Karma Said When Somebody Is Not Right For You

Karma Said When Somebody Is Not Right For You

Karma Said: When somebody is not right for you, God will continuously use them to hurt you until you are strong enough to let them go.

Karma has a way of revealing when someone is not right for you, often through subtle signs and life lessons. It might manifest as a persistent feeling of unease, recurring conflicts, or a series of unfortunate events that arise whenever you’re with that person. These experiences serve as gentle nudges from the universe, guiding you toward recognizing that the relationship is not aligned with your true path. By paying attention to these karmic signals, you can gain clarity and make decisions that honor your well-being and personal growth. Ultimately, karma encourages you to release what is not meant for you, making space for relationships that truly resonate with your higher self. Conversely, when the right person comes along, everything tends to align harmoniously, and you feel a profound sense of peace and mutual understanding.

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