9 Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly


psychological tricks to make someone like you instantly

Do you want someone to like you instantly? Each one of us got this insatiable urge to make people like us no matter what. Our brain takes less than a second to form an opinion about anyone whom we bump into.

We constantly scan our surroundings, trying to spot a possible friend or a foe. If we are hell-bound to make someone like us, it is necessary to give out some verbal as well as non-verbal cues, ensuring mutual admiration. However, it’s not always easy to make someone like us from the moment go.

More than words, there are certain not-so-known things at play that determine the chances of us being liked by someone. Psychologists have devoured ages to find out the authentic determinants which have the potential of making us seem more likable.

With extensive research, it has been found that there is a set of cunning and quick Psychological tricks that can be implemented to influence the person on the opposite end to perceive us in a favorable light.

9 Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly

#Rule 1 – The Subtle Mirroring Technique or The Chameleon Effect

The first and foremost trick is called โ€œmirroringโ€ as it involves subtly mimicking the other personโ€™s behavior without making it obvious. In 1999, researches from New York University introduced a phenomenon called “The Chameleon Effect”. It explains that when a person subtly copies the body language of another person without making it way too obvious, then it increases the chances of him being liked by the other person. When we mirror someoneโ€™s body language, we make them unconsciously like us more.

They wonโ€™t know why, but their brain will form positive notions about us due to this mirroring technique and eventually making them like you instantly.

#Rule 2 – Donโ€™t ever let go of the smile on your face and the twinkle in your eyes

As they say, a smile is the greatest weapon to capture someoneโ€™s heart. If you want someone to like you instantly, you can put it in use quite generously. It literally requires no work at all. All you need to do is put on a bright-friendly smile on your face and get immediately liked by the other person. A smile makes you more approachable, appealing and helps in establishing an instant connection.

Life Is Short, Smile When You Still Have Teeth
9 Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly

A study conducted by the Association for Psychological Science discovered how smiling affects the brain. The brain scans showed that simply looking at a smiling face activates the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex, which has extensive connections with sensory areas involved in emotions and memory.

Read 20 Useful Psychological Tricks That’ll Give You An Edge When Dealing With People

#Rule 3 –  The Open-Palm Gesture, nod, and other body language tricks to perform and avoid

Try using hand gestures while talking as it makes the speaker perceived to have extensive knowledge of the subject matter that he is addressing. The open-palmed gesture conveys trust, making people more likely to agree with what you’re saying while pointing is seen as being aggressive and rude. Avoid looking down on your nose and crossing your arms.

While looking down your nose is a disrespectful gesture as it might make the other person feel inferior, crossing your arms during conversations signals defensiveness, uneasiness, and insecurity. Head nod signifies affirmation and is considered as a positive form of nonverbal communication. Social scientists in Japan found that the nodding head motion significantly increases ratings of subjective likability and approachability. A nod can also reinforce the positive parts of the message. It functions as an interaction between the speaker and the listener.

#Rule 4 – Bring out the listener in you along with your kind and compassionate side

Be a good listener first!
9 Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly

While its important to possess and develop efficient listening skills, one needs to be an active listener and not a passive one. Whether we admit it or not, we all love to hear our voices and talk about ourselves. Harvard neuroscientists have pointed out that talking about ourselves triggers certain pleasure areas of the brain.

It is a rewarding feeling when our opinions, thoughts, and beliefs are heard and we immediately develop a liking and fondness towards the person who lets us express ourselves.

Therefore, be their patient listener if you want someone to like you instantly. Exhibiting a significant amount of kindness and compassion makes one come across as warm, empathetic, and competent, increasing the chances of being liked.

Read 10 Powerful Psychology Tricks You Can Use To Influence People

#Rule 5 – Donโ€™t forget to take their name

To an extent, we are all narcissists and love the sound of our name as it makes us feel important. Our name is an essential part of our identity, and significant researches have shown that hearing our names from others makes us feel validated.

Addressing someone by their first name and using their name during conversations highlight that you care about them. However, when you keep repeating someoneโ€™s name unnecessarily, it sounds idiotic. Therefore, you must know when not to overdo it.

#Rule 6 – Maintain eye contact

Favorite type of people- that one person who makes direct eye contact with you while you are telling a story.
9 Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly

Eyes are definitely the window to the soul and they do play an important part in making someone like us. Maintaining eye contact during a conversation is crucial, however, doing so throughout is perceived as aggressive and uncalled for. Therefore, you need to strike a perfect balance and draw the line while maintaining eye contact in a conversation.

Studies have found that maintaining eye contact makes one perceived to be interested, appealing, friendly, and trustworthy. Similarly, avoiding eye contact makes one come across as disinterested, shy, or embarrassed.

#Rule 7 – Never flatter but compliment

Who doesn’t feel great when someone points out the qualities in you or expresses their positive regard for you? We are unconsciously driven towards people who make us feel better about ourselves. Flattery might sometimes come off as fake, exaggerated, and makes you the person who tries too hard. But giving meaningful and limited compliments makes one come across as genuine and sincere. It’s a surefire way to make someone like you instantly.

Studies have found that when you genuinely compliment someone, it not only elevates your mood but also boosts your self-esteem. The key takeaway is ensuring that the compliments you give are sincere and authentic as it forms a baseline for trust.

#Rule 8 – Donโ€™t hide your sense of humor

Having a good sense of humor is an essential tool-set for social interactions. It also highlights that your EQ levels are higher than the average. A series of studies conducted at DePaul University and Illinois State University showcased that you can automatically make someone like you more by exhibiting your sense of humor while you are getting to know them.

Researches have shown that funny people are a lot more successful in life, and humor signifies sound psychological health. Comedy and a hearty laugh never fail to build connections and make the bonding stronger.

Read 16 Research-Based Psychological Tricks for Your Social Life

#Rule 9 – Be confident about your flaws

We are not fond of those people who come across as perfect goody-two-shoes because we fail to relate with them. We rather envy them and keep ourselves away from them as they constantly remind us of the things we lack. When someone confidently showcases their flaws and cooks jokes out of their shortcomings, we are automatically drawn towards them. We perceive them to be more likable, interesting, and genuine.

A connection is something that is felt and developed with time. However, these 9 tricks will definitely come in handy if you want someone to immediately like you or see you in a favorable light right after getting introduced. It will act as the gateway for building up a more profound relation.

Do you want someone to like you instantly? Follow these 9 not-so-known rules and trick people into perceiving you in a positive light.
&Nbsp;9 Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly
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Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly
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Psychological Tricks To Make Someone Like You Instantly

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  1. Khadija Avatar

    It really is effective! I’m making more friends than I could ever.

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