Your Monthly Horoscope For September 2022: How Will Mercury Retrograde Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

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Monthly Horoscope September Mercury Retrograde Affect Zodiac Sign 1

Are you prepared for another Mercury retrograde? Everyone is bound to be affected by Mercuryโ€™s notorious backspin. Read on to find out what effect it will have on the Monthly Horoscope for your zodiac sign.

Although several planets go retrograde, Mercuryโ€™s backspin period is the most infamous of all, given the confusion, disruptions, and miscommunications it brings along with it. This time too, we are heading for some serious Mercury mayhem as the planet goes into reverse motion come September.

Hereโ€™s everything you need to know about this celestial event and how itโ€™s going to affect your Monthly Horoscope for September 2022, according to your zodiac sign.

Related: The Dark Side of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

What Is Mercury Retrograde?

No, the planet Mercury does not actually move backward in space. Itโ€™s actually an optical illusion where it simply appears to be in a backward motion.

The astrologersโ€™ calculation of this period of the planetโ€™s apparent reverse movement, through the zodiac sign degrees, is termed Mercury Retrograde.

The retrograde phase of Mercury, the planet of communication, is often blamed to bring forth all sorts of troubles, like:

  • Misunderstandings cropping up among loved ones
  • Technology glitches
  • Breakdown of machinery
  • Communication and self-expression issues

When Is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury goes in retrograde on Sep 9, 2022.

When Does Mercury Retrograde End?

Mercury retrograde ends on Oct 2, 2022.

In Which Sign Will Mercury Retrograde Happen?

Mercury will retrograde in Libra for the first two weeks. On 23rd September, it will enter and remain in Virgo for the last one and a half weeks.

Libra represents balance, harmony, contracts, treaties, and partnerships, while Virgo rules over our material lie, including routine, schedules, work, finances, etc. So, be extra careful regarding:

  • Communicating sensitive information
  • Business negotiations
  • Legal contracts or cases
  • Resolving issues with loved ones
  • Investments or other financial decisions
  • Travel plans and appointments

Now letโ€™s see how your zodiac sign will hold up under the cosmic pressure of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde 2022 and how it will influence your September Monthly Horoscope.

Monthly Horoscope September 2022 Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Hereโ€™s your monthly horoscope for September 2022:

Your Monthly Horoscope For September 2022: How Will Mercury Retrograde Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

General Overview

According to your Aries monthly horoscope, you need to check your impulsive tendencies as this retrograde is going to affect your relationships and routines. You should be more diplomatic in your approach and take time to ponder your decisions before you make any move. Double check every travel and appointment booking and donโ€™t forget to read the fine prints. Being calm and composed under pressure is the need of the hour.


Arguments and misunderstandings are likely to pop up in your intimate relationship. You need to handle any unresolved conflicts with your partner with much patience and compassion. Be very careful with your words and donโ€™t give in to your habitual rage.


You might find yourself hard-pressed after managing your relationships, so donโ€™t be your usual self and try to accomplish all of your tasks at once. Take as much work as you can cope with. You will have to handle sensitive topics and disagreements among coworkers and business associates with a cool head.

As per your monthly horoscope, you might be presented with a lucrative offer at your job or a business proposal that might take you to foreign lands or far from your home. Carefully read the details and make travel arrangements accordingly.

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

General Overview

According to your Taurus monthly horoscope, your daily schedule and targets are going to go haywire and any effort to resist on your part will only bring more chaos and confusion.

So release your stubborn attitude and allow yourself to be more agile regarding your commitments, both in personal and professional sectors. This will be a month to review your relationships and career choices.


Old flames might appear out of nowhere and cause trouble in your existing relationships. If you are happy with your current partner, you will need to set some clear boundaries with your ex and stick to them firmly.

Also, if your partner feels ignored due to your crazy work schedule, you have to clearly communicate and explain the situation to them. 


As work starts piling up, you will be forced to let go of some work commitments that are not aligned with your goals anymore. This will free up your time and allow you to focus on things that bring your satisfaction and fulfillment.

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

General Overview

According to your Gemini monthly horoscope, you might find yourself stuck in a rut in the month ahead. Old and dysfunctional patterns from your past might arise and cause you much emotional distress.

You will be well advised to get in touch with your inner self and retrospect your life so far. The answer to a specific question lies in a similar situation in the past. Once you identify the behavioral patterns and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, you can make better choices.


You might have to deal with some family drama this month. Lack of harmony and rivalry among siblings can bring significant unrest to your family of origin, as per your monthly horoscope.

Your romantic relationship will also come under the scanner. Donโ€™t let doubts and external influences ruin your relationship with your partner. Work toward establishing more trust and understanding.


If personal troubles make you feel demotivated at work, make some time to recharge and rest. As you approach work with a fresh mind, you will get tons of creative ideas and you will be slaying your tasks and meeting all your deadlines. Success at work will bring the inspiration and motivation that you were looking for.

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

General Overview

According to your Cancer monthly horoscope, you will be drawn to your past as you feel somewhat disillusioned with your present circumstances. Clear communication across relationships can get you through this phase of discontentment. Do not go back to a relationship that has clearly run its course, simply because you feel a little nostalgic.


You might feel a lack of warmth in your relationship and this can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts with your partner. Instead of giving up on your relationship and seeking comfort by going down memory lane, open an honest and clear conversation with your partner.

As per your monthly horoscope, you will be able to resolve all your issues, once you both decide to become honest and vulnerable with each other.


The coming month is favorable for your work and career. You will attract opportunities, financial gains, and recognition from the right people. Foreign trips or negotiations linked with foreign clients will bring much abundance and success.

However, be careful not to be boastful or arrogant due to your good fortune. Avoid being passive-aggressive while dealing with critics and haters. A cool demeanor will preserve your success streak.

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

General Overview

According to your Leo monthly horoscope, you will need to take it easy this month. Electronic communication snags, monetary loss, travel cancelations, and miscommunications among friends will dampen your fiery spirit.

Keep backup plans in place and extra time for going from one place to another. Keep yourself calm during heated arguments, so that your relationships donโ€™t get sour.


Your aggressive nature can cause you to say hurtful things, which you will come to regret later. It will be a frustrating time for you with all your plans getting stalled, but you need to make sure that, it doesnโ€™t affect your mood and the way you behave with your loved ones.

You will get a chance to make up for your lousy act with your partner in the second half of the month. You will do some serious damage control by owning up to your mistakes, apologizing sincerely, and doing something thoughtful to mend things.


As per your monthly horoscope, dealing with work will feel like too much, especially communication with others will be potentially draining. The trick is to go slow and steady.

Let go of your need to be the best performer and your desire for recognition. Instead of rushing into things, silently do your work one at a time and you will get more things done than you could have imagined.

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

General Overview

According to your Virgo monthly horoscope, your need to be particular and perfect will get a notch higher, as Mercury, your ruling planet, enters your sign Virgo in the second half of the retrograde.

The entire retrograde period will be a little more intense for you than the other signs, so exercise caution while making big purchases or planning important events.


Your steady relationship will feel like more work than fun this month. You will need to fulfill your responsibilities toward your partner but your efforts will be half-hearted.

Be mindful of your bad habits or quirks that donโ€™t go down well with your partner as these issues will amplify and create a rift between you two. 


Carrer-wise the time is quite auspicious for you. The planetary placement of Mercury will bring you opportunities and desired outcomes.

According to your monthly horoscope, you will get the progress and success at your job, that you were dreaming of for a long time. It will be a favorable time to grab a new job offer, promotion, raise, or business expansion.

However, manage your finances well and pay attention to unnecessary expenses, outstanding debts, or critical investment plans.

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

General Overview

According to your Libra monthly horoscope, once Mercury enters your sign, you will find it difficult to express yourself fearing backlash or negative feedback.

It is important for you to have faith in your views and opinions and voice them without any need for external validation. You cannot make everyone happy all the time. So, donโ€™t worry about ruffling some feathers.


According to your monthly horoscope, the first half of the retrograde will be beneficial for your love life. You will experience an increase in romance, care, and passion in your relationship. The time is ripe for Libra natives who want to settle down or pop the question.

Minor misunderstandings might crop up in the second half of the month, but those hurdles can be crossed with open communication.


Work will be challenging this month. You might need to put in extra effort and working hours to get your desired results. For people who have their own business, satisfying clients will be a big issue. However, determination and self-confidence will tide you over this difficult time.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

General Overview

According to your Scorpio monthly horoscope, you will need to give up your need to be right. Constant arguments and conflicts among friends will force you to bow out with dignity instead of trying to prove your point.

You always have been quick with your reactions, but this month, you will be compelled to process emotions slowly and gain insights into your innermost feelings.


The planetary placements are favorable for sweet and strong love life for you unless you get in your own way. Stay away from aggressive behavior and angry outbursts if you want to save your relationship.

According to your monthly horoscope, if things go well with your significant other, you two might plan a trip or even think about taking your relationship to the next level.


Things are looking up in your work sector. You will attract the attention of your seniors with your contributions, ideas, and hard work. People in business will make significant profits.

If your intuition is not as strong as it used to be, donโ€™t worry too much about it. Itโ€™s a temporary phase. Closely monitor your feelings and think hard before committing to anything big.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

General Overview

According to your Sagittarius monthly horoscope, communication will be the key factor this month. Donโ€™t give into toxic drama and blurt out something unwittingly. Hold your tongue when youโ€™re not sure what to say.

Take extra care while replying to important emails or text messages. Your public image, social life, and career will come under the direct influence of Mercury retrograde.


Your love life will be in flux in the month ahead. Bitter arguments and resentments toward each other can plague your relationship. Donโ€™t let doubts and suspicion come between you and your partner. Maintain an open channel of communication to resolve your issues peacefully.

Upon successful resolution of conflicts, you can expect a romantic getaway with your loved one or some quality time that you both badly need.


According to your monthly horoscope, there is considerable success in your career domain this month. Profitable business deals and career growth are on the horizon for you.

However, there might be some toxic coworkers or competitors who could try to spread some malice or negativity. Donโ€™t be tempted to get into a verbal fight with them, as things might escalate and tarnish your image. Be diplomatic and ignore all negative situations strategically.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

General Overview

According to your Capricorn monthly horoscope, work is the most important thing for you, and guess what? Your professional life will be most impacted by this retrograde.

You should focus on the projects that are already on your plate, rather than pursuing new goals. Itโ€™s a good idea to hit the pause button and think about a new approach to solve an old problem.


Overall, the coming month is favorable for love and romance. Your bond with your partner will get stronger and those who want to get married might think about tying the knot even.

Work-related stress might spill over into your romantic life and cause some trouble. Donโ€™t be rash with your words at the time of conflict or you will end up hurting your beloved. Spend some quality time with each other to understand one another even better.


There will be challenges at work that you can overcome by being attentive and diligent. Donโ€™t forget to read all details carefully before making a decision. Be careful so that your productivity doesnโ€™t drop due to external factors.

According to your monthly horoscope, things will improve in the latter half of the month. You will find yourself meeting all your targets and implementing the right strategies for your progress at work.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

General Overview

According to your Aquarius monthly horoscope, itโ€™s better not to start something new during this period, especially when you have so much unfinished business from the past. You might feel the need to do something impulsive like planning a trip or buying a car, but know this is just the rush from the retrograde.

If you do decide to make a huge purchase or travel somewhere far, carefully go through your itinerary and budget. Mercury retrograde can sneakily unleash hidden expenses and delays.


Talking about unfinished business, if you have left someone in the lurch due to your indecision or other things, itโ€™s the right time to set the records straight and restore the balance in your relationship.

If you are in a committed relationship, spending time with your partner and having heart-to-heart conversations will strengthen your bond.

Your monthly horoscope reads, that if you think more positively about your love life, you will discover new ideas to deal with any relationship worries that you might have.


You will attain your desired results in terms of your career. Your professional life will see immense growth during this period with profitable negotiations and the successful completion of projects.

According to your monthly horoscope, this will be the perfect time for you to take any important decision regarding your finances or job opportunities. If you were planning to switch roles or invest in something new, now is the time to do it!

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

General Overview

According to your Pisces monthly horoscope, the month ahead can be a bit difficult to deal with, especially if you let your emotions run free. Old patterns will reemerge and trigger your unresolved emotional wounds. Donโ€™t fall back into your unhealthy habits and coping style.

You can use this time to heal your wounds, at the same time, review the connections in your life. You need to cut some people lose who are bringing you negativity and unrest instead of love, growth, healing, and harmony.


Your romantic relationship will be put through the litmus test. If you and your partner can come out of the misunderstandings, conflicts, and doubts, your relationship will be stronger than ever.

This will also be the right time to reexamine your needs and limitations in your relationship. Spending time with your partner and communicating with them will improve your relationship and help resolve both of your grievances.


Your monthly horoscope reads, that in matters of work, you will see satisfactory results in your endeavors that will advance your career in the right direction.

Your magnetism will attract the right career opportunities and you might land that big promotion or bag that fat raise. In the field of business, you are most likely to team up with the right investors, clients, and partners who will contribute to your profit and success! 

Beware Of The Shadow

When reading your September 2022 prediction, please keep in mind that the effects of Mercury Retrograde often start showing up a week before its commencement and last for a week after the retrograde is officially over.

To survive the backspin period of Mercury, you need to take it slow, carefully read all legal and financial agreements, maintain clear communications, and refrain from reacting impulsively.

Monthly Horoscope

Related: Spirituality

So thatโ€™s all for your zodiac prediction for your September 2022 horoscope. Let us know if you could resonate with our September 2022 Monthly Horoscope based on your zodiac sign.

If you liked our September Horoscope, feel free to like and share the article with your friends and for more Monthly Horoscope 2022, keep watching this space! 

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