Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality


Toxic Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

Have you ever encountered someone who seems completely wrapped up in themselves? Below are some egocentric personality traits identifying someone who always turns the conversation back to their own life.

Having an egocentric personality means having a mindset where everything revolves around โ€œme, myself, and I.โ€

So, letโ€™s break down common signs of an egocentric personality and how you can recognize them in your daily life.

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

Read more here: 11 Hidden Signs Of A Jealous Mother In Law You Canโ€™t Overlook

7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

1. They Always Want to Be the Center of Attention

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

Those who are egocentric crave attention and approval. In social settings or one-on-one conversations, they tend to dominate discussions by talking about their accomplishments, problems, and views โ€“ even if it means steering the conversation back to themselves regardless of how it started. 

This constant need for acknowledgment can make them appear self-centered and leave others feeling unheard or overlooked.

How to spot egocentric personality traits? 

Take note of how frequently they redirect chats to revolve around events in their lives. Do they cut people off just so that everything may be about them? That is a definite sign.

2. They Lack Empathy

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

The inability to understand or care about what someone else might feel is another trait common among egotists. If something doesnโ€™t directly affect them, especially, they struggle with grasping it. 

Such individuals often come across as cold-hearted because of this lack of empathy for othersโ€™ emotions and could even seem manipulative sometimes.

How to spot this? If your emotions are rarely acknowledged by them or you get brushed off with phrases like โ€œyouโ€™re overreactingโ€ or โ€œitโ€™s not a big deal,โ€ then thereโ€™s likely no empathy there.

3. They Have a Sense of Entitlement

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

Another typical feature shared by many egoists is having a sense of entitlement; believing that some kind of special treatment should be given just because they exist here on earth, like breathing air! 

Egocentric personality traits can manifest themselves in different ways such as expecting praise all the time or thinking oneself better deserving of rewards than anyone else does without working hard for those rewards.

Their attitude usually leads them into fits of temper when things donโ€™t go their way resulting in throwing tantrums or showing passive-aggressive behavior.

How to spot this? Watch how he/she reacts when a plan fails; seems disappointed about not getting treated especially?

4. They Are Poor Listeners

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

When conversing with someone who has an egocentric personality type, one might as well be talking to a brick wall because it feels like they are not paying attention. They may nod or give short responses but only so that you can finish what you were saying and then itโ€™s their turn!

Listening for understanding is not in their nature; instead, listening becomes a responsive tool that brings back conversation towards self.

How to spot the signs of an egocentric personality? Do they always interrupt you halfway through a sentence? Are there times when they appear preoccupied while you’re trying to share something?

5. They Play The Blame Game

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

Another thing about egocentric individuals is that they hate being wrong so much so, sometimes go out of their way to avoid accepting that they could have made a mistake somewhere somehow!

If anything fails to work according to plan then somebody else must be responsible apart from themโ€ฆ Admitting fault does not come naturally to them because doing so would mean admitting imperfection too.

Spotting this: How does she/he handle criticism or deal with failure? Does she/he immediately point fingers at others or justify her/his actions?

6. They Struggle To Keep Relationships Alive

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

It is never easy for egoists to maintain a close relationship with another person because theyโ€™re always thinking about themselves first before considering other peopleโ€™s feelings โ€“ this makes things quite complicated! 

True friendship requires a give-and-take approach but unfortunately, such an approach tends to fall on deaf ears as far as they are concerned. 

Lack of empathy coupled with constant neediness for attention over time can push people away gradually till nobody remains close anymore!

How to spot this? Look into his/her past love affairs; do exes keep coming back after breakups?

7. They Have a Superiority Complex

egocentric personality
Is It All About Them? 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality

People with ego-centric tendencies often think of themselves as superior to others. They might have or pretend like they have low self-esteem in addition to self-centeredness, but this doesnโ€™t stop them from looking down on others around them. 

Such individuals could also be dismissive towards other peopleโ€™s views and opinions considering their own being the most important ones there are; thus making any conversation impossible for these individuals to hold without coming off as arrogant or condescending.

How to spot it? Are they always right? Do you feel like no matter what topic comes up in conversation with this person โ€” whether professional matters or personal relationships โ€” everything revolves around themselves?

If so, then congratulations! Youโ€™ve just met an egocentric person who thinks more highly about themselves than anyone else ever could.

Read more here: 6 Behaviors That Can Make A Girl Seem โ€˜Crazyโ€™โ€” According To Guys

Spotting the signs of an egocentric person can be tricky because theyโ€™re often skilled when it comes to hiding their behaviors, especially when they want to make a good impression. 

While everyone has their moments of being selfish, egocentric personality traits become a problem when a person keeps putting themselves first at the expense of others.

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Me Myself And I 7 Signs Of An Egocentric Personality Pin

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