The Four Levels of Intuition – Recognizing the Voice of your Highest Wisdom


The Four Levels of Intuition

Do you know that your intuition has four levels? The following article will show you how to navigate through the four levels of intuition to gain the highest wisdom.

Learning to develop and trust our intuitive intelligence is more important now than it ever has been before.

According to a recent UCLA study, we are exposed to a tsunami of information that amounts to over 174 newspapers full of data per day. That is more than 5 times the amount of information we were exposed to just 20 years ago. Included in this deluge of data are countless opinions, endless streams of expert advice, and a myriad of gurus and guides telling us what we should be doing in order to live our best lives.

The reality is that the only guidance system we need to assist us in living our best life is the wisdom held within our natural intuitive intelligence. When properly developed it can and will lead us to the choices, ideas, and innovations that will guide us towards what is truly in our best interest and help us create the highest good in our lives.

Intuition is a subtle language so understanding the various ways it communicates makes having a deep and meaningful relationship with it rewarding, reliable, and much more fun.

Intuition operates in our body and nervous system on levels that range from basic, binary, survival-based communications to complete conversations that are elegant, sophisticated, and evolved.

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The Four Levels of Intuition:

Here is a guide on how to tap into the 4 levels of intuition to arrive at the highest form of intelligence.

levels of intuition
There Are Four Levels Of Intuition


Attributes: safety, security, and survival.

We have all heard of this level of intuition, and most of us can recall a time when we recognized it or felt its presence in our lives. Gut instinct may be the best-known and most mainstream interpretation of intuition, but it is only a small part of the entire intelligence system. We should not depend on it alone to guide us to our highest potential or outcome.

Gut instinct is simple, basic, and binary, which means it communicates through the feeling of opposites and uses impressions such as yes or no, stop or go, safe or unsafe, to convey its message.

When your gut instinct is operating, it will answer such questions as: โ€œIs this choice/person/relationship in my best interests?Can I thrive in this environment?” “Will this situation meet my deepest needs?โ€

Read 7 Common Gut Instincts You Should ALWAYS Listen To


Attributes: courage, compassion, and communication.

The intelligence in the heart encourages us to adopt the practice of courage, compassion, and care and use them to communicate and connect with all other life forms in our environment.

It guides us to what is appropriate to say or do in moments of need and allows us to connect and communicate in often unspoken ways and to bond with people, animals, and places in ways that cannot be described by words or rational thought.

This center of wisdom prompts us to ask the questions, such as: โ€œIs my life filled with beauty? “Do I love what I do?” “How can I discover my joy?” “What would I do if I were not afraid?”Am I bringing the best of myself to my life and the world?โ€

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levels of intuition
There Are Four Levels Of Intuition


Attributes: imagination, visionary certainty, and creative possibility.

The third level of intuitive intelligence is found in the mystical and often misunderstood power of extrasensory perception (ESP), expanded spiritual vision, lucid dreaming, and other elevated psychic events.

This is the level of intuition where extraordinary solutions, alternate ways of doing things, and groundbreaking new ideas are commonplace.

When this center of wisdom is active it guides us to ask questions such as: โ€œWhat do I see as a solution or possibility?” “Is there something I am overlooking?” “What dreams do I have for my future that I havenโ€™t given myself permission to make into a reality?โ€

Read Understanding Our Minds: Between Intuition and Assumption


Attributes: Universal awareness and unity consciousness

The fourth level of intuitive intelligence is the most nonphysical of the group. This intelligence is often activated during deep meditation or advanced awareness practices, and it is sometimes reported after near-death experiences or times of great stress or trauma.

The highest level of intuition that humans can reach while in physical form is the one that allows us to access the realm of all things and to become consciously aware of our connection to and ability to create with the intelligence that is the source of our reality.

When we are aligned with this level of intelligence, we recognize that all things in life are valuable and appropriate and that we have the power within us to change and heal our lives if we so choose.

Here there are no questions. There is only consciousness.

As you become familiar with these levels of intuition and levels of communication, your rapport with this natural form of intelligence will grow, evolve and expand and it will not matter what the rest of the world is telling you to do. With the direct guidance of your own wisdom, you will be able to navigate any situation with a sense of joy, ease, and great satisfaction.

Source -
Written By - Simone Wright

We hope you loved the above-given article on the different levels of intuition. Please let us know your personal take on the high levels of intuition, in the comments below.

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The 4 Levels Of Intuition
The Four Levels of Intuition - Recognizing the Voice of your Highest Wisdom
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The Four Levels Of Intuition – Recognizing The Voice Of Your Highest Wisdom
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The Four Levels Of Intuition – Recognizing The Voice Of Your Highest Wisdom

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