Things I Stopped Doing To Gain Peace In My Life

Things I Stopped Doing To Gain Peace

Things I Stopped Doing To Gain Peace:

• Arguing with people.

• Wasting energy on one-sided relationships.

• Overcommitting my time when I didn’t have the energy.

• Accepting and excusing toxic behavior because that was more comfortable than change.

• Allowing dysfunctional family members to steal my joy.

• Trying to fix people as an “act of love.”

• Discarding my boundaries to fit (uncomfortably) in other people’s lives

• Pretending to be happy when I was hurting.

• Silencing my voice and not naming my needs.

• Overthinking about my past and things I cannot change.

• Holding onto people I’ve outgrown because of the “time invested.”

• Going along to get along.

• Overlooking my blessings and comparing my life to someone else’s.

• Abandoning myself, my truth, and my integrity to “fit in.”

• Waiting for external validation to boost my confidence.

• Trying to change people who were committed to staying the same.

– Alex Elle

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Things I Stopped Doing To Gain Peace
Things I Stopped Doing To Gain Peace In My Life

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