11 Warning Signs Your Relationship Is Making You Depressed


Relationship Is Making You Depressed

Being in a healthy relationship can help you be your best self. But on the flip side, an unhealthy relationship can end up making you feel depressed.

When in a relationship, it often happens that though both partners are talking to each other, they still cannot really understand each other, as well as they, used to before.

When youโ€™re feeling down and lost, it might be difficult to tell whether or not your relationship is to blame. If youโ€™re perplexed with the thought of whether your relationship is bringing you down, please observe your overall mood for a while.

After ascertaining that something is not just right, please note itโ€™s time to evaluate the health of your relationship and time to find out all other factors that might be contributing to depression.

Most people will confess that an unhealthy relationship can contribute to symptoms of depression and emotional distress. In this post, we are going to discuss some of the signs of a depression-inducing relationship.

Here Are 11 Warning Signs Your Relationship Is Making You Depressed

1. Your Opinion is Hardly Taken into Consideration.

If you feel left out of conversations and if you realize that your lover is letting his or her own thoughts to overpower a situation in which both of you play an equal role, you have to understand that your importance is not the same in his or her eyes anymore.

2. You Keep Thinking About How Your Partner Would React.

There were times when you were free to do whatever you wanted because you knew it for certain that your partner understands you and values your thoughts and actions.

However, if, today, you feel like your partner is disrespecting your choices or does not understand the reason behind your behavior even after a thorough explanation, then it is high time you walk out of the relationship.

Related: This Is What A Healthy Relationship Looks Like

3. You Become Dependent on Your Partner.

Dependency is a good thing as long as you do not lose your individuality. In case you do, you can rest assured that it is very difficult to help your relationship survive.

4. Your Relationship Feels Like A Burden.

There were times when you could do things your own way and surprise your partner because you are in love.

However, if those surprises evolve into habits only because it is your duty to kiss your partner every morning when you wake up and the like, you have to understand that this relationship is lying on its deathbed.

Relationship Making You Depressed

5. You Cannot Be As Social As You Once Were.

If you catch your partner scrolling down the messages on your phone sneakily or not allowing you to hang out with the people who used to be included in your social sphere even when you were in a relationship, it is time to be bold and say โ€˜Noโ€™ to this relationship.

6. You Want To Fix Things Up But Cannot Do So.

Even though you realize that you both are not going steady and you should take an initiative to revive your relationship, you do not have the courage to confront your partner or the energy left to carry out this task yourself.

7. Your Partner Hardly Contributes to The Relationship.

This is a major reason why you often end up in a fight. Your contribution seems more than your partner when it comes to reviving your relationship. And this can make you feel that the relationship is making you depressed.

Related: 6 Steps To Turn A Toxic Relationship Into A Healthy One

8. You Can Hardly Remember The Last Time You Had A Good Time Together.

In a relationship, it is essential to spend some quality time with each other. However, if it turns out to be otherwise, it is a sort of great misery to both the couples.

If you cannot remember the last date you had gone to or the last time you had a sensual moment in bed, your relationship is at its stake.

9. You Are Concerned About Where This Relationship Is Going To.

There was a time when you could confidently say that nobody or nothing can ever break the two of you apart. At present, however, are you hesitating to say the same thing?

If yes, then you must realize that this doubtful opinion of yours is a true indication that your relationship is coming to end.

10. Your Partner Does Not Consider Your Opinion.

In spite of trying constantly, sometimes, you see that your partner is hardly giving importance to your ideas. Unlike the golden days in which your ideas mattered a lot to him or her before coming to a particular decision.

If so, then this means that you have to be mentally prepared to break up because the day is not far away.

Related: 6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal

11. You Need Someone To Talk You.

There was a time when you could share anything and everything with your partner because of which you did not have to talk to an outsider to feel better. You know your relationship is making you depressed when you feel that you have no one to talk to, not even your partner.

However, do you feel a void growing day by day in your relationship? And, do you feel that this void can be shrunken only by talking to someone matured enough to handle and take care of you like your partner used to do when you both were going strong and steady?

If you do need someone to fill that void, there is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, you must seek the help of a person who would be able to pull you up from the state of depression that you are entering into because of the failure of your relationship.

11 Warning Signs That Your Relationship Might Be Making You Depressed
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