The “what are we?” talk can be terrifying, even for the most experienced daters. But do not fret because armed with some strategic advice and a lot of bravery, you can make it through this conversation with your head held high.
If you have ever been stuck in a non-committal relationship much more than casual though not legitimately committed, you need to place the what are we question. It will allow you to find answers for yourself in the notoriously undefined modern dating gray area.

Below are some tips to ask the what are we question in a relationship!
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How To Have The What Are We Talk In A Relationship?
1. Timing Is Everything
The key to defining the relationship is knowing when. Look out for emotional closeness or consistence in interaction and communication. However, if it’s still early days or there’re doubts about their readiness, it might be wise to wait.
2. Own Your Desires
Desire for clarity and commitment within relationships is normal so don’t apologize for wanting those things too; they’re essential components of good mental health awareness! Be honest with yourself about what you need from them and prepare yourself to communicate openly.
3. Do Not Fear Rejection
There’s such thing as scaring someone away but remember honesty is key in any healthy relationship! If commitment scares people off then maybe they aren’t right for us anyways – trust that whoever’s meant to love us will appreciate our truthfulness/vulnerability!
4. Face-to-Face Communication
In today’s age where everything happens digitally through screens; important talks could easily happen over text messages or phone calls which isn’t bad but when asking “what are we?” these words deserve being said face-to-face This shows sincerity on top helping one another understand how each other feels more precisely..
5. Skip The Dreaded Phrase
“We need to talk” may very well be among some of THE MOST anxiety provoking words known throughout mankind… So instead try approaching saying it casually instead Choose somewhere comfortable where neither person will feel tense/nervous.
6. Be Honest, Be Direct
When finally bring up topic just say exactly what want without beating round about bushes or dropping hints… Let them know clearly what relationship type one is interested in and ask them to respond same.
7. Give Them Time To Process It
Give partner enough time after laying out everything let their mind run wild with thoughts before responding back.
They may need a few moments sit down think properly about situation before giving an answer so do not rush things up be patient wait on them even if that means forever…!
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What If They Want to Keep It Casual?
After learning how to have the what are we talk, no matter how hard try best, another person might be willing to settle down for something less serious.
Although this could hurt at the beginning but respect their feelings and consider this as a way of resetting personal priorities whether casual relationship aligns with your true desires.
Remember just because someone isn’t ready now doesn’t mean never will happen; however, if what they want keeps varying from yours then reevaluate the whole thing start planning moving forward accordingly
Having a conversation about the status of a relationship is scary, but it’s important. Use these tips to make sure you’re honest with yourself and your partner when you ask “What are we?”
So take a deep breath, gather your bravery and dive in — this could be the beginning of an incredible love story!

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