The 12 Zodiac Signs In Love: How The Stars Make You Behave In Relationships


Zodiac Signs In Love: How You Act In A Relationship?

Have you noticed how you behave with your favorite person can be so different from how you generally conduct yourself in life? Learning how the zodiac signs in love behave can shed some light on your changed behavior!

Do you sometimes wonder why you have suddenly started behaving like a teenager? Throwing tantrums, getting easily teary-eyed? Or maybe more hyper than usual?

You might be a well-sorted person with a good head over your shoulders, yet when it comes to that one special someone, you tend to make impulsive decisions or jump to conclusions too often.

Or it may so happen, that you have become too demanding or reserved, whereas you have an easy-going or over-sharing personality.

Don’t be surprised. You are in love my darling! There’s nothing wrong with you. You just might have started seeing a romantic connection as a long-term relationship!

And yes, it is making you behave a little…well for lack of a better word, strange and different, that’s all!

Interestingly, how you behave in a relationship has a direct connection with your zodiac personality traits.

The zodiac placements in your chart, especially the Big 3 (Sun, Moon, and Rising) signs influence your behavior, tendencies, inner dialogues, and emotional reactions.

So, how do you behave in a relationship according to your zodiac sign? How the stars are influencing your meltdowns or outbursts? Let’s examine the zodiac signs in relationships and their starry tantrums!

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12 Zodiac Signs In Love

Here is how you act in your relationship, based on your zodiac sign. Don’t forget to check your sun (what you show), moon (how you feel), and rising (what you stand for)!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)    

zodiac signs in love
Zodiac Signs In Love

As an Aries, you have a short fuse and you tend to get impatient. But as a friend or even in your familial or platonic connections, you are very considerate, caring, and understanding.

You try to offer support and motivation and be there for others. This makes you well-loved and a role model to follow.

But when Cupid hits, you tend to get very very childlike and demanding. You want your partner to realize how important you are to them.

This doesn’t stem from your ego though, but your insecurity and vulnerability. You can’t express your emotions too well when in love and you can’t help but think your partner would misunderstand you, not value your efforts, and eventually leave.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)  

zodiac signs in love
Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Taurus, you are stable, patient, and steadfast. You value emotions and all your personal relationships. You show your care through acts of service like cooking, tending to their needs, or taking care of them.

But when you find yourself head over heels in love with someone, you start thinking practically and long-term. You don’t wear a rose-tinted glass.

Your focus shifts to managing shared resources, making plans for paying mortgages, and investments, saving more, hustling, and those types of things.

Holding hands, sending emojis, or cheesy romance no longer stay on your list. This might make you appear emotionless or even money-minded. However, it’s far from the truth.

Your changed attitude is solely due to the fact that now you are serious about this relationship and want to build a solid future with your partner. When you get serious with someone, building a comfortable and secure life together becomes your goal.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Gemini, you prioritize your connections. No matter how busy you are, you make time and you always show up for others. You love to meet new people and make new friends as well.

It’s your characteristic to always keep an open mind and try to understand others’ points of view. You also change your standing to accommodate others or make others comfortable.

BUT… when you find yourself in a committed relationship, you tend to get emotionally aloof and detached.

You are exceptionally good at communication. However, with your partner, you tend to avoid the conversation and expect them to understand you without you having to spell it out for them.

Now, this doesn’t mean, however, that you don’t love them or are not serious about them. You just don’t want to lose your freedom or get focused only on one person.

If your partner realizes this, they can make you feel comfortable and secure, assuring you of your personal space. But if your partner smothers you or starts acting clingy or insecure, you two might even start drifting apart.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Cancerian, you are known to be loving and giving. Caring for others and nurturing your personal bonds make you feel happy and fulfilled. Self-less dedication toward your loved ones feels very authentic to you and usually, you don’t mind opening up to others about your emotions and vulnerabilities.

You are also a die-hard romantic and when in love, you want to extend this caring attitude to your partner as well. Putting their needs first, even at the cost of your well-being doesn’t seem like a problem to you.

However, you have found that not everyone does justice to your unconditional love. You have been taken advantage of quite a few times and this has left you feeling hurt, broken, and even exploited.

This is the reason why when you start getting attracted to someone new or you feel you are falling in love, you tend to get wary of possible heartbreak.

As a defense mechanism, Cancer in relationships starts shielding itself, especially during the beginning.

You go into a shell and try to appear unbothered, detached, or even heartless; lest your heart gets shattered again!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Leo, you like the spotlight. You prefer passion over peace, drama over boring, and grand gestures over subtle cues.

Things need to be larger-than-life for you, otherwise it just doesn’t seem appealing. Your flair for drama, intense emotions, and an affinity to be the center of attention make you detest a mundane life.

As a hopeless romantic, you try to bring the same energy into your love life and relationships. You want a love story that is out of a movie or a classic novel.

Naturally, you won’t take a lover who will not indulge your child-like fascinations and passionate fervor. When in love, you strive to make everything intense, over the top, and very very out of the ordinary.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Virgo, you are known to be a perfectionist. You tend to be hyper-critical of yourself and others. You set the bar high and show tough love so that others apply themselves more.

You come from a good place when you push people to achieve more. But this often makes you look hard to please with remarkably high standards.

People wrongly assume that in relationships too, you are picky and expect your potential partner to be rich, successful, or attractive.

But when you decide to go steady with someone, you don’t go for looks, money, or status. Sure, you appreciate an established individual who has made something out of themselves, but it is the potential in them that you fall for.

You fall for their honesty, integrity, originality, character, and purity. And when it comes to appearance, you admire natural beauty or genuine personality over superficial features. A Virgo personality in relationships is not a shallow one.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Libra, you stand for balance. Harmony and beauty are the two things that you strive to achieve, both in your inner and outer world.

Inner beauty, grace, and a dignified attitude attract you. You yourself have a charming personality that mesmerizes others. You have a refined taste and a liking for the finer things in life; may it be poetry, moonlight, or fine dining.

However, love can often have an overwhelming effect on you. Genuine relationships are not only about “moonlight and love songs“; they bring conflicts, difficult conversations, and intensity, which you tend to avoid.

Your aversion to dealing with difficult yet necessary things like boundaries, expectations, desires, etc. in your relationship and the emotional aftermath of your avoidant attachment style often wreaks havoc on your inner tranquility.

And once you lose your inner balance, your graceful charming persona gives way to angry outbursts and ugly showdowns.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Scorpio, you are enigmatic, mysterious, difficult, and intense. But behind your tough exterior, you hide a soft, vulnerable, and sensitive heart. A Scorpio in relationships is always a giver.

You are romantic, protective, loyal, and a tad domineering. You are extremely passionate in bed and in general, want to protect your partner and provide for them.

In return, you expect nothing else than trust, faithfulness, loyalty, and devotion. You need your partner to be faithful to you, trust you, and to some extent be submissive to you.

You never want to exploit their trust and always try to go above and beyond to take care of them.

No matter how good you are between the sheets and how hot someone is, if you don’t love them, you won’t waste their or your time.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)   

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Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Sagittarius, you are a free-spirit who doesn’t like to be tied down. You need your freedom; enough room to roam about.

You don’t attach much importance to emotional demands and encourage your partner to be self-reliant and work on their goals.

This care-free attitude also makes you take certain things less seriously; flirting for example or being too friendly with strangers or people of the opposite sex, even if that makes your partner uncomfortable.

You follow your own philosophy in life and hate to change yourself for others. But, when you’re serious about someone or you feel hopelessly in love, you do everything possible to keep them in your life.

If your partner wants to leave you, you will try to convince them in every way possible. You will go out of your way to attract them or bring them back.

You’re an optimistic person who doesn’t give up easily and you bring that same tenacity to your relationships, but only when it gets threatened.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)   

zodiac signs in love
Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Capricorn, you are an ambitious and goal-oriented person. You devote a chunk of your energy and life to meeting your professional and financial targets.

You are driven, dedicated, and a hard-working soul who wants to create a safe and secure future for themselves and their loved ones.

To fulfill this purpose, you can go to any extreme. You are private and reserved, but if you need to crack a deal or get a job done, you won’t mind networking, attending parties, or even social dos, just to advance your career.

However, when it’s finally your personal time with your special someone, you will want to spend time with them at home, enjoy a quiet cozy day, cook together, watch a movie together, and fall asleep (at a reasonable time) together at night.

This does not mean, however, that you do not want to be seen with them in public or you do not want to make memories with them, which by the way, your partner might wrongly assume.

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

zodiac signs in love
Zodiac Signs In Love

As an Aquarius, you take pride in being open-minded, liberal, and forward-thinking. You attach great importance to morality, ethics, and principles.

You are not too big on emotional displays of affection or making grand gestures of love, but you do believe in having your partner’s back, during all situations.

You just want your partner to be open and transparent to you. You want them to never hide anything from you and come to you if they are ever in a pickle.

You might not be great with romantic monologues but coming up with creative solutions and offering great practical advice makes you a great partner who can be counted on, always.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

zodiac signs in love
Zodiac Signs In Love

As a Pisces, you are sensitive, romantic, empathic, emotional, imaginative, and did I mention sensitive? Well, you do live in a world of your own.

This is a world where everything is perfect, everyone is polite to each other (even non-Canadians), every love story gets its happy ending, every lover professes their affection through grand romantic gestures, and your partner can read your mind.

But the real world doesn’t work like that, does it mate? Things go wrong, your boss doesn’t appreciate your efforts, your friends let you down, and your partner, no matter how much they love you, can hurt you now and then.

Being sensitive, you have a tendency to cut yourself off and go AWOL when things don’t go your way.

And when you are in love, your vulnerability and sensitivity increases. So, more often than not, you want to be left alone so you can process your emotions.

When in love, you need a lot of “alone time” and this can be taken as a negative sign by your partner, especially if they don’t have good emotional intelligence.

So, those are the 12 zodiac signs in love. Could you resonate? How do you behave in a relationship? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

The Different Zodiac Signs In Love And Relationships
The 12 Zodiac Signs In Love: How The Stars Make You Behave In Relationships
zodiac signs in love
The 12 Zodiac Signs In Love: How The Stars Make You Behave In Relationships
zodiac signs in love
Zodiac Signs In Relationships, Cancer In Relationships, Scorpio In Relationships, How Do You Behave In A Relationship

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  1. MaliSa Radzi Avatar
    MaliSa Radzi

    Spot on me! Hate liars

    1. Gina Ingardia Avatar
      Gina Ingardia

      who doesn’t dislike lies? lol

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