The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)


Loving a Virgo

Loving a Virgo means you have hit the relationship jackpot! They are truly one of a kind people, who always know how to keep their partners happy.

Virgos, born between Aug. 23 and Sept. 22, is known for being logical, organized, and perfectionist. We keep our promises, show up on time, and remember our friends’ birthdays. Basically, we have our sh*t together. The downside is that we’re highly critical of ourselves and others, and we get all bent out of shape if things don’t go according to plan.

Now that you have an idea of what Virgos are like, here are some more things you should know before loving a Virgo โ€” and you probably should if you’re a Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, or Scorpio because those are matches made in heaven (or in the stars, at least).

12 things you need to know before loving a Virgo.

1. We’re practically perfect in every way.

Ok, not strictly true. But this is our attainable life goal so any praise and encouragement in that direction will always be welcomed, thank you.

2. We like clean surroundings.

So take it as a compliment that we’re in a relationship with you. Hey! You’re not unhygienic and disgusting! Make sure it stays that way.

3. We’re analytical.

Not saying we MASSIVELY over-think things  but if you come shopping with us and we have to make a decision between a black-fringed tote and a beige-fringed tote, don’t expect it to involve any less time and consideration than say, a global peace process talk.

4. We can be quite hard on ourselves.

Not sure what’s worse: the fact that we genuinely aren’t just fishing for compliments, or that we really are this self-critical.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

5. We’re sensitive souls.

Probably best not to watch Comic Relief with a Virgo. You’ll only end up spending a night in sat next to a sobbing maniac who’s just emptied her entire bank account texting YES to 70010.

6. We like attention to detail.

Yeah, to YOU it seems like a waste of time spending twenty-five minutes proofreading one Facebook status. But to us, it’s a thoroughly enjoyable way to ensure a distinct lack of grammar-related public embarrassment.

7. We’re loyal and devoted.

And therefore the best friend you could ever hope for โ€“ unless someone crosses us: we will end you.

Loving a Virgo
Loving A Virgo

8. We’re fussy and judgmental.

People have to understand that no matter how well they do something (make a cuppa, organize a holiday, paint a room, hey, even open a door) we will always be safe in the knowledge we could have done it better.

9. We’re fairly similar to Dumbledore.

Not in the beard stakes, thank Christ. But when you take a quick look at our impressive ‘pearls of wisdom per word spoken’ ratio, you’ll see what we mean. You can take that as proof we’re ALWAYS RIGHT.

Related: Ancient Wisdom Revealed: 5 Hidden Magical Knowledge That Can Transform Your Life

10. Don’t expect dirty talk.

It’s more than our prudish selves can handle, TBH. It’s not like we don’t want to โ€“ we’re not actually the virgins  our star sign makes us out to be. But telling you how much we want your cock just makes us feel like a bit of aโ€ฆwell, cock.

11. We’ll pay our fair share of dinner.

Hell, we might even go the whole hog and treat you once in a while. All part of that nice generous streak we were born with.

12. We’re super modest.

Despite the fact that this article proudly boasts our wisdom, loyalty, and all-round general perfection. Can’t help the TRUTH.

If you want to know more about loving a Virgo, then check this video out below:

12 Things to Know before Dating a Virgo pin
12 Things To Know Before Dating A Virgo
Loving a Virgo Pin
The Good And Bad Of Loving A Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

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  1. Padhu Avatar

    I born on September 24 and I’m virgo sigh but they mention that only August 23 to September 22 borned under virgo sign? It’s wrong

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