15 Actionable Ways To Raise Your Vibration Fast


Ways Raise Vibration Fast

Are you feeling down, and mentally not in a good place? If the answer is yes, then maybe you need to do some things that will help to raise your vibration.

If youโ€™re feeling like youโ€™re in a rut, the problem may be with your energy level. Iโ€™m not talking about whether or not youโ€™re tired, though. That can certainly have an impact on your mood and outlook, but the real problem might be with your energetic vibration.

And the good news is that your energy is constantly fluctuating, and there are simple shifts you can make right now to begin vibrating at a higher level.

But firstโ€ฆ

If you need a refresher on energetic vibration, donโ€™t worry. Iโ€™ve gotcha. Weโ€™re going to cover the basics before we dive into action. And even if you know about vibration, I urge you not to skip this section. It serves as a good reminder of why weโ€™re doing all this.

What does it mean to raise your vibration?

Youโ€™ve probably heard that everything is made of energy. But letโ€™s think about that for a moment.

Youโ€™re energy. Plants are energy. Water is energy.

But what about mountains and rocks?

Yes, especially so. And knowing this can help you raise your own vibration.

What about non-physical things like thoughts?

Again, thatโ€™s a giant yes.

In defining vibrational energy, the answers are starting to unfold. But before we get to the tips, letโ€™s break this energy thing down further.

If youโ€™re not accustomed to spiritual or metaphysical talk, you might think this is some sort of hippy-dippy thing. But thereโ€™s some science to back this one up.

Related: 6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies That Raise Your Vibration

I offer a slightly more detailed explanation of vibrating energy in this post, but essentially, when you break things down to the smallest level, youโ€™ll find electrons that orbit protons and create a vibration.

Now, hold onto your hats because things are about to get real.

Not only are you made of energy, but youโ€™re made of stardust. Seriously.

A 2017 survey of 150,000 stars found that we share about 97 percent of the same type of atoms as our galaxy. The major differences between us and stars come from our makeup. Humans are about 60 percent oxygen by mass while the galaxy contains only about 1 percent oxygen.

Isnโ€™t it nice when science and spirituality agree?

Itโ€™s easy to see stars as vibrating energy, but itโ€™s more difficult to see ourselves that way. Nonetheless, thatโ€™s what we are.

So, how do we get that vibrational energy at its peak?

Letโ€™s get to the good stuff.

How to raise your vibrational energy fast.

When it comes to raising your vibrational energy, there are some universal rules. If youโ€™ve been vibrating at a low frequency for some time, your body may need some time to adjust before you start feeling better, but you will instantly start the shift towards a higher vibration.

Here are some tips to raise your vibrational energy.

Ways Raise Vibration Fast infographics
15 Actionable Ways To Raise Your Vibration Fast

1. Practice gratitude.

If youโ€™ve already bought into the idea that thoughts become things, you wonโ€™t need much convincing here. Your thoughts and words carry their own vibrational energy, and thatโ€™s why itโ€™s important to keep them positive. If you want your vibration to be positively charged, your words should be as well.

2. Dance freestyle.

Really, any type of dancing or freeform movement will raise your vibration, so if it feels too awkward for you to dance like no one is watching, you can start with a choreographed set. Itโ€™s okay. The important thing is that you get your body moving and start feeling the energy flow through your body. This will help release stagnant energy, elevate your mood, and raise your vibration.

3. Sing loud and proud.

If you donโ€™t know how to sing or think you donโ€™t sing well, you can do this in the car or in a room alone. But thereโ€™s a sort of primal energy thatโ€™s released when you sing and itโ€™s almost like medicine for your soul. It really doesnโ€™t matter whether you hit the notes. Thatโ€™s not what this is about.

4. Go vegan.

This is a tough one for many lifelong omnivores, but the fact remains that going vegan is the fastest way to raise your vibration through diet. Foods rich that were made from animals are heavy and difficult to digest, not to mention the cruelty aspect.

But if you arenโ€™t ready to let go of meat or cheese, you can still make strides by including more raw and lightly cooked vegetables into your diet.

5. Soak in an Epsom salt bath.

Minerals like magnesium are essential to our health, and many of us arenโ€™t getting them from our diet. So if youโ€™re feeling like your energy is off, especially if youโ€™re feeling anxious, take an Epsom salt bath.

The Epsom salt contains magnesium that induces a calming and relaxing effect. Many also believe that an Epsom salt bath can help clear you from negative energy, which may be why itโ€™s a great tool for raising vibrations. All you have to do is dissolve two cups in a warm bath and soak for about 20 minutes.

Related: 12 Ways to Prevent Energy Infiltration and Reclaim Your Energy

6. Grab a crystal.

Remember when I said that rocks have strong vibrational energy? The rocks with the strongest vibration are called crystals, and many people believe that crystals have healing powers. Interestingly, every type of crystal has its own unique vibration and is not influenced by negativity. Selenite is well-known for its energy clearing ability, so itโ€™s among the best for raising vibrations.

7. Meditate.

If you were looking to lower your vibration fast, my best advice would be to let your ego-driven thoughts run wild. Our thoughts are the biggest energy drain, and so meditation can offer a quick energy transformation.

If youโ€™re just starting out, you may want to find a guided meditation or use a simple breath awareness technique.

8. Get outdoors.

There are so many things that can help clear your energy and raise your vibration when youโ€™re outdoors. The crisp, clean air will give you an instant lift while the sight of trees and flowers flowing in the wind will regenerate your soul. If possible, ground yourself to nature by taking off your shoes and walking in the dirt. In this way, youโ€™re making contact with the earthโ€™s electrons and many believe that the energy can be transferred this way.

No matter what, you know youโ€™re going to feel better when you spend time outdoors (especially on a nice day). And thatโ€™s evidence that your vibrational energy is on the up and up.

9. Take a break from technology.

Youโ€™ve probably heard at least one report that suggests EMFs from wifi are not the healthiest thing around. But even with that aside, think about what you do online and how it impacts your state of mind. Most of our time spent online is browsing social media. And many studies have shown that social media makes us feel bad.

And itโ€™s no wonder, really. When you browse your newsfeed, youโ€™re encouraged to compare your life with someoneโ€™s highlight reel, youโ€™re presented with tragic stories of neglect and abuse, and you simply cannot ignore the circus that our political landscape has become. To put it simply, itโ€™s a nightmare that we willingly engage in for hours on end.

If you want to raise your vibrations fast, take a break from social media. If possible, take a break from all technology. Your mind will thank you.

10. Use your left brain.

Nothing gets those vibes elevated quite like expressing your creative side. If you like to sing, draw or dance, do it. If pottery is your thing, go for it!

And even if you havenโ€™t quite found a creative outlet yet, try different things. Guaranteed, there is something creative that will awaken your soul and raise your vibration.

11. Spend time near the ocean.

According to WebMD, โ€œnegative ions create positive vibes.โ€ And deep down in your soul, you know this to be true. One of the best natural sources of negative ions in the ocean. All you have to do is sit by the ocean to get the benefits.

Negative ions are invisible molecules that create biochemical reactions to relieve stress and boost energy. Now, those rock salt lamps are starting to make sense, arenโ€™t they?

12. Get plenty of rest.

In order to keep your vibrational energy running high, your body must be functioning at peak levels. This means that you need to get enough sleep each night. Try for at least 8 hours of sleep each night. You can adjust if it feels like too much or not enough.

Related: 5 Signs Your Vibrations Are Low

13. Hug someone you love.

Humans are social beings. Thatโ€™s probably why we have a physical reaction when we make contact with someone we love. The brain releases a surge of dopamine when you hug someone you love.

And guess what?

This can include a dog or cat too.

14. Make someone else smile.

If you havenโ€™t guessed by now, all the things that naturally make you feel good (not unnatural dopamine boosts like drugs or alcohol) will increase your energetic vibration. So try setting a goal of making at least one person smile every day. Your simple gesture will raise their vibration and yours at the same time, which helps elevate us all.

15. Avoid judgment.

As humans, weโ€™re prone to judging others. In a way, itโ€™s not a terrible thing. Judgment does help keep us safe in some situations. But when you start judging someone based on their hairstyle, skin color, or attitude, youโ€™re only doing yourself a disservice.

When you find yourself making snap judgments, try to remember that weโ€™re all one. When you judge someone else harshly, youโ€™re probably doing the same thing to yourself.

If you want to raise your vibration quickly, think about the things that make you happy. Then do them.

Take good care of your body and mind, and be kind to everyone you encounter.

Raising your vibration isnโ€™t difficult at all, but it does take a lot of practice. Itโ€™s a bit like meditation in that way.

What are your favorite ways to raise your vibration?  

Written By Common Ego
Originally Appeared In Common Ego
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15 Actionable Ways To Raise Your Vibration Fast

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