Why Is Lying Wrong? Morals Are Not The Only Reason


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Why Is Lying Wrong? Important Reasons

I must not tell lies“, this famous line from Harry Potter is more than just a dialogue. Dolores Umbridge, made Harry Potter cut these words as a permanent mark on the back of his hand. But if asked “Why is lying wrong?” The answer is always moralistic, which is subjective.

We have all received punishment for lying because we have been told that lying is wrong. Lying is always dealt with punishment or disregard towards the person lying. That is why “Liar” is not just a definition but is also meant as an insult.

So, Why Is Lying Wrong?

why is lying wrong
Why Is Lying Wrong? Morals Are Not The Only Reason

You often give a whole speech about why lying is wrong from a moralistic point of view, but do you know the reason? Is it just an axiom? A subjective moral? Or is it harmful in the real sense? Have you ever asked yourself why lying is wrong? Let us discover.

To understand this, we need to dig deeper into the truth. Truth is not just stating facts but aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with reality. It is the parameter against which lying is defined and measured.

Lying is anything opposite of that.

Hence, to sum it up, lying distorts the fabric of reality by manipulating facts and figures.

Now, you might ask how facts are defined.

Facts are information that leaves no room for doubts. Society is woven together through communication, where words are the building blocks of it. There has to be a unanimously accepted meaning of words and phrases to decide the purpose and conclusion of a discussion. It is generally accepted based on reality.

Deviation from this results in chaos.

If everyone has their own meaning for words, then communication reaches no point and ends in everyone getting cheated. So, one must accept those meanings as truth that aligns with reality. Hence, truth is never subjective. It is just reality, representing the exact sequence of events.

The opposite of this is never a subjective reality or perception, but a LIE.

Related: 9 Signs Youโ€™re Lying to Yourself Without Knowing It

Why Is lying Wrong For The Society?

The collective effect of lies is chaos. It breaks down social cohesion.

Imagine you live in a society where everyone is a liar. Will you feel safe? NO. As animals, our survival instincts are always active, and when you cannot trust the people around you, you become alone, helpless, and scared.

Therefore, Lying is bad for the society for the following reasons:

1. Breaks trust among humans

why is lying wrong
Why Is Lying Wrong? Morals Are Not The Only Reason

Trust among humans in a society is what drives the proper functioning. Deception is socially destructive and breaks down social cohesion. It Also leads to higher transaction costs as people find information about goods hard to believe.

2. Destroys sense of security

You cannot feel financially secure and safe in a society where everyone is a liar. The anticipation of being cheated makes you second guess your choices while buying necessary goods or cooperating with others. Lack of security restricts teamwork when needed.

3. Impedes the proper functioning of the political system

On a political front, deception and lying crushes justice because the basis of political trust is political probity. A result of this is more discrimination as everyone focuses on saving themselves from being cheated. Failing to have faith in the government is the cause behind political and social unrest.

Related: The Psychological Impact of Lies: New Study Reveals Self-Centered Motivations and Consequences

Why Lying Is Wrong For You?

On a personal level, by lying you deceive yourself. Do you know how a lie detector works?

The polygraph test involves sensors attached to the body of the person undergoing the test. Lying is inherently stressful, it affects your nervous system, and parts of your brain function to suppress truth, create false images, or react to the anxiety of lying.

So, forget moralistic views and be concerned about your health if you need a good reason to stop lying.

Additionally, lying breaks down your confidence and self-esteem, it restricts it from developing.

Some more reasons why lying is wrong and bad for you:

1. It is bad for your health

Lying has physiological effects. It causes your heart rate to increase. It also increases stress and other physiological symptoms like sweating and dry mouth. You enter into the fight or flight mode that increases stress hormones in your blood.

2. It erodes your self-esteem

You can deceive others, but can you deceive yourself? You cannot deny that you have lied. It leads to guilt and shame that you might purposely not face. Your self-esteem takes a hit every time you catch yourself lying and we all know why self-esteem is important for a normal life.

3. It sabotages your relationships

Relationships are important for survival. As animals, we are meant to be a part of the tribe. But lying and getting caught in lies sabotages your relationships by destroying any type of intimacy required to foster a strong bond.

A negative impact of this is visible in moments of adversity when it all depends on you to solve a problem or to move past a bad phase in life. You have lied so much that you have no confidence to handle things alone. You fail to believe in yourself and eventually face unpleasant and catastrophic outcomes.

So, if you wish to get all you want and want life to unfold exactly how you want to, STOP LYING. It is that simple.

Related: What Happens To Your Body When You Lie? 8 Physical Effects Of Lying  

The Final Note

Hopefully, after this discussion, you might have got a hold on “Why is lying wrong?” after all! By not lying you save yourself from real problems in the future and can build self-esteem, self-respect, and confidence that goes a long way.

However, even if society is unsafe with all the liars in it, being truthful can save you from traps of manipulation. All you need to do is stop lying and accept the reality of yourself and others.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Is lying wrong?

Yes, lying is wrong as it does not allow anyone to deal with reality.

How can I stop lying?

You need to understand the reason behind your lying, that involves your insecurities mostly and then learn to deal with it.

What happens when you lie?

On a personal level, lying can affect your physical and mental health, it diminishes your self-confidence and on a societal level, it break cohesion which is necessary for many reasons.

why is lying wrong
Why Is Lying Wrong? Morals Are Not The Only Reason

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