The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)


Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

Loving an Aquarius is one of the most fulfilling experiences you can have. Their intriguing nature makes them some of the best partners out there.

The good, the bad, the AQUARIUS.

Looking for a woman who is truly โ€œout of this worldโ€? Congratulations, youโ€™ve found her in the Aquarius woman!

The most unconventional member of the Zodiac family, Aquarius is known for being unique, unapologetically quirky, incredibly charming, highly intelligent, and a bit of a revolutionary. A deep thinker who is constantly re-inventing herself, the Aquarius woman broadens the lives of those around her with an endless stream of new ideas to explore and experiences to try.

She is truly interesting, and if youโ€™ve managed to win her closely-guarded heart, sheโ€™ll keep you happily captivated and forever on your toes.

Generous, bravely honest, and witty as hell, she’s a woman you’ll both adore and deeply admire. But as alluring and fascinating as she is, the Aquarius woman is the most paradoxical female of the entire zodiac. Learning to navigate her eccentric ways is not for the faint of heart. But for a warm-hearted, confident man who loves a challenge, the Aquarius woman is the ultimate dream girl.

Hereโ€™s what you need to know about wooing the water-bearer:

1. Sheโ€™s wicked smart.

Hands-down the biggest โ€œsmarty at the [zodiac] partyโ€, the Aquarius female is known for her superior intellect. But what distinguishes an Aquarius mind is its unparalleled depth. She not only โ€œthinksโ€ about things, but she also researches them โ€ฆ thoroughly, from every conceivable angle (and sheโ€™s as giddy as a happy school girl while doing so).

Itโ€™s not enough for her to know about a topic on a surface level (Jeopardy facts alone do not impress her), the Aquarius woman is hungry to understand the deeper, interconnecting ‘how’ and ‘why’ of every subject that piques her interest.

As such, making love to her mind isnโ€™t an option, itโ€™s a requisite! An Aquarius woman NEEDS a man who can keep up with her intellectually. The back-and-forth exchange of well-thought-out ideas is incredibly arousing to her.

She will light up beautifully and sparkle with excitement if you touch her mind the right way. But if the conversation fails to genuinely stimulate her, sheโ€™ll get bored and move on to someone else quickly.

2. She gets stuck in her head (a lot).

The downside of that keen mind of hers is that the Aquarius woman is often disconnected from herself physically. Being told that she โ€œover-thinksโ€ things or โ€œthinks too muchโ€ hurts her feelings deeply โ€” she canโ€™t help it โ€” so sheโ€™ll refuse you access to her body until you put her mind at ease.

Because transitioning from her brain to her body is not easy for an Aquarius woman, sensuality is something often missing from her life. Help her in that pursuit by pointing out physical experiences her brain might overshadow โ€” like that amazing breeze touching her skin or the nuances of the delicious meal you just served her.

As a fixed air sign, the Aquarius woman is often perceived as being cold, disconnected, or emotionally closed-off. Sheโ€™s not. Sheโ€™s just trapped in her mind much of the time (where she feels most comfortable and powerful) and sheโ€™ll almost always need some coaxing out. The man who finds this side of her worth the effort will be supremely rewarded because โ€ฆ

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

3. Sheโ€™s sexually adventurous.

The Aquarius woman is incredibly curious, open-minded, and known to embrace the unconventional. This makes her particularly fun and adventurous in the bedroom (or the backseat, or outside somewhere, or … well, you get the point). Sheโ€™s usually game for trying just about anything (as long as she always feels like itโ€™s her choice).

Connecting her thoughts to the act of making love is vitally important however (otherwise her mind quickly wanders off). Keep her brain and body turned on at the same time by telling her exactly what you want to do to her next as you make love. Also, a strong, firm touch captures her attention far more than a soft, lulling one.

But the real perk of making love with an Aquarius woman? Since she inhabits her physical self so rarely, there is an intensity and erotic innocence to her sexuality. Watching her discover herself (as you discover her, too) is downright hot.

4. She hates sappy romance.

Aquarian women are extremely practical and pride themselves on being original and genuine. As such, they appreciate sincerity over showy-displays of affection. Go ahead and skip Valentineโ€™s Day, she couldnโ€™t care less โ€” itโ€™s a cliche holiday anyway. Forget her birthday, however, and sheโ€™ll quickly forget you.

Aquarian women love when you court them because they want (read: NEED) to feel uniquely special. If you post flowery professions of your love on her Facebook wall, sheโ€™ll resent it (as it seems like youโ€™re trying to put the spotlight on you โ€” โ€œoh wow, what a great boyfriend he isโ€ โ€” versus saying anything sincere to her).

She definitely wants romance, but the practical side of her needs it to be grounded and real. Likewise, count on gestures and gifts from her to reflect her appreciation of who you uniquely are. Generic gifts and predictable displays of affection are so not her things.

5. She avoids conflict.

Aquarians have an acute sense of fairness and deep respect for other’s right to self-express. Sheโ€™ll rarely champion her own opinion as being โ€œrightโ€ before giving equal weight to your point of view, too. As such, she has zero patience for unpleasantness and sheโ€™s uncomfortable with confrontation. In her practical and fair mind, both are unnecessary (and un-civilized).

Annoyed about something? Simply raise the subject rationally and sheโ€™ll hear you out and do all she can to please you (as long as doing so doesnโ€™t compromise her sense of personal integrity). But try to dominate her, raise your voice at her, or call her a disrespectful name ever โ€” youโ€™ll be gone.

Mean, gossipy, and petty natures are abhorrent to Aquarians. As our selfish minds concerned only about themselves. Treat your Aquarian in a way she finds โ€œunfairโ€ and youโ€™ll lose her trust and respect forever.

Related: Aquarius: The Sign Most Likely To Be A Successful Celebrity, according to Studies

6. She’s fiercely independent.

Uranus as one of the two ruling planets of this Zodiac (the other being Saturn) creates a fiercely independent nature in your Aquarius woman. She needs to be true to herself like the rest of us need oxygen to breathe.

In both relationships and in careers, the second she feels unappreciated stifled or controlled, she wants out. Yes, she knows sheโ€™s quirky. And she knows that she needs an uncommon amount of personal space. But nothing scares her more than having her freedom and autonomy taken away. So if you want her to lean in more, back off!

Ask little of an Aquarius woman and sheโ€™ll happily give you everything. But demand anything from her and sheโ€™ll give nothing and then quickly fly away.

7. Sheโ€™s constantly changing.

โ€œEvolve or dieโ€ is a phrase that makes perfect sense to the progressive Aquarian woman. Expanding her mind, improving the world, and growing as a person is all part of an ongoing, never-ending process for her. And sheโ€™ll likely expect the same from you.

While sheโ€™ll never tell you HOW you should change, she does expect you to steadily evolve as an individual. Settle into your ways or, worse, into your way of thinking, and sheโ€™ll lose interest.

That said, all of this changing makes her inconsistent. She pours all of her energy and enthusiasm into one relationship or business idea only to stumble upon a new idea that sends her down a whole new path. Trying to keep up with her is often frustrating. And if you need her to remain the same woman you met 10 years ago โ€” forget about it. Not a chance.

Kind, witty, clever, rebellious (often just for the sake of being so) โ€” a life spent loving an Aquarius woman is never boring. She craves a strong, self-assured man who can keep up with her beautiful mind and stand up for his ideals, while also having the heart and passion to help her open up emotionally and sexually. If that man is you, prepare to have a whole new world of love revealed to you.

Written by Cris Gladly
This article was originally published on, click here to view the original article

Loving an Aquarius might seem like a journey sometimes, but once they open themselves up to you, you will realize how lucky you are to be with them. Their intelligence, sense of humor, and rebellious nature makes them a force to reckon with, and every moment you are with them, you will see yourself admiring them more and more.

7 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aquarius (As Written By One)
Loving An Aquarius
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Loving An Aquarius
Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths) Pin
The Good And Bad Of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

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  1. Christine Shuler Avatar
    Christine Shuler

    I love the way that this describes me to the point I’ve never been able to really explain what type of person I am but this has taken the words right out of my mouth people always think that I’m cold-hearted and I’m always just really in my head.

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