Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is


Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: Zodiac Lover Girls

When it comes to being a girlfriend, do you like to be sweet and docile or demanding and bossy? Or maybe a little bit both? Letโ€™s see how it plays out when we look at the zodiac signs as girlfriends.

Yes, we can figure out the type of girlfriend you are by looking at your zodiac sign! Each of the 12 zodiacs rules over our personality and influences the way we think, behave, and process our emotions. So, naturally, they have an influence over our relationships and the way we conduct ourselves around our loved ones.

Your zodiac sign shapes your nature and makes you the person you are! So, what kind of a girlfriend are you based on your zodiac sign? Letโ€™s find out!

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Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends According To Astrology

Here are the 12 types of zodiac girlfriends:

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends aries
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Aries girlfriends are passionate, aggressive, enthusiastic, and intimidating. They love to take control of the relationship and can get demanding at times. They are thrill-seekers and always on the lookout for new adventures to embark upon, with their partner.

They are always ready to handle every conflict that arises in the relationship. An Aries woman can not be pushed around. She has a good head on her shoulders and she is always looking out for the best for both her and her partner. 

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends taurus
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

A Taurus woman is a sensuous little thing. She loves to be adored and showered with love, affection, and gifts. She expresses her love quite seductively and can be excellent in the art of lovemaking.

Taurus girlfriends are caring and focused on material life. So, they love to take care of the home, cook for their partner, and make sure they both have enough resources to lead a decent life.

Financial stability, comfort, and a secure future are important to them. So, they work side by side with their partner to create a solid foundation for both of them. They know that they can get stubborn, so they try to avoid confrontations as much as possible. 

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends gemini
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Gemini women are the โ€œcool girlfriendsโ€. They live in the present and do not like to think too much about the future. They love to enjoy life to the fullest with their partner and proactively take initiative regarding trips, vacations, and outings.

A Gemini girlfriend will try to improve her relationship in every way possible and wonโ€™t shy away from trying out new things. But as soon as her partner starts to act possessive or clingy, she loses interest in the relationship. Gemini women donโ€™t like to feel restricted in any way.

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends cancer
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Cancer women are loving, caring, and affectionate to a fault. They are very much sensitive and show the same sensitivity toward their partner. They respect their partnerโ€™s needs and emotions and always put them first.

But a Cancer girlfriend can get hurt easily, especially if her partner is not emotionally intelligent enough to anticipate her moods and needs. If her partner lets her down or hurts her feelings, she might become closed off and hide her softness behind a facade of a tough exterior.ย 

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends leo
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

All the Fire zodiac signs as girlfriends are passionate, but Leo girlfriends bring something extra special to the table. They are possessive and high-maintenance, but also caring, affectionate, devoted, and sensitive.

Leo girlfriends are fun-loving yet seek a loving home space to settle down and grow roots, they are opinionated yet thoughtful about their partnerโ€™s feelings, and though they have an indomitable spirit, they can act demure and let their partner take the lead.

In short, a Leo woman can be a mystery that hooks their partner on and keeps them captivated. She is a natural charmer and an enchantress, but not deceptive. She wears her heart on her sleeves and can get hurt easily. As much as she loves attention, she readily gives it back.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends virgo
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Virgo girlfriends might not be big on over-the-top displays of affection but they are the steady and stable type. They are attentive and lend support to their partner every step of the way and take care of their practical needs.

A Virgo girlfriend can expect a lot from her partner and encourage them to apply themselves more. She is not very expressive and open about her feelings but can get hurt if her efforts are not recognized and appreciated. Her love is deep and she hates showing off.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends libra
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Libra women tend to lose themselves in their relationships. They care a lot about their partnerโ€™s views, opinions, and feelings and try to adopt these beliefs and principles as their own. They do not like to get into conflicts and so try to avoid arguments at any cost.

A Libra girlfriend will want her significant other to be involved in her life as much as possible and she will never make any plan, either long or short-term, without running it by them first.

Libra girlfriends want a harmonious relationship and are very considerate and thoughtful regarding their partner, but if they feel their partner is bringing too much negativity into their relationship, she will hit the brakes in no time.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends scorpio
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Water zodiac signs as girlfriends are emotionally vulnerable, but Scorpio females guard their vulnerable side with impenetrable ferocity. They may come across as mean, rude, or difficult, but this outer shell is only to protect their intense emotions.

If their partner wins their heart and their trust, Scorpio girlfriends can be extremely devoted, loyal, seductive, and caring. They are also possessive and demanding in their relationships but only because they are willing to fulfill the same needs. If they ever feel ignored or betrayed, they can get real stingy real quick. 

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends saggittarius
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Sagittarius women are free-spirited, independent, humorous, and honest. Just like the Geminis, they are the cool girlfriends who live for today and hate to be tied down.

Sagittarius girlfriends want their partners to accompany them in every crazy adventure and fun activity they plan. They want to share every significant life experience with their special person, But, they also want enough space without any burden of interference or expectations.

When it comes to intense conversations and heated arguments, a Sag woman will try to be goofy and dilute the situation with humor.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends capricon
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Capricorn girlfriends take time to confess their feelings and they donโ€™t openly express their emotions. But deep inside, they are very intense and care a lot about their partner.

Capricorn women can be career-oriented and prioritize their work over their relationships. But, their relationships are very important for their overall well-being and if they feel they can lose their partner due to any reason, they can get obsessive and do everything they can to hold on to them.

They have a stable and reassuring influence on their partnerโ€™s life. Cap girlfriends are the best advisors and they help their partner to ground themselves.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends aquarius
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

Aquarius females try to come off as indifferent, aloof, and unattached. And they do a well enough job to convince their partner that they are emotionally distant.

In reality, Aquarius women are sensitive and they feel insecure and hurt quite often. But they are a bit egoistic and donโ€™t like to admit their vulnerability. So, they pretend that they donโ€™t care and that their partnerโ€™s behavior doesnโ€™t affect them.

Sag girlfriends are devoted to their partners and will do anything to make them happy. But they are not good at managing their negative emotions, and so when they feel ignored or unloved, they keep themselves busy with work and various projects.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends pisces
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

There is nothing a Piscean girlfriend wants more than a larger-than-life love story. She wants to experience the romance depicted in novels and candyfloss movies. Nothing is cringy or cliche for our hopeless romantic Piscean gal!

But letโ€™s not discount her devotion and care toward her partner. A Piscean woman is gentle, emotional, and sensitive in nature. She is attentive and observant toward her partner.

She loves to be in love and does everything in her power to make her partner happy and satisfied. A Pisces woman in a relationship wants her partner to be sensitive toward her emotions and do all the grand gestures of love that she fantasizes about.

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When It Comes To Being A Girlfriend, Zodiac Signs Matter Or Not Depends On You

It is you who gets to decide what type of girlfriend you want to be in a relationship. These zodiac traits merely draw an outline. You are the one to fill in with all the colors and donโ€™t ever feel shy to color outside the lines.

So those were the 12 zodiac signs as girlfriends. That concludes our topic of what kind of girlfriend you are based on your zodiac sign.

Did we get it right on what kind of girlfriend you are, as per your zodiac sign? Also, for the boys, what kind of girlfriend you have according to zodiac sign? Donโ€™t forget to let us know all your thoughts on zodiac girlfriends by commenting down below!

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Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is
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Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is
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Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is
zodiac signs as girlfriend
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is
zodiac signs as girlfriend
Zodiac Signs As Girlfriends: The Kind Of Girlfriend Each Zodiac Sign Is

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