Self Care Ideas For Mental Health: 10 Mental Health Boosters For Those Bad Days


Easy Self Care Ideas For Mental Health And Those Bad Days

Feeling like your brain is doing backflips in a rollercoaster? You know those days when your mental health takes a nosedive and it feels like you are caught up in a relentless storm? But fear not, because I’ve got your back with these self care ideas for mental health that can help you ride out the bumpy patches.

Whether you’re battling anxiety, stress, tension or just a case of the blues, these easy self care ideas will give you the boost you need to conquer the day. So grab a cup of tea, cozy up, and get ready to discover some self-care ideas for bad days that will leave you feeling like a superhero in no time.

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10 Simple But Effective Self Care Ideas For Mental Health

1. Take a hot, relaxing bath.

Whenever you feel like the world is closing in on you, run a warm bath and immerse yourself in it for some time. Take this bath slowly, and feel the warm water relaxing you.

This will naturally help you feel gratitude in your heart, and make you focus on the present. And slowly, you will find your balance again, and forget about what was bothering you in the first place.

This is one of the best self care ideas for mental health.

Easy self care ideas for mental health

2. Go for a brisk walk outdoors.

Taking a quick walk outside, be it around the block, in a park, or in the woods, can do wonders for your mind, and is one of the my most favorite self care ideas for mental health.

When you take a walk outside, you can feel the oxygen in your lungs and brain which gets your blood flowing. Walking outside is amazing for when you are stressed out, or when you want to clear your mind.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed or mentally drained, go take a walk outside and feel the difference within just a few minutes.

3. Call a close friend.

Whenever you feel like you are having a really bad day, and just can’t take it anymore, call a close friend of yours and talk to them.

Pick up the phone and reach out to someone you trust. Confide in somebody close about how you feel, and why you think you are having a bad day. When you speak to close friends, and vent to them, they will provide you with the emotional support you are looking for.

Talking to a good friend can soothe your worries, giving you a gentle reminder that you’re a strong person and you can get through anything life throws at you.

4. Listen to a funny, uplifting podcast.

Always remember that laughter is the best medicine whenever you are having a tough day. Laughter and funny things can seriously improve your mood and make you feel light and optimistic again.

A good chuckle not only lifts your spirits but also strengthens your immune system, eases pain, and shields you against the nasty effects of stress. Nothing beats laughter when it comes to getting your mind and body back on track.

Then there are days when an extra dose of optimism is necessary โ€“ those are the perfect times to listen to a motivating and inspiring podcast that can transform how you think and feel. Self-care ideas for bad days? This is a perfect option!

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5. Go outside and do some “grounding”.

Going outside and touching your body literally with the ground can do wonders for your health, emotions, and overall wellbeing.

“Earthing,” which people also call grounding is about making contact with the earth, it’s like touching base with your roots. Also, this allows your body to pick up natural electrical charge from Mother Earth.

The act of grounding can deeply reduce stress and inflammation in your body and mind, providing a sense of calm. You can easily tap into the advantages of Earthing by taking a 20-30 minute walk barefoot on the beach or park or even in your lawn.

Easy self care ideas for mental health

6. Create a clean, decluttered space.

One of the best self care ideas for mental health is decluttering.

Before pushing yourself to get back on track, take the first step by making a welcoming space around you. When you’re mentally not in the right place, your thoughts will be all over the place, that’s why it’s important to provide a peaceful place for them to settle.

This means keeping your room tidy and clean, and making sure that your personal space or where you spend the most time feels like a safe haven and sanctuary.

Get rid of anything you donโ€™t need if you havenโ€™t done so already. Clean up and imagine each cleared spot is like clearing away hurt from within you, creating room for healing and growth.

7. Do what makes you happy.

Sometimes when the negative thoughts hit, it’s tempting to seek out quick fixes or distractions. However, these only provide temporary relief, and might even cause you to feel worse in the long run.

If you are having a bad day, forget your to-do lists and do something that makes your heart happy. Put aside all your tasks for the moment and dive into an activity you adore or something that brings you joy.

This could be anything from painting, cooking, gardening to applying makeup. You might not be up for it, but gear up and channel your vigor into something productive that pleases you.

Related: 15 Little Ways To Practice Self-Care Even When You Are Busy

8. Soak up some sun.

If you are looking for some easy self care ideas, especially self-care ideas for bad days, then enjoying some time in the sun is one of the best things you can do.

Basking in the sun daily, even if it’s for just 15 minutes can supply you with daily dose of vitamin D, which is great for boosting your mood and strengthening your immune system.

The sun’s rays also trigger the release of serotonin in your brain; this “happy hormone” plays a crucial role in regulating how you feel and also affects your focus and concentration. On tough days, spend a little time basking in some sunlight, and it may just be the pick-me-up you need.

9. Write down your thoughts in a journal.

Scribbling down your thoughts whenever you feel overwhelmed or when you feel like your mind’s going to burst, can help you so much when it comes to taking care of your mental health.

One of the most effective self-care ideas for bad days, journaling can actually help you unwind, as well as help you to sleep better at night. By transferring what’s on your mind onto paper, those thoughts become something concrete you can manage.

Even more so, documenting worries or persistent ideas can clear them from your head by shifting them to a physical space that isn’t between your ears.

Easy self care ideas for mental health

10. Make yourself a cup of steaming herbal tea.

A cup of soothing herbal tea can work wonders for your mental health, and is one of the easiest self care ideas for mental health. For example, peppermint tea is my favorite tea to drink whenever I feel anxious or stressed out. It instantly soothes me and makes me feel calmer.

Peppermint contains menthol which is naturally calming, and can really help you deal with those pesky thoughts; also, mentally you feel clearer. Chamomile tea and lavender tea are also famous for calming nerves and helping you to relax; they can also help you to sleep better at night.

Related: How To Use Binaural Beats To Let Go of Fear, Pain, And Overthinking

So, there we go! These are some of the best self care ideas for mental health, and are even tried and tested. Which of these easy self care ideas have you tried before? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

self care ideas

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