In Your Light, I Learn How To Love

In your light, I learn how to love.

โ€œIn your light, I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.โ€

– Rumi

This quote by Rumi expresses the transformative power of love and the profound impact that a beloved person has on the speaker’s ability to love and create art.

“In your light, I learn how to love”: 

The quote suggests that the presence and influence of the beloved person bring illumination and understanding to the speaker’s experience of love. The light metaphor symbolizes enlightenment and guidance, indicating that the beloved’s presence teaches the speaker how to love more deeply, authentically, and fully.

“In your beauty, how to make poems”: 

The beauty of the beloved person becomes a source of inspiration for the speaker’s artistic expression. The sight of the beloved’s beauty triggers the speaker’s creativity and prompts them to create poems as a way to capture and convey the essence and impact of that beauty.

“You dance inside my chest where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art”:

This line vividly describes the profound connection and intense emotional experience the speaker has with the beloved. It suggests that the beloved’s essence, their presence and impact, is deeply felt within the speaker’s heart and soul. The speaker acknowledges that while others may not see or fully understand this internal dance, the speaker themselves occasionally catch glimpses of the beloved’s presence within, and those moments of sight inspire the creation of art.

Overall, the quote reflects the interplay between love, beauty, and artistic expression. It portrays the beloved person as a catalyst for the speaker’s personal growth, understanding of love, and creative inspiration.ย The presence and impact of the beloved become a powerful source of transformation and artistic expression for the speaker, fueling their ability to love deeply and create art that reflects the profound emotions and experiences within their heart and soul.

Read  70+ Inspiring Quotes By Rumi Thatโ€™ll Open Your Heart

Rumi Quotes, Poetry Quotes, love poetry quotes, quotes about poetry, romantic poetry quotes, rumi poetry quotes, Jalal Ad-Din Rumi Quotes, best rumi quotes, jalal ud din rumi quotes

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    Kiran Bais

    Just did ๐Ÿ™‚

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