Why Do People Use “LOL” After Every Text That Is Not Particularly Funny?


Why Do People Use LOL In Unfunny Situations? Clear Reasons

While texting, why do people use LOL so much these days? It’s like our thumbs outrun our brains and “LOL” slips out even though nothing is remotely amusing.

We hardly think before typing it. But what’s the reason? Or rather, does it do more harm than good?

Saying LOL after every text that is super depressing or saying things like ‘I hate my life lol’. Why do people use LOL so much? Is it an instinct or an underlying issue?

Do you ever finish trauma dumping or complaining about your family or partner or whatever else and end up saying LOL after every sentence? — And trust me it’s not because you’re laughing out loud, but because it feels relatable.

why do people use lol
Why Do People Use “Lol” After Every Text That Is Not Particularly Funny?

If this texting habit is something you relate to, then let’s find out if it’s hurting your mental health and relationships.

Because LOL doesn’t mean “laugh out loud” anymore — so let’s find out why people use LOL after every text…

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Why Do People Use LOL With A Straight Face?

1. This Has Become A Habitual Reflex

Too many millennials and Gen-Z’s are saying LOL after every sentence because it has become a reflex action. It’s as if it’s built into our digital DNA. Whether it be a minor inconvenience or a major setback, our default response is often to soften the blow with a quick “lol.”

2. There Is A Sense Of Social Pressure

There’s an unspoken pressure to keep up a lighthearted facade in a world where social media sets the stage for all our interactions.

We don’t want to seem too serious or overly negative, so we sprinkle our messages with “LOL” to show that we’re not taking ourselves too seriously. For example, “I broke up, lol”. Even though this situation is unfunny and serious, you’ll still add “lol” to make it seem like you’re less bothered.

3. Most People Tend To Buffer Their Emotional Pain

Venting about life’s struggles and trauma dumping have become common in our digital conversations. Typing “LOL” at the end of a complaint serves as a buffer; an attempt to lighten the mood and make the conversation less heavy.

4. A Coping Mechanism For Dealing With Stress

This is one of the reasons why we use lol so much as it becomes a way of coping with daily stressors or dealing with discomfort and distress. It is one way of covering up what we are really feeling for now as we go on talking.

Ways To Consider Being More Mindful of Your LOL Use

1. Reflect Before You Type: Pause for a moment and think about whether or not “LOL” reflects how you feel in the situation. Are you actually laughing out loud, or is it just something that comes automatically?

2. Be Authentic: Let yourself be real during conversations. If you’re feeling down or frustrated, there’s no need to hide behind laughter.

3. Choose Alternatives: Find other ways besides “LOL” to express agreement or engagement. Use gifs, emojis, or even just words.

4. Set Boundaries: Understand when deeper issues may be masked by “LOL” and when meaningful communication might be prevented through its use. Establish limits with yourself and others around how language is used to address serious topics.

5. Practice Empathy: Different people communicate in different ways. When interacting with others, practice empathy and think about how they might interpret your words.

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In a world dominated by digital communication, the meaning of our words can get lost in translation all too easily. While Saying LOL after every text may seem harmless enough—it’s crucial to stop and consider what impact it has.

So next time an urge arises within you which suggests typing ‘lol’ in a serious ask yourself this; am hurting my ability to be emotionally intimate or mature?

Tell us your thoughts on why we use LOL so much in the comments below!

why do people use lol
Why Do People Use “Lol” After Every Text That Is Not Particularly Funny?

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