What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based on Your Day of Birth?


What Sacred Spirit Animal

How do you know what your spirit animal is? If you’re wondering “How do I know my spirit animal“, the following article will help you to find out!

Welcome to another Lesson of our School of Witchcraft. Tonight, we will examine how each day of the Week was and still is associated with one Archetype Sacred Animal and what it means.

Therefore, we will see what blessings are given to each individual who is born under the influence of each day. Although this sacred spirit animal rules the day, you may also be under the influence of another spirit or sacred animal. 

Everyone has a Sacred Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal Guides or Archetype Spirits, come to us for many different reasons, but they usually have a reason that can be grouped into life-long guides, messengers, tests, or journey-based guides.

Although each of us is somehow ‘linked’ with the physical world with one sacred Spirit Animal, many of us encounter more Spirits which act in addition to the Primary sacred spirit animal. 

Therefore, each of us ‘has’ one sacred Spirit Animal but we may also be guided in our lives by additional ones when needed. 

Note. Totem Animals were introduced widely by the Native Americans yet many ancient civilizations share their core concept (ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, etc).

However, this article does not try to replace the rich culture of Native Americans but gives a different point of view. 

Related: What is Your Spirit Animal? – Quiz

Every Day is Magical

We’ve been through this a couple of times before yet it’s always interesting to remember. You see, back in ancient times, the ‘Magical’ or ‘Astrological‘ planets were just seven.

The discovery of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto came much later, although they have been prophesied by the alchemists. 

As the ‘Planets’ were seven, the ancient ones observed that there is a 7-day pattern, with each day radiating separate energy. Thus, they created a ‘week’ based on these seven different ‘planetary days’. 

  • Sunday (Dimance in French), is the Day of the Sun (Apollo)
  • Monday (Moonday – Lundi in French), is the Day of the Moon (Artemis)
  • Tuesday (Mardi in French), is the Day of Mars (Ares)
  • Wednesday (Mercredi in French) is the Day of Mercury (Hermes)
  • Thursday (Jeudi in Frech) is the Day of Jupiter (Zeus)
  • Friday (Vendredi in French) is the Day of Venus (Aphrodite)
  • Saturday (Samedi) is the Day of Saturn (Kronus) 

Therefore, each day is drenched in the power of the Planet, which is of course associated with a major deity. Thus, we can find our personal sacred spirit animal which ‘rules’ over the day we are born.

Once we find it, we can ‘summon’ it during the same day of the week we were born and let it guide us. To do that, we can keep our ‘birthday’ candle, from the last birthday cake.

Although, you can substitute it with any white candle, the birthday candle is more appropriate. Next birthday… keep it! 

The Sacred Animal Spell

Create an appropriate offering. You can get some cookies or a small cake, or a dish of honey and milk. Burn some Benzoin to invite the higher entities you look for. Now put the candle before the offering and once you light it up, say the next words. 

Sacred Spirit of …

I summon thee,

I ask for your guidance,

Come to me.

Now close your eyes and visualize this spirit coming to you. Once it’s there, greet it properly and offer your cake, etc.

Tell the Spirit that you are now ready to be guided and ask it to advise you and guide you through the day. Wait for the signs. Write down your progress. Repeat, for 6 more (total seven) consequent weeks. 

What Is Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based on Your Day of Birth?

Your birthday can reveal your sacred Spirit Animal. Although we’ve been copied before (unfortunately most of the time without our permission), we should advise you that this article is created by the notes of the High Priest of the Sacred Phoenix, thus please remember who to thank for your good results. 🙂

Monday: Stag, the Graceful

sacred spirit animal monday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

Stag is the sacred spirit animal of the wild huntress of Mother Earth, Artemis. This Spirit embodies the secrets of this world and the Wisdom of the Woods and the Wilds.

Thus, the Stag can be summoned to nurture your intuition and make you more confident of your Magical and Psychic powers.

The Stag is also amazingly beautiful. Therefore, it bestows a charming and attractive aura. Use the power of this animal to attract whatever you wish. But remember, your wish should be noble, just like the Stag. 

  • Your Mystical Powers: Safety, Nourishment, Gentleness, Grace, Instincts, Adventurous, Speed

Tuesday: Wolf, the Brave

sacred spirit animal tuesday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

Wolf is the sacred spirit animal of the God of War, Ares. It is no coincidence that this brave animal has been chosen by Ares (Mars) to be his sacred spirit animal. Ares’ association with the wolf probably begins with the founders of Rome.

In this story, a she-wolf (lupa) nurtured and protected his banished twin sons (Remus & Romulus). Wolf is considered to bestow bravery and self-reliance to the ones who are born in this day. 

Moreover, the sacred wolf spirit animal is summoned in times of need to bring order in chaos. Wolf can stand in chaos, as s/he is the one who can handle fears. Call upon the powers of the Wolf to give you spiritual guidance and protection.   

  • Your Mystical Powers: Bravery, Spiritual Guidance, Protection, Ancestry, Love and Partnership, Self-reliance

Wednesday: Hare, the Vigilant

sacred spirit animal wednesday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

Hare (rabbit) is one of the sacred animals of Hermes (Mercury). Although a naive person sees nothing special in this humble creature, the mysticists have a different opinion.

Hare, is sacred to many occult paths and of course to all Hermetic (Hermes) traditions. As Hermes is the god of commerce and communication, traveling faster than anyone, Hare bestows quick reflexes and vigilance (spiritual and intellectual). 

All who are under the dominion of Hare, are considered very magically potent and creative. The secret is in how quickly the hare population grows. This intense growth was considered amazingly important.

Call the Animal Spirit of Hare to grant you prosperity, vigilance, and awareness of your mystical powers. 

  • Your Mystical Powers: Creativity, Prosperity, Mystical Powers, Vigilance, Intensity, Growth

Related: Choose An Animal And We Will Reveal The Darkest Aspect Of Your Personality 

Thursday: Eagle, the Visionary

sacred spirit animal thursday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

Eagle is the sacred animal of the king of the Gods, Zeus (Jupiter). It is very important, however, to understand why the Eagle was chosen for this honorable position. Probably, because the eagle can fly higher than any other animal.

From their position, Eagles can see the whole picture and understand the opportunities and flaws of their current situation. 

Eagles choose their fights, avoiding worthless causes. Although they are always victorious they attack only when needed.

Therefore, Eagle can be summoned to give you a greater perspective of your current life’s situation and become more aware of its opportunities.

Also, this exact ability can be used to Awake spiritually and realize your magical powers. Last, but not least, summon the Eagle to ‘see’ what’s unseen by many and get what you deserve. 

  • Your Mystical Powers: Opportunities, Assertiveness, Positive Direction, Stamina, Resilience, Vision, Spiritual Awakening

Friday: Dove, the Hopeful

sacred spirit animal friday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

Dove is the sacred animal of the Goddess of Beauty and Love, Aphrodite (Venus). Therefore, one of its powers is to bring love and peace whenever needed.

Doves are symbols of hope and peace not only in ancient Greece (and Rome) but also in the Bible and other religions. They were always regarded as pure creatures with the capability to bring energy renewal around them. 

Moreover, Dove can be summoned to purify us from all psychic parasites and thus bring us into a new era in our lives.

Dove can support us in our magical endeavors and bring self-awareness and more importantly self-love. This is its most important power because this is the key to unlocking our magical potential. 

  • Your Mystical Powers: Purity, Love, Peace, Visions, Spiritual and Physical Renewal, Hope, Self-Love

Saturn: Snake, the Healer

sacred spirit animal saturday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

It’s probably the most underestimated and falsely accused animal. However, snakes are indeed, sacred to many religions, especially the Old Ones.

Snake is the sacred animal of Kronus (Chronos – Saturn), the old God of Time. Hence, the symbol Ouroboros is a snake that bites its tale, in a metaphor of eternal time.

Moreover, snakes are also guardians of the magical secrets of the Earth. Once dethrones, Kronus became the God of agricultural fertility celebrated in Winter Solstice. 

Summon the Animal Spirit of Snake to bring wisdom, reveal the secrets of this world, and fight your fears. Also, the animal spirit of Snake bestows uncanny intuition and can aid in the healing process. 

  • Your Mystical Powers: Wisdom, Magic, Earth Power, Fertility, Transformation, Fear, Healing, Intuition

Related: 10 Animals As Omens When They Cross Your Path

Sunday: Dolphin, the Playful

sacred spirit animal sunday
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

This may surprise you but Apollo, the God of the Sun, Arts, Blessings, Love, Sports, and Magical Wisdom has picked Dolphin as his sacred animal.

Apollo, transferred the Priests from Crete to his holiest temple turning himself into a dolphin. Thus, dolphins are considered to be the brightest of all animals and at the same time aware of the unseen. 

The sacred animal of the Dolphin bestows optimism and creativity. Also, it helps our communication skills, making us understood and charming.

Finally, dolphins can be summoned to guide us in our darkest ours and bring hope and clarity to our hearts and minds. For the same reason, dolphins can reveal secrets and teach us the sacred and arcane arts of Witchcraft. 

  • your Mystical Powers: Communication, Playfulness, Positivity, Strategy, Prophecy, Music and Meditation
Post originally published on Magical Recipes Online

spirit animal
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?
spirit animal
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?
my spirit animal
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?
spirit animal
What’s Your Sacred Spirit Animal Based On Your Day Of Birth?

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  1. Rio Avatar

    Can u Conjuring me based mu animal guide and god

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