequently engaged during profound meditation or specialized awareness programs, and it has also been recorded during near-death experiences or times of severe stress or trauma.

It is also the highest degree of intuition one can achieve while still in physical form since it permits us to enter the realm of all things and become fully aware of our connection with the universe.

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How Intuitive Are You? Find Your Level Of Intuition with this Personality Test Quiz

So, now that we know how intuitive you are, let’s figure out what form of intuition you have and how is it related to your sixth sense.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers โ€“ just intriguing insights awaiting you.

What Kind Of Intuitive Quality Do You Have? Personality Test Quiz

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  1. Angela Welch Avatar
    Angela Welch

    Yes I picked the correct one.

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