Knock, And He’ll Open The Door Vanish

Knock, And He'll Open The Door Vanish

“Knock, And He’ll open the door Vanish, And He’ll make you shine like the sun Fall, And He’ll raise you to the heavens Become nothing, And He’ll turn you into everything.โ€

– Rumi

The phrase by Rumi “Knock, And He’ll Open The Door Vanish”ย 

Seems to be a partial sentence or excerpt, which makes it challenging to provide a specific meaning without additional context. However, I can offer an interpretation based on the words presented.

In a general sense, “Knock, And He’ll Open The Door Vanish” suggests a concept of seeking or requesting access to something or someone. The act of knocking on a door implies making an effort to connect, reach out, or gain entry to a particular place or opportunity.

The phrase “He’ll open the door” implies that there is someone or something that is willing to respond, welcome, or provide access once the knock occurs. This can be interpreted as an invitation or an indication that there may be a positive outcome or response to the action of reaching out.

The addition of the word “vanish” at the end of the phrase adds a mysterious or enigmatic element to the meaning. It suggests that once the door is opened, something may disappear or become elusive. It could imply that the opportunity, once accessed, might be transient, fleeting, or difficult to hold onto.

Overall, the phrase might convey a message about the importance of taking initiative, making efforts to connect or seek opportunities, and being aware that the results or outcomes of such actions may be unpredictable or temporary. It can be seen as a metaphor for the unpredictable nature of life and the need to embrace and seize opportunities when they arise.

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  1. Alyson Michie Avatar

    Only problem I have with this quote is
    Sheโ€™ll open the door
    Sheโ€™ll make you shine like the sun
    And Sheโ€™ll raise you up
    Sheโ€™ll turn you into everything….. the future is feminine

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