Why Women Lose Interest In Men: The Real Reason


Women Lose Interest In Men Real Reason

We see a lot of women breaking up with their partners, despite them being ‘happy’. Then, why women lose interest in men? Or why are women losing interest in men?

I know many men and women alike will take offense to what I’m about to reveal. But, let me first say that I am in no way “bashing” men. I love men. Period! I am the Mother to a glorious male child, I appreciate men in all their natural, artistic, compassionate, nurturing, sensual, and hardworking forms, I am a friend to many wonderful male friends. Moreover, one of my dearest friends and guides is my father. So no, I do not have a “hate-on” for men.

We are all, male and female alike, comprised of both masculine and feminine energies. The more we honor this, the more integrated and authentic we become as human beings. But I digress, while this is a subject I typically do not write about, it has taken precedence in many of my conversations with others of late.

Women of all ages have been engaging with me regarding their dating and relationship experiences (as women do). And, woefully the conversation always comes back to, why women lose interest in men.

I’m not referring to bedroom techniques, what’s in his financial portfolio, or the fact he no longer goes to the gym. Despite what many articles on the subject would have you believe, most women really are NOT that shallow. In fact, as you read on you’ll discover that is the crux of the problem! Let’s start with the basics.

Related: The Secret Is Finally Out: This Is What Women Want From Men

Why Women Lose Interest In Men

Like all humans, women desire and require to have the same basic emotional/social/intellectual needs met:

  1.  Friendship (a sense of community and kinship),
  2.  Mental Stimulation (activity, engagement, and conversation),
  3.  Acknowledgment (“Hey! I exist, am interesting, and share the same air as you.”), and
  4.  Collaborative Creativity (in relationships often expressed romantically).

The question then becomes, why is this so frustratingly hard for some men to comprehend? Perhaps, I should rephrase.

I don’t believe the issue is with men’s comprehension, but rather with their difficulty in tapping into their own needs and intuition (not easy for many of us!). And then, considering that their basic psychological needs are not so different from ours. Makes sense, no?

While men may sometimes physically leave or step out of a relationship first, it is a little-known fact that women usually “check out” or lose interest in the relationship first.

Yes, I know. We all want to be married and in traditionally committed relationships, so how can this be the case?

Let’s go back to the basics: when there is no solid and ever-evolving friendship present, ongoing mental stimulation, unsolicited acknowledgment, and a general lack of creativity it becomes easy for a woman to become bored, detached, and complacent.

And although the glossy grocery store magazines will try to tell us differently, when a woman is truly wanting to connect (share our lives, souls, hearts, minds, thoughts, ideas, and experiences) with a man, that man must provide much more than hot, steamy, prime-time sex to keep her interested.

Why then are so many, many women staying in relationships where their needs are not getting met?

Related: 10 Ways Women Act When They Donโ€™t Love You Anymore

Most women are staying for the perceived stability, status, and outmoded traditions imposed on our gender. Not because of the great sex, conversation, and companionship!

Women are deep, earthy, intuitive souls. This depth and intuition are why many believe us to be complicated. When we connect, we connect on a soul level. Women look for and need more in their relationships and interactions with others – at once, both a spiritual and emotional exchange.

In truth, it actually takes a whole lot and very little at the same time to keep a woman’s interest: friendship, mental stimulation, acknowledgment, and creativity. But, it must be offered freely, sincerely, and without hidden agendas and expected sexual favors. The very things we ALL desire- authenticity, unity, and connection!

Hereโ€™s to living Lighter, Brighter, and FULLER lives! ๐Ÿ™‚

Want to know more about why women lose interest in men? Check this video out below!

Why women start to lose interest in men

Why Women Lost Interest In Men
Why Women Lose Interest In Men
The Real Reason Why Women Lose Interest In Men
The Real Reason Why Women Lose Interest In Men
Women Lose Interest Men Real Reason
Why Women Lose Interest In Men: The Real Reason
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Why Women Lose Interest In Men: The Real Reason

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  1. Cosmo Archibald Topper Avatar
    Cosmo Archibald Topper

    Friendship (a sense of community and kinship),
    Men and women can be friendly, but can never be true friends. Marriage is essentially a business proposition intended to create a secure environment for procreation. Each partner is expected to make the best of a poor decision to pair up for the benefit of any offspring.

    Mental Stimulation (activity, engagement, and conversation),
    Nothing kills this faster than one partner having to always be correct on everything, especially after a mind-numbing day at work.

    Acknowledgment (โ€œHey! I exist, am interesting and share the same air as you.โ€)
    But no man is ever heard when he says this. Just hand over the paycheck and get your honey-dos done.

    Collaborative Creativity (in relationships often expressed romantically).
    Even though he can never do anything to her satisfaction? This quickly becomes “Just do what I tell you to do.”

    Men don’t leave. They are pushed out.

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