Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality


Egyptian Astrology zodic sign

In one of our old articles, we discussed african astrology, one of the most accurate forms of astrological guides. Mind Journal has come up with another interesting article for you on Egyptian Astrology. This post focuses on the Egyptian zodiac signs and what it reveals about your personality.

Egyptian Astrology is truly an interesting and intriguing way of looking at the sun and stars. Not many might know this, but even if their astrology was inspired by the Greeks and Babylonians, they have always focused on their own cycle. In Egyptian astrology, the numerology behind your date of birth, irrespective of your birth month can say a lot about you and your personality.

Unlike Western astrology that follows a 30-day period for each zodiac sign, in Egyptian astrology, some signs appear more than two to four times in a single year.

Here Are The 12 Egyptian God / Goddess Signs

1. The Nile

(January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign nile
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Ra and Seth
Beneficial colors: Deep blue for women, vivid red for men

People who are born under this sign have a very amicable personality with an easy-going attitude and an affectionate demeanor. People born under this sign are very passionate about life.

They donโ€™t like a conflict of any sort and try to avoid it whenever they can. Anyone who belongs to this sign is very observant and has a mild temperament. They love to dream about the possibilities of life.

Nile people are capable, tolerant, wise, and have a motherly instinct towards the people they consider close to them. They are refined people, who love to exist in an awakened state. But sometimes, your strong emotional state can serve as a disadvantage for you.

2. Amon-Ra

(January 8-21, February 1-11)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign AMon ra
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: The Nile and Horus
Beneficial colors: Orange for women, yellow for men

People born under this sign make good leaders, which is why you reassure people and always push them to do their best. If you belong to this sign, then you are someone who is very controlled and confident in their demeanor. You strive to be the best at what you do and are motivational and encouraging to others. Your path in life will never be mediocre or shallow, and you are destined for big, successful things in the future.

You donโ€™t like the idea of starting a family, and even if you do then you choose to remain detached from them because of your commitments to the spiritual world.

3. Mut

(January 22-31, September 8-22)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign mut
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Ra and Thoth
Beneficial colors: Carmine for women, brown for men

Mut is one of the most ancient signs in Egyptian Astrology which indicates the symbol of the mother-figure, and also of the savior mother, Isis. People born under this sign are nurturers by nature and make good parents. You are a logical and practical thinker and will do well in careers in law, nursing, or teaching. You are also quite secretive, who finds themself quite prone to feeling melancholic. You are also full of wisdom, and inspire hope in people, who always focuses on the inner riches rather than the seduction of material things.

Because of your secretive nature, you tend to suffer from depression more often than not. You tend to get involved very deeply in your relationships, which end up hurting you more.

4. Geb

(February 12-29, August 20-31)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign geb
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Seth and Horus
Beneficial colors: Orange-red for women, violet for men

People born under the sign of Geb are kind-hearted, intuitive, and sensitive beings. You trust their intuition and your feelings and can be affected deeply by all the things happening in the world. You are environmentally conscious and aware of any harm being done to the earth, and you try your best to stop that.

Anyone born under this sign make loyal and trustworthy partners, but sometimes your sensitive nature and vulnerability makes you susceptible to getting cheated on. You also have trouble saying โ€˜noโ€™ to people, which invites more problems in your life.

Related: Irish Astrology: The Lunar Celtic Animal Zodiac And Itโ€™s Meanings

5. Osiris

(March 1-10, November 27-December 18)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign osiris
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Isis and Thoth
Beneficial colors: Green for women, yellow for men

Osiris is the God of the underworld who is the symbol of rebirth. People born under the Osiris Egyptian sign have two sides to their personality. On one side they are strong individuals and on the other hand, they are quite vulnerable too. If you belong to this sign, then you are independent and go after your goals with enthusiasm.

You have lots of energy and are very independent. Outspoken to a fault, you are optimistic, passionate, and have no inhibitions when it comes to working towards what you want to achieve in life. However, you can sometimes seclude yourself when you get emotionally disturbed, and angry.

6. Isis

(March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign isis
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Osiris and Thoth
Beneficial colors: Blue for women, white for men

People born under the sign of Isis are very direct. You like to make your point with no misunderstandings, and unnecessary conflicts. Because of your blunt nature, people tend to misunderstand you and your intentions a lot. As Isis is a natural protector, you are very protective and caring for those you love. You are ambitious, practical, and have a lot of energy.

Sometimes, you might get too demanding, and end up running from difficult situations that end up making things more complicated.

7. Thoth

(April 1-19, November 8-17)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign thoth
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Bastet and Isis
Beneficial colors: White for women, pink for men

Thoth is known as the god of wisdom, and anyone who is born under this Egyptian astrological sign is good at solving problems. You are very creative in nature which is why you come up with novel solutions to tough problems and even communicate nicely with others. You can be an extremely loyal partner to be with, and you always choose to be in stable relationships.

When you are betrayed, depression takes over you, and sometimes because of your stubborn and opinionated nature, you cannot accept other peopleโ€™s points of view.

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8. Horus

(April 20-May 7, August 12-19)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign Horus
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Bastet and Geb
Beneficial colors: Gold for women, carmine red for men

People born under the sign of Horus have a lot of courage, willpower, and strong ethics. You are exceptionally dedicated to your community, and you work hard to ensure itโ€™s safety, security, and happiness. Apart from being hardworking, you tend to always focus on security and peace. You are also a very optimistic person who wants to be the best in life.

However, you can also be envious and over-protective at times when you are in a relationship. One of the bad things about you is that you sometimes force people to work according to your rules.

9.  Anubis

(May 8-27, June 29-July 13)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign anubis
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Isis and Bastet
Beneficial colors: Purple for women, sienna for men

People born under this Egyptian astrology sign of Anubis love solitude. You are a very passionate person for whom solitude matters a lot because it is during this time that you introspect. Because you are an introvert, you prefer peaceful and quiet environments compared to chaotic ones. Your emotions can be intense but most of the time you are very calm and even-tempered. You have a very confident and regal air about yourself.

Your vulnerability can sometimes be your Achillesโ€™ Heel, as it allows people to take advantage of you and break your heart. Because you always speak your heart out, you often get into trouble for that.

10. Seth

(May 28-June 18, September 28-October 2)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign seth
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: The Nile and Geb
Beneficial colors: Black for women, turquoise-blue for men

People born under the Seth sign of Egyptian Astrology are perfectionists who are always seeking change, and who are always looking to experience the next adventurous thing in their life. You are a charismatic person, and that helps you gel well with everyone and win them over. You are an amazing communicator and love to be the center of attention. You have an outgoing personality, who is always up for a good challenge.

Your need for freedom can sometimes drive you to break rules, and your constant craving for new experiences can end up complicating things for you in the long run.

11. Bastet

(July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign bastet
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Horus and Sekhmet
Beneficial colors: Gray for women, yellow-ochre for men

If this is your sign, then you are searching for peace and balance in your life, and try to avoid conflict at any cost. You are an intuitive, psychic, and mysterious person who wants to enjoy their life and help others whenever someone needs them. You have a strong intuitive sense and a natural ability to sense the true motives of others. You may be attracted to the occult and metaphysics.

You might get over-possessive at times about your partner. One of the most important things that you need to do is prioritize your own needs at times, so that you can protect yourself from getting hurt.

Related: What The Mayan Zodiac Sign Say About Your Personality

12. Sekhmet

(July 29-August 11, October 30-November 7)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign sekhmet
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Related signs: Bastet and Geb
Beneficial colors: Turquoise-blue for women, clear green for men

People born under the Eygptian Astrology sign of Sekhmet are very down to earth. They are very intelligent and do best in positions of authority, and the perfectionists they are, they have a good sense of fairness and justice. You are a very down to earth person who has good leadership qualities but is also very free-spirited at the same time.

But your ego can sometimes be very self-destructive for you. Your excessive love for luxury can invite unwanted trouble in your life.

So, these are all the signs of Egyptian astrology. Which one is yours? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Image Source – QueenoftheRandomJob

Whatโ€™s Your Zodiac According to Egyptian Astrology
Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality
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Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

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  1. Kristina Avatar

    Guess I’m on my own then January 3

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