Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are


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Center Optical Illusion Test Genius You Are

What are you good at? What is your talent? Or a field where no one can beat you? Take the genius test based on this center optical illusion test to know what kind of genius you are.

Everyone on this Earth has genius inside them. It is our responsibility to find out what it is, embrace and nurture it in our daily lives. Thatโ€™s the key to becoming unstoppable in life. For the curious, we have listed all the types of geniuses at the end of the article.

Discover Your Genius: Center Optical Illusion Test

Here is an optical illusion-based genius test to know what kind of genius are you and to make that trait stronger.

  • Look at the image having a circle of black and white tones.
  • Keep staring at the center of the design.
  • You will notice a color.

Which color did you see at the center of this optical illusion?  

Center Optical Illusion
Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are

Are You A Genius? Get This Genius Personality Test Answers

Did you see blue, red, green, or yellow? Read on below to know the kind of genius you are based on the color you see in the optical illusion IQ test image. 

1. If You Saw The Blue Color – You are a genius of perception

If You Saw The Blue Color
Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are
  • You are a genius of perception i.e time or tempo genius.
  • Tempo or Time geniuses live by the principle of slow and steady wins the race
  • You use the frequency of brain waves in the range 100 and 120 HZ.
  • Mental clarity is what you have, and understand the concepts of life very well.
  • It is not an arduous task for you to make complicated decisions. 
  • Besides enormous intellect, you are an efficient worker and a good team player.
  • People rely on you because you are honest and always state your opinions clearly.
  • At times of trouble, people seek your help in dealing with complicated matters. 

2. If You Saw The Red Color – You are the genius of logic

If You Saw The Red Color
Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are
  • You are the genius of logic
  • You are a combination of Dynamo and a shining genius.
  • Dynamo geniuses have bright brains and focus their strengths in creating something
  • You use the frequency of brain waves in the range of 150 and 180 Hz
  • You have above-average intelligence and excellent intuition.
  • Solving problems is not a big deal for you
  • People look forward to you during their adversities.
  • You are a natural leader and seem to have a great influence on people.   

3. If You Saw The Green Color – You are a shining Genius

If You Saw The Green Color
Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are
  • You are a talented person, which makes you a shining genius.
  • Shining or blaze geniuses have high IQ and are great leaders.
  • You are highly curious, passionate, and open-minded.
  • Exploring new stuff and seeking new experiences drives you. 
  • Your myriad experiences help you give wise advice to your closest friends on certain aspects of life
  • You have enough interesting stories to tell and people enjoy listening to you. 

4. If You Saw The Yellow Color : You are a steel genius

If You Saw The Yellow Color
Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are
  • You are a phenomenal person and steel genius.
  • Steel geniuses are very detail-oriented and meticulous, but often overcautious
  • You use the frequency of the brain waves between 120 and 150 Hz
  • People who apply logic like masters of chess belong to this section. 
  • You have a creative mind and the ability to notice small details that surround you.
  • Engaging in artistic disciplines can lead you to bold achievements.
  • You love challenges and new experiences – no second thoughts!

What color did you see? What kind of genius you are? Let us know in the comments 

Read more about the 4 Types of genius and what they mean below:

According to Roger James Hamilton, there are four types of geniuses: 

1. Dynamo

Dynamo geniuses have bright brains and focus their strengths in creating something. Some of the popular personalities who were dynamo geniuses include Thomas Edison, Beethoven, and Albert Einstein. They are known to have spring energy, which means they are in flow when creating something. 

They can see possibilities and know-how to bring them to life. And can achieve spectacular feat creating value through innovation. 

2. Shining

Shining or blaze geniuses have high IQ and are great leaders. Oprah Winfrey, Marilyn Monroe, and Bill Clinton are among them. They are known to have summer energy, which means they are in flow when they are focused on their strengths in leadership.

They have great conversation skills and the ability to form connections. They learn through talking. Creating leverage through magnification is their winning formula. They hate mundanity! 

3. Time

Tempo or Time geniuses live by the principle of slow and steady wins the race. Tempo geniuses include Gandhi, Michael Phelps, Warren Buffet, and Nelson Mandela. They are known to have autumn energy, which means they are focused on their heightened sense of perception and their perseverance. They are the opposite of dynamo geniuses. 

They are well aware of the problems surrounding them and can give everything they have to make the world a better place. They will accomplish their goals no matter how long it takes or what obstacles stand in their way. They donโ€™t do well with pressure!

4. Steel

Steel geniuses are very detail-oriented and meticulous, but often overcautious. Mark Zuckerberg belongs to this section. They have winter energy, which means, they are in flow when handling data or managing information. Great at calculations, they will carefully create systems to build their flow.    

They can deliver the best work even when working alone and in their own time frame. And are considered assets whenever finite knowledge is required. They are the opposite of blaze geniuses!

If you enjoyed taking this genius test, share it with your friends and folks. And, stay tuned for more fun tests on The Minds Journal.

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Center Optical Illusion Test: The Color You See Reveals What Kind Of Genius You Are

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  1. MJ Avatar

    Honestly, when I starred at each of the color explanation circles I could see each different color. What that proves to me is that Iโ€™m not every type of genius but that Iโ€™m really stupid and gullible for wasting my time staring at a bunch of โ€œ click baitโ€, quizzes. Oh well, theyโ€™re kind of fun anyway.

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