By Doing What You Love, Success Will Follow


By Doing What You Love, Success Will Follow

Do what you love-

I always say to people: Do what you love, follow your bliss, listen to your heart and intuition, and know that by doing so, success will have no choice but to follow.

Of course, when you get stuck in a job you donโ€™t love, when you are doing the things that took you off your path for too long, hearing words like: doing what you love, success, passion, etc. can be quite irritating.

Most of us live with this impression that we donโ€™t really have control over what we do, over what happens to us, over our happiness and our unhappiness, and that we are victims, and of course, as victims, all we know how to do, is defend ourselves. Because we spend so much time in the defending mode, we forget who we really are, we forget that we do have a choice, and that we do have the ability to shift our lives in the right direction.

I promised that I will write a post on how to do what you love and still be able to pay your bills, and I will like to share with you all, some things that I have learned over the years from great teachers, people like Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Lao Tzu, Rumi, Dale Carnegie, Wayne Dyer, and many, many others.

First of all, I strongly believe, actually, I donโ€™t believe, I know, that we all have something unique and special about ourselves, and that what I have, no one has, and what you have, no other person in the world has, and I also know that these are our unique gifts and talents, these are the things that we are born with, and if we choose to focus and work on them, and with them, we will encounter success, and we will be happy, we will be content with our lives, our environment, our friends, family, and all that will happen to us and all around us.

This is not something I invented, it is something that everyย successfulย person who is doing what he/she loves, will tell you. You want to be happy, work with that which you love, with that which you are so passionate about, and you will discover things about yourself that you never though were there.

As I was writing this and as I was listeningย down these great teachers, all of these quotes started running through my mind, and I want to share with you a few of them, just so you can better understand how important it is to work with your passions, with your unique gifts and talents.

So here they are:

โ€œLet the beauty of what you love be what you do.โ€ย ~ Rumi

โ€œDoing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.โ€ย ~ Wayne Dyer

โ€œAre you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.โ€ย ~ Dale Carnegie

โ€œIn dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, donโ€™t try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present.โ€ ~ Lao Tzu

โ€œIf there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you.โ€ ~ย Alan Armstrong

โ€œOnce you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.โ€ย ~ Emerson

โ€œIf one advances confidently in the direction of oneโ€™s dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.โ€ย ~ Henry David Thoreau

If right now, you are in a place where you arenโ€™t exactly doing the things you love, or maybe, you canโ€™t even get a job, you might want to pause for a while and start asking yourself a couple of questions, questions that might help you discover what is it that you really want, why is it that your life is the way it is, where would you like to be headed, how does the perfect life looks for you, and many other question that might help you get back on the right track and start living the life thatย  you really deserve.

Is where you are right now really that bad? How will things be different once you get from A to Z? Will you be happy then? How do you know this is true? Will you be willing to let go of some โ€œsecurityโ€ for a while in order to start on your journey of self discovery and self mastery? Are you willing to take some risks?

These are some things you might to consider that maybe you havenโ€™t thought about, or maybe you were to afraid to do it because of the answered you might have got, but if you really want to make your dreams become realty, you will have to faced them all.

I canโ€™t tell you something that you donโ€™t know already, I canโ€™t tell you some secret formula that will help you do the things you love and still be able to pay the bills (and this is something that I donโ€™t think you would want for yourself, to just survive, to pay your bills), but what I can tell you is this: Always choose to focus on the things you do want to attract in your life, always choose to focus on that which is positive rather than negative, and picture yourself as already having the life that you want for yourself, knowing that by doing so, you will attract all that you need in order to make your dreams become reality.

Also, what I have personally learned from my mentor, Wayne Dyer, is to always use these powerful words: I Am!

When you use these two powerful words โ€œI amโ€, followed by any statement, visualizing it, and adding emotion and certainty to it, you become one with it and it becomes one with you. When you combine these two powerful words with emotion and images, the whole universe will conspire to make it happen.

I am doing what I love, and I love what I do.

I am living a prosperous life, etc.

I am discovering new and great talents every day, talents I didnโ€™t even knew I haveโ€ฆ

Your mind does not know how to differentiate between what is real and what is not, and by repeating these words to yourself, you will attract the right people, the right ideas, the right circumstance, and all that you need in order to become the person you want to become.

So if you are youย willingย to start the voyage of discovery into unknown lands and rediscover yourself, if you are willingย to experience some short term pain and discomfort so that you can later experience real happiness,ย you will be able to do what you love and beย successfulย at it.


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