Warrior Training 3: Conscious Embodiment

Warrior Training Conscious Embodiment

Do you want to be a real-life warrior, who is the epitome of courage, resilience, and true strength? Then warrior training is the perfect answer to that!


There is a curious power in being both
โ€‹a writer and a fighter.
I cast spells with my words.
And my fists.

Whom am I casting spells on, you may ask? A simple answerโ€ฆ Myself. Words are magic. They can both delude and dispel, cloud, or clarify.

I was caught in an incantation once; a manipulation through words, which kept me locked in a cycle of mental and emotional abuse for several years.

The foolish sociopath had no clue that I myself was a master of words. Of writing. That in serving up a plate of pain and suffering, that conscienceless monster inadvertently handed me the means to reclaim my power.

The means:ย Spellcasting.

Do you know how to dissolve a spell, which keeps you locked in destructive patterns of behavior?


Instructions to break the said spell:

  1. Stay loyal to the page.

2. Show up for yourself.

3. Write.

4. Practice presence.

5. Practice.

6. Keep writing.

I talk about these crucial steps in Warrior Training part 1:ย The Martial Arts Mindsetย and Warrior Training part 2: True Strength is Within.

Want to know more about how you can start your warrior training? Read Warrior Training 1: The Martial Arts Mindset

Want to know about the second stage of warrior training? Read Warrior Training 2: True Strength is Within

As you may have guessed, writing too is the warriorโ€™s path.

The first step is to show up in all that you are, in all that you feel. The next is to stay there, in full presence, and then to identify the challenges and obstacles which keep you from accessing your power.

Wasnโ€™t it Terry Pratchett who said, ‘Before you can kill the monster you have to say its name’?

I had to metaphorically confront my monster on the page โ€“ it had to materialize there for me to really see it and slay it. Through the creative process, I uncovered something unexpected. Several monsters showed up. I identified each of them as aspects of my emotional body โ€“ the painful and uncomfortable feelings.

As I kept writing, I discovered that by personifying and communicating with these emotions, they would let go of the hold they had on me. I gained deeper wisdom still โ€“ that to befriend the monsters that dwell within, rather than to slay them, is what it really means to get your power back, to feel badass, to become an ass-kicking Shero.

You truly conquer from within.

My coaching and mentoring are designed to help others see how to master and befriend their emotions; those grim, uncomfortable feelings that keep hostage the medicine that heals our wounds.

It is our resistance to them that stop us from thriving and opening to the freedom we long for.

Do you resist feeling the guilt that comes from saying ‘No’ to others? Do you resist feeling the fear of being seen and criticized for who you truly are and what you want? Are you resisting feeling your anger, doubt, shame, or grief?

These feelings long for connection. Give them your undivided presence, embrace them, nurture them with your unconditional love, and see how they transform into the very elixir that you seek.

Writing is yoga, a path of self-realization. It is definitely a warriorโ€™s path, but youโ€™re not the embodied warrior until you dissolve the spells others cast upon you and especially not until you remove those that you have cast upon your own self!

You can journal until the cows come home โ€“ write a stream of consciousness daily or just write about your struggles, but no change will take place until you have the courage toย lookย and re-evaluate, re-write, re-shape and re-envision the cards that you have been dealt.

To re-write your story is the path of the fully embodied warrior.

In this way, writing becomes a means to reclaim powerโ€”Shaktiโ€”the spark of our soul, the divine feminine.

Done in the right way, writing can offer structure and stability to our day. Like yoga, it grounds, centers, heals, and awakens. My writing practice nourishes me. I must write first thing in the morning.

When I donโ€™t write, and thatโ€™s extremely rare, I am punished for it. My day doesnโ€™t go as planned, it loses structure, Iโ€™m scattered, off-center, I lack clarity and I feel time gets wasted.

Iโ€™ve therefore learned to make it a priority by starting off my day with it. Honoring it like one worships a deity; offering it my presence, love, and devotion.

Make your transformation your priority, make your creative self-expression your priority. I know this is hard for you. Putting otherโ€™s needs and other things before our own is the plague of the empathic person.

You want to overcome needless fear and worry?

Focus on this instead: the world needs your unique sensitive superpowers, so tend to yourself as if you were a plant in a desert. Nourish yourself with plentiful self-love, care, and tenderness. Show up in your vulnerability. Practice. Re-shape your troubles.

The key to transformative writing is to move our physical body regularly. Itโ€™s important to have a routine physical practice, like yoga, to stretch out and shift the stress, tension, or the deeply embedded wounds.

We need to create a space that allows our prana-shakti, the cosmic breath, to flow fully as this flow will affect the fluidity of our writing, the ease of the re-writing, and ultimately the transformation. Shallow breathing can be an obstacle to our writing. We cannot go deeper into expressing ourselves through our words without the depth and clarity of our breath, which comes from physical activity.

Each layer of our being affects the other. The mind will also gain clarity and focus if the body is allowed to shake off the clutter of energy that clings to it. Creating sound from our voice, singing or chanting has the same function.

Iโ€™ve come to learn that one of the most significant challenges that sensitive souls face is the implementation of structure.

Weโ€™re so in our (often disempowered) feminine nature that the masculine characteristic of containment and consistency gets lost on us. We need to yoke our yin energy with our yang to find the stability we crave. This is a healing process and the way I do it is through ‘conscious embodiment’ practices of which include writing and art in combination with a somatic quality, like yoga and qigong.

Distractions are our downfall. And without a balance in the form of a healthy structure for our excessive creative energy, weโ€™re likely to be pulled off our path.

Are there ‘zeroes’ in your life? Those things and people who donโ€™t add any value? What needs to be removed for you to align with your calling?

Being in alignment with our vision, walking our soulโ€™s true path, our dharma is our deepest purpose for being on this earth.

Do you have that courage within you? To not only re-write and re-envision your life without the obstacles in your path, but to take the necessary action to meet that vision, that ambition, that calling?

Are you fully armored and protecting your precious creative and authentic self โ€“ that magical sensitive being that this world needs?

Do you remain true to yourself, and stand in your power and say No when your body screams No? Do you splay your arms wide, look up to the sky and shout Yes when your heart expands as you step towards your dream? Or do you hide behind the familiarity of fear and stagnant self-sabotaging habits that distract you from walking down the yellow brick road?

What will it take to fully claim your space and voice and that awesome spring in your step?

Itโ€™s time to step out from the shadows, stop fearing and resisting the dark feminine – the emotions of fear, self-doubt, guilt, shame, pain, and more!

Communicate with your emotional body and heal the inner disconnect through the martial arts mindset, through tethering to your inner strength – your shakti and through conscious embodiment to transform mind, body, heart, and spirit. Take back your power!

Itโ€™s time to think big. Play big. Expand your breath and exhale out the people and situations that stop you from shining your light onto this world.

Dispel the Maya, the mental illusions, chant your own incantations, and break free. Write, make art, and move your body!

Sensitive soul, divine feminine, you are a giant among men! A warrior princess, a queen of darkness, a slayer of emotional vampires, a Shero amongst zeroes. You have a path and a vision. Rise up to meet it.

Donโ€™t play small, resist, or fear your own greatness. Trust it. Embrace it.

Here is a supportive task:

Grab your journal and write a letter to your divine feminine – where has she been oppressed? What has happened to her voice? What do you need to say to her? This could be an apology or a tribute, leave nothing unexpressed.

Share your thoughts and experience of this process! What arrived? What transformed?

“Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us.” โ€“ย Pema Chรถdrรถn

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