7 Reasons Taylor Swift Is Good for Her Fans’ Mental Health


Reasons Taylor Swift Is Good for Her Fans' Mental Health

Taylor Swift isn’t just a superstar, she is nothing short of a mental health champion for her fans. Her music is so well-loved because of the comfort and inspiration it provides to everyone. Let’s find out the reasons why Taylor Swift is good for your mental health.


  • Open discussions about mental health issues can reduce stigma, increase awareness, and promote well-being.
  • Taylor Swift’s songs serve as a source of comfort for many and can bolster their emotional awareness.
  • The songs bridge generational gaps, fostering familial and intergenerational connections.

Taylor Swiftโ€™s influence has been with us for a long while now. And unlike others who gained fame in their youth but fell from a โ€œState of Grace,โ€ she is doing more than simply holding up.

She and her Swifties are thriving. Itโ€™s a subculture, but I didnโ€™t yet get it. So I went to “The Eras Tour” movie to try to better understand the trend.

While in line, a cheerful stranger wearing cowboy boots and a dress greeted my husband and me. (In Los Angeles, that kind of โ€œFearlessโ€ friendliness is rarely experienced.) She asked if we’d been to the concert.

I said no. She talked about the โ€œAfterglowโ€ the concert gave her and then complimented me on the movie merch cup I was holding.

Shortly after, someone else, again gleeful, trekked over to my husband and me. She handed us pink and orange friendship bracelets to wear. Mine said TS and his Paris. (So cute! And how cool that we obvious outsiders were so welcomed!)

As people filled the theater, we noticed moms with kids wearing sparkly dresses. Dads showed up with their young ones, too. Probably 10 percent of the attendees were male-appearing.

Related: Swiftโ€™s Symphony: The 10 Most Poetic Taylor Swift Lyrics

Are You โ€œโ€ฆReady For It?โ€

Once The Eras Tour film began, I kept glancing behind me. Contrary to complaints about theater-going Swiftie fans โ€œruiningโ€ the experience, the enthusiasm was robust and quite polite. The whole theater danced while seated in their chairs and sang along.

It was impossible to avoid the sense of connection and joyโ€”all driven by love โ€œEvermoreโ€ for Taylor Swift. I left the film feeling better and happier than my โ€œChampagne Problemsโ€ had left me earlier in the day.

Shortly after my Eras experience, CalPsychiatry emailed an invite to a discussion group with Brian Donovan, a sociology professor at the University of Kansas who teaches a course on “The Sociology of Taylor Swift.” OK. I still wanted my โ€œEpiphanyโ€ about Swift’s power.

Our group included around 25 therapists and psychiatristsโ€”some were Swifties, and others were, like me, filled with curioSwifty. (Get it?)

The discussionsโ€™ initial โ€œBlank Spaceโ€ immediately filled with stories of how Swift has touched both therapists and their clients alike, and I began to piece together the likely mental health benefits that Taylor Swift’s fandom seems to offer.

taylor swift
7 Reasons Taylor Swift Is Good For Her Fans’ Mental Health

โ€œYou Belong With Meโ€

  • Sense of belonging. Swifties share a global connectedness. No matter the divisiveness in the larger culture, they unite. Though I donโ€™t personally know all the fandom terminology, the minute I received that friendship bracelet, Iโ€™d been welcomed into the community, and human beings need social connectedness and a sense of belonging to thrive.
  • Intergenerational bonding. Generations share an appreciation of Swift and her music. Many women grew up with Swift’s music and now their kids are growing up with Swift and her music. Instead of a generational gap, thereโ€™s intergenerational bonding over a shared interest and icon: Swift. What a powerful familial, intergenerational experience.


  • Coping skills. As good storytelling and music do, Swiftโ€™s music and lyrics offer comfort to and coping for many. (Just listen to them.) Having and using healthy coping skills is a huge part of mental wellness.
  • Emotion expressiveness/regulation. Swiftโ€™s lyrics validate emotional experiences. They seem to teach people a lot about labeling and expressing their own feelings. I believe this is a significant benefit because research shows that an inability to identify and discuss feelings is linked to poor mental health (Weissman et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2023).

โ€œSpeak Nowโ€

  • Inspiring messages. With her platform, Swift often delivers humble and valuable life lessons. As she said in her 2022 New York University commencement address: “Learn to live alongside cringeโ€ฆCringe is unavoidable over a lifetime. Even the term โ€˜cringeโ€™ might someday be deemed โ€˜cringe.โ€™” Kind but real talk like this may provide fans with coping affirmations and motivational quotes that counter negative thinking and self-judgment.


  • Humor. Taylor Swift appears to not take herself too seriously. Many of us could probably also benefit from being less โ€œMeanโ€ to ourselves. I imagine that this role modeling positively influences fans.
  • Mental health awareness. Various songs reference struggles with mental health. I love that she brings that into the public eye, reducing the shame surrounding mental health issues and increasing awareness.

Related: 12 Most Life-Changing Quotes By Taylor Swift To Inspire Yourself With

โ€œYou Can Call It What You Want,โ€ but Hereโ€™s Some โ€œClosureโ€

Thereโ€™s a lot to be revealed about the sociology and science of Swiftโ€™s impact. A survey released earlier this month suggested that “some artists have a more positive impact on the mood and wellbeing of young people than others, with Taylor Swift coming out on top (32%) as having the most positive effects.”

I get it. While not exactly a โ€œLove Story,โ€ Swift and her Swifties have, at the least, left me in a โ€œLavender Haze.โ€ Itโ€™s kinda contagious in a feel-good way.


Weissman, D. G., Nook, E. C., Dews, A. A., Miller, A. B., Lambert, H. K., Sasse, S. F., Somerville, L. H., & McLaughlin, K. A. (2020). Low Emotional Awareness as a Transdiagnostic Mechanism Underlying Psychopathology in Adolescence. Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, 8(6), 971โ€“988. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167702620923649

Zhang, B., Zhang, W., Sun, L. et al. Relationship between alexithymia, loneliness, resilience and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents with depression: a multi-center study. BMC Psychiatry 23, 445 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-023-04938-y

Written By Alli Spotts-De Lazzer
Originally Appeared On Psychology Today
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7 Reasons Taylor Swift Is Good For Her Fans Mental Health Pin

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