Take the world’s shortest IQ test to figure out where you fall in the intelligence spectrum. Have you always wondered about your IQ and where it falls on the intelligence spectrum? Especially when you see all these IQ tests, does it kind of make you wonder how much you will score and where you will stand?
If you answered yes to both these questions, then we would recommend you to take the world’s shortest IQ test!
If you want to know your IQ but don’t want to spend a lot of time answering a million questions, then this test is tailor-made for you. The world’s shortest IQ test is called the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) and has only 3 questions.
CRT was developed in 2005 by Shane Frederick from Princeton and was published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives. This IQ test aims to fulfill the following criteria:
- The test attempts to find out how you think: do you trust your gut feelings or do you take time to think rationally?
- CRT identifies how good you are in intuitive thinking and analytical thinking.
- However, getting all three answers correct is not the only parameter of having a higher IQ. Your speed of answering determines this too.
Before proceeding to the world’s shortest IQ test, just be a bit careful, and don’t rush into answering the questions. Think clearly and use your common sense before zeroing in on your final answers.
Related: IQ Guesser: Can We Guess Your IQ? QUIZ
World’s Shortest IQ Test With Only 3 Questions
Here are the 3 questions:
1) The total price of a bat and a ball is $1.10. The price of the ball is $1 more than the bat. So, what is the price of the bat?
2) 5 machines take 5 minutes to make 5 widgets. In order to have 100 widgets, how long will 100 machines take?
3) There is a patch of lily pads in a lake. The patch doubles in size every day. If the lake gets covered in 48 days, then how many days should it take to cover half of the lake?
The correct answers are:
1) 5 cents.
2) 5 minutes.
3) 47 days.
How do you solve these questions?
1) Let the cost of the ball be
Then, the cost of the bat is x+$1.
Therefore, total cost= Bat+ Ball = x+ (x+1)= 1.10.
So, the cost of the ball is 5 cents.
2) 5 machines make 5 widgets in 5 minutes.
Therefore, 1 machine will make 1 widget in 5 minutes.
Thus, 100 machines will make 100 widgets in 5 minutes.
Related: Can You Answer These Thoughtful IQ Questions Correctly? QUIZ
3) The lily pad doubles in size every day. So, it will cover half of the pond in 47 days.
Usually, the most popular answers are:
- 10 cents.
- 100 minutes.
- 24 days.
How many of these did you get correct?

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