What Is Zombieing In Dating? A Crueler Twist On Ghosting Explained


What Is Zombieing In Dating? Three Clear Ways To Deal With It

What is zombieing, you ask? Gone are the days when being ghosted was the ultimate dating nightmare because this new dating trend in town might just change your perspective.

Unlike the malicious “ghostlighting,” which is all about tormenting your dating past, zombieing is a bit more, let’s say, annoying.

So, what is zombieing in dating?

What is zombieng meaning, you ask? In dating refers to the unsettling phenomenon where someone who had previously ghosted you, abruptly cutting off all communication, mysteriously reappears in your life after a prolonged absence.

Unlike ghosting, there are no apologies or explanations accompanying their return; they resurface as if they’ve been on an extended vacation in the afterlife.

This bewildering encounter can leave individuals feeling bewildered, as they grapple with the unexpected return of someone who had seemingly vanished, making it a particularly perplexing and often emotionally challenging aspect of modern dating.

And how can you tell if you’re being zombied?

Well, it usually starts with that unexpected message after eons of silence. Sometimes it could be a random gift or an unannounced call. But if you bump into them at your local coffee shop, that’s just plain old geographical probability, not zombieing.

Now, why do people turn into zombies?

Much like the dating phenomena of ghosting and breadcrumbing, the motives behind these actions can be as diverse as the dating landscape itself. Hidden in the shadows might be feelings of boredom, idle curiosity, or the haunting pangs of loneliness, prompting individuals to engage in these behaviors.

Intriguingly, research conducted by the dating app Badoo revealed that a surprising 43% of self-professed ghosters confessed to regretting their vanishing act.

In some cases, a genuine change of heart can occur, adding complexity to the already intricate world of modern dating. These emotions and motivations continue to shape the dating experiences of many.

Read more here: Spotting the Warning Signs: How to Recognize Breadcrumbing in Your Relationship

But what’s the emotional impact of zombieing dating?

Brace yourself for a roller coaster of feelings โ€“ confusion, anger, vulnerability. It can shake your sense of security and make you question your self-worth.

So, what’s the antidote? Communication, self-care, and seeking support from friends or professionals can help mend those emotional wounds.

Now, how should you handle zombieng dating in your life?

  • First things first, ditch the horror movie advice (no zombie headshots, please). Instead, figure out what you want before reacting.
  • If you’re open to reconnecting, have an honest conversation about the past ghosting and your concerns. But remember, if respect was absent before, it’s unlikely to magically appear now.
  • If you’re not interested, setting clear boundaries is key.

In the end, when an ex reenters your life, it could be the start of something beautiful. There’s hope for everyone, right? Then again, sometimes it’s best for the past to stay buried โ€“ especially if they had the audacity to ghost you in the first place.

Read more here: What Is Ghostlighting? A New Dating Trend Thatโ€™s Leaving People Hurt and Confused โ€“ Explained

Now that you know what is zombieing in dating, we hope that you will learn to dodge this bullet before it wounds you. Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is zombieing in dating?

Zombieing meaning refers to when someone who previously ghosted you suddenly reappears in your life back again without any explanations.

How to deal with zombieing?

To deal with zombieing dating, set clear boundaries and communicate your feelings and expectations.

What does it mean to get zombied?

Getting zombied means experiencing the return of someone who had previously disappeared from your dating life.

zombieing meaning

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