Excuses To Leave a Party Early While Keeping Your Dignity

Excuses To Leave a Party Early While Keeping Your Dignity

Excuses to leave a party early while keeping your dignity:

1. I have a headache, I should probably go home.

2. I have a stomach ache, gotta head out. (Pretty much stuff that canโ€™t be checked just by looking at you.)

3. I just realized I have something early in the morning/ that I have to get to today.

4. (probably for females, sorry males) Period cramps.

5. Itโ€™s my dogโ€™s birthday.

6. Iโ€™ve gotta have dinner with my family.

7. Family emergency.

8. I have to go talk to (person) now (but you can just go home at this point, you can say you couldnโ€™t find them if anyone asks later)

9. Donโ€™t even go to the party in the first place, you can always pretend to have a pounding headache or that you suddenly got sick.

10. And my favorite one to do since you donโ€™t even have to talk to anyone face to face: Quietly slip out of the party and text the host later that you enjoyed the party but suddenly had to go home due to one of the above excuses.

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