Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!


Zodiac Birthstones For All Signs

Yes, zodiac birthstones are a thing and no, they are not just a pretty piece of jewelry. Pay attention, because these dazzling stones might just be what you need to turn your life around. Intrigued yet? Keep reading!

Like I mentioned, zodiac birthstones are more than an accessory—they’re also believed to heal past and present traumas, cleanse and energize your aura, and boost your confidence.

Birthstone jewelry is so popular that even royals wear it! Prince William gave Kate Middleton a ring with their birthstones: a pearl for him and a garnet for her. But I digress!

Picking the right gem might be confusing, especially if you’re new to astrology. But don’t worry! Here’s an easy guide to the birthstones for each zodiac sign. Find out which one suits your sign and how it can make a positive difference in your life.

What are zodiac birthstones?

Birthstones are exactly what they sound like—gemstones linked to your birthday. There are various birthstone charts, but we’ll focus on the most popular one: the zodiac birthstone chart.

Though it might seem like a modern idea, the origins of zodiac birthstones can be traced back to biblical times, specifically the Book of Exodus (600 to 400 BC). According to the story, a high priest wore a stunning breastplate decorated with 12 precious stones. These stones were believed to give him divine powers, and soon, people started wearing these stones themselves. This is just one of many origin stories, as different cultures have their own traditions and rituals involving zodiac birthstones.

Over time, this tradition evolved into what we know today as zodiac signs. With the boom in jewelry sales in the early 1900s, the Jewelers of America created and standardized a list of birthstones for each month.

Side note: Zodiac birthstones are different from traditional birthstones. You see, traditional birthstones were created keeping in mind on specific month. But since two zodiac signs can share the same month, zodiac birthstones are more geared toward your inherent astrological traits. With that being said, let’s see which is your birthstone according to your zodiac sign.

Zodiac Birthstone Chart

Zodiac SignBirthstone
Aries (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)Bloodstone
Taurus (Apr. 20–May. 20)Sapphire
Gemini (May. 21–Jun. 20)Agate
Cancer (Jun. 21–Jul. 22)Emerald
Leo (Jul. 23–Aug. 22)Onyx
Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)Carnelian
Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)Peridot
Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)Aquamarine
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)Blue turquoise
Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)Ruby
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)Garnet
Pisces (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)Amethyst
Zodiac Birthstone Chart

Now, keep reading to understand why you should wear your particular zodiac birthstone!

All Zodiac Birthstones by Month

Aries (Mar. 21–Apr. 19): Bloodstone

zodiac birthstones
Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Two adjectives that best describe Rams are bold and daring. Because they are ruled by Mars, the planet of action and motivation, they are always up for a challenge and when they set their mind to something, there is nothing that stop them from achieving that goal. Which is why bloodstone seems the most fitting zodiac birthstone for these fierce and resilient Rams, as it represents courage and strength.

Taurus (Apr. 20–May. 20): Sapphire

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

When you think of “Bull,” you might picture a stubborn nature and a tough exterior. But don’t be fooled by their poker face. Ruled by Venus, the planet of romance and beauty, this earth sign is a secret softie. They love to spoil those around them with acts of service and genuine care. While the traditional birthstone for Taurus is emerald, many astrologers believe blue sapphire is a perfect match. Sapphire symbolizes sincerity, truth, faithfulness, honor and even the openness of a person’s soul which can soften the the tough exterior Taurus is famous for putting on.

Gemini (May. 21–Jun. 20): Agate

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Geminis, the dual-natured twin sign, is known for it’s love for variety and inability to settle for one thing. Since they are ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect and communication, Geminis have sharp observation skills and can easily adapt to any situation. However, their tendency to overthink can lead to burnout. Fortunately, their zodiac birthstone can help them relax and de-stress. Agate helps to manifest balance for the Gemini and brings a calm and collected energy to any space.

Read More: Zodiac Lucky Charm: Unlocking Destiny With The Power of Your Lucky Charm

Cancer (Jun. 21–Jul. 22): Emerald

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

As a water sign, Cancers are deeply emotional and sensitive, yet also highly ambitious. They value loyalty, compassion, and kindness, often going out of their way to make others comfortable. This can be draining, so regular self-care is crucial. Cancers make decisions from the heart, and wearing their zodiac birthstone, emerald, can boost their confidence. Emerald, linked to the heart chakra, aligns perfectly with this home- and comfort-focused sign.

Leo (Jul. 23–Aug. 22): Onyx

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Leos, with their lion-like spirit, are known for their grand ambitions and larger-than-life personalities. Governed by the Sun, which fuels their ego and deep-seated desires, Leos naturally shine brightly and often bring a touch of humor to every situation. Their fiery nature illuminates the world around them, inspiring others to embrace their own inner glow.

To match their powerful presence, Leos need a zodiac birthstone that can keep up with their intensity. Onyx is said to possess extraordinary healing and restorative properties, making it the perfect companion for a Leo’s vibrant energy.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Carnelian

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Virgos scream perfectionism. They are known for their exceptional organizational skills and keen attention to detail, Virgos leave no stone unturned. However, sometimes, this need to be perfect can become overwhelming. To balance this out, they should find a stone that will promote their courage and self-confidence. This is where carnelian comes in to play. This gemstone is well known for empowering individuals and boosting confidence. Wearing this stone will help the delicate Virgos to navigate life without being overwhelmed by fear.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Peridot

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Libras often suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) due to need to enjoy every experience life has to offer. Ruled by Venus, they’re always on the hunt for new opportunities and radiate a natural sense of luck and abundance. However, this can sometimes lead to overindulgence. To maintain balance, Libras can turn to peridot—a gemstone that enhances fortune, sharpens intuition, and boosts charisma, making it an ideal choice for these dynamic individuals.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Aquamarine

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Scorpios are known for their relentless passion and drive, often pushing themselves to the limit. This intensity can sometimes cause stress and imbalance. To help balance their deep emotions and enhance their intuition, Scorpios can benefit from aquamarine. This gemstone strengthens their connection to spiritual and mystical realms and aligns perfectly with their water sign nature.

Read More: Revealing The Deepest Phobias: Exploring The Biggest Fear Of Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Blue turquoise

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Sagittarius thrives on adventure and excitement, which often leads them to burn bright and fast. To avoid burnout, it’s essential for them to occasionally slow down and recharge. Their birthstone, turquoise, offers a calming influence that helps them manage stress and maintain balance. Turquoise is ideal for meditation and positive affirmations and encourages Sagittarians to take a breather amid their whirlwind lifestyle.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Ruby

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Capricorns are destined for success, no matter how challenging the journey. Their relentless drive, guided by Saturn’s influence, ensures they often come out on top. To support their ambitious goals, Capricorns should turn to ruby. This powerful gemstone, known for its vitality and dedication, helps manifest dreams and aligns them with their deepest desires.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Garnet

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Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Aquarius is the zodiac’s trailblazer, known for its sharp intellect and rebellious spirit. Guided by Saturn’s discipline and Uranus’s unpredictability, Aquarians thrive on breaking new ground and challenging norms. However, their unconventional path can sometimes feel isolating. To help balance their varied energies, Aquarians should consider garnet. This gemstone promotes consistency and commitment while transforming negative energy into a protective shield.

Pisces (Feb. 19–Mar. 20): Amethyst

zodiac birthstones
Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

Pisces are the psychics of the zodiac. They can usually sense what’s coming and have the ability to smell lies from miles away. They are also creative and carefree and like to go with the flow. However, there are times when their happy-go-lucky nature might make them feel off-course. Amethyst, with its soothing properties, helps Pisces connect with their soul and stabilize their emotions. It is known for enhancing psychic abilities and intuition, making it ideal for amplifying Pisces’s natural gifts.

Read More: The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign

Final Thoughts

Did your zodiac birthstone resonate with you? If not, that’s okay! We’re more than just our sun signs remember? Astrology involves a mix of planetary positions and placements present in the sky at the time of your birth. All those planets came together to shape who we are. So, choose a birthstone that truly speaks to you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I wear a birthstone that isn’t my zodiac sign?

Yes, why not? Zodiacal birthstones are usually related to your star sign, but you can wear any other gemstone if it resonates with you or is in line with your objectives and needs.

What benefits do zodiac birthstones offer?

Zodiac birthstones are believed to enhance intuition, promote emotional balance, and boost confidence. However, each stone has unique properties that support the traits of its associated sign.

Can birthstones help with specific issues or goals?

Many believe that birthstones can aid in addressing specific issues or achieving specific goals. For example, amethyst is thought to enhance intuition, while garnet is known to boost vitality and dedication.

zodiac birthstone chart
Your Zodiac Birthstone Could Change Your Life—Find Out How!

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