CV 17: Press This Button On Your Body To Relieve Stress And Anxiety


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CV 17 Press Button On Your Body Relieve Stress Anxiety

Have you tried every possible thing so that you can reduce your stress and anxiety? Yoga, meditation and whatnot, just so that you could feel more peaceful and calm! But, have those things really helped you? Or are you still stressed about your stress? Have you tried CV 17?

You are not the only one who is facing problems in life. We all have been there and felt that. Donโ€™t worry! There is a solution to all your problems of stress and anxiety.

There is a method in Chinese medicine from the past 2500 years which can help in the treatment of many physical problems and even reduce your anxiety and stress. You can relieve stress and anxiety with CV 17!

Shocked? Read on!

But, before discussing about CV 17 let’s first discuss about Energy Meridians.

What are Energy Meridians?

Chinese medicine believes that everyone possesses certain important points in their body. These are called acupuncture points. These acupuncture points are located around lines and these lines are called energy meridians.

How many Energy Meridians are there?

Chinese medicine has found out that there are twelve energy meridians and each of them is associated with some vital organ or the other.

Fascinating, right?

How do these help and what is the importance of our Energy Meridians?

โ€ข Our life force flows through these meridians. This means that these meridians are actually keeping us alive and healthy.
โ€ข They maintain a balance in the body and ensure a certain connection with the soul as well.
โ€ข They are so important, that if even one of them is not functioning properly, it will wreck havoc in your life.

Related: 6 Pressure Points That Will Cure A headache in Less Than 5 Minutes

How can you ensure better functioning of these Energy Meridians?

Acupressure can help you in ways in which you cannot even imagine.

How will the process take place?

When you apply pressure on certain parts of your body, stress and anxiety vanish away completely. You will liberate yourself from your tensions and troubles and this process is commonly referred to as acupressure.

It is a close cousin of acupuncture (that you must have heard of more).

The way in which acupressure differs from acupuncture is that acupressure uses fingertips to relieve stress. On the other hand, the system of acupressure is based on needles.

Read Chronic Stress: Signs and How to Control Them

What areas should you target to get relief immediately?

Target on the CV 17 Area; relief is immediately guaranteed.

What is CV 17 and where is it located?

CV 17 stands for conception vessel 17. It is shorthand for โ€˜electronic vessel 17โ€™. It is located in the center of the chest.

CV 17

What? Did you not know that?

Whenever you feel stressed or are very anxious, you will usually feel some sort of pain in the centre of your chest. This is the target area of the pain and this is also the CV 17 area.

The CV 17 area feeds into the pericardium energy centre of the body, which protects the heart. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the heart is the seat of a bodyโ€™s emotions and when a person is stressed, this area becomes sore and is out of sync.

What does the CV 17 area do?

Chinese medicine believes that it does a lot of things like:

โ€ข It is the source of energy for the body. Since it is located in the chest; it is closer to the heart. It is said that heart is the organ that deals with a lot of bodily emotions.

The heart is basically the place to know how you are feeling. So owing to its proximity to the heart, the CV 17 area helps to supply energy to the body. This is such an important area that when you are undergoing stress or any sort of anxiety, this area becomes sore. Everything will be practically out of order if anything happens to this area.

โ€ข Owing to the location of the CV 17, it serves one more important purpose. Yes, add to the list, the fact that it helps to maintain a balance in the body.

It does so by balancing the yin (reflective, quiet) and yang (action-oriented, energetic) levels within the body. When the yin and yang levels are balanced, your emotional energy is balanced.

Also, a good balance between the yin and the yang levels ensures that your physical and emotional needs and senses are absolutely in sync.

All the deep breathing used in the CV 17 treatment, helps your body relax. When you apply pressure to the CV 17, it relieves you from stress and anxiety.

Related: The Spiritual Meanings Behind Physical Aches, Pains And Illnesses

Want to know something shocking?

Here it isโ€ฆ

It is believed that you can even cure any imbalance within your nervous system if you use the CV 17 technique.
Mind-blown, arenโ€™t you?

CV 17

How to locate the CV 17 area?

So, it is four finger-widths above the base of the breastbone. If you cannot figure that out, just use the area of the center of your chest. (Amazing fact! Chinese medicine calls this area the sea of tranquility and peace)

How to relieve your stress and anxiety using the CV 17 area?

  • Begin by finding the right spot. This may be hard but try your best to find the right spot because this system will be so much effective if you do so. Place your fingers in the area described above.
  • Use some gentle pressure; slowly rub up and down the area. This will certainly help you in finding the right spot. This is just the beginning of the whole process and is certainly one of the most important parts of the process.
  • Prayer pose: Sit with your spine straight. Keep an upright position. Place your palms together. Point your fingers towards the ceiling. Yes, this is the prayer pose, the useful prayer pose.
CV 17
  • Use the back of your thumb knuckles and apply some gentle pressure in the center of your CV 17 area. Do this for 2-3 minutes. This is said to be really effective.
reduce stress and anxiety

The easiest way:

  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale; just normal regular breaths.
  • Relax your neck and shoulder but continue to keep your head upright. Y
  • our CV 17 area will calm you down if you rub it for some time in this position.

Another effective way:

  • Put your middle fingertip on top of the CV 17, rest your index and ring fingertips just above and below that point.
  • You also can gently tap this area with your fingers, which some say is a helpful trick to fall asleep at night.

Read The Science behind Yoga and Stress

Here are some other uses of CV 17:

  1. This area also helps in promoting better sleep in the night. Obviously, this area is the stress-busting area of the entire body and if you just rub or even gently tap this area, you will know what peaceful sleep feels like.
  2. It helps those who suffer from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder or any kind of hormonal imbalance
  3. It is also useful for those who have chronic fatigue.
  4. You can use this area during the recovery phase of any injury or surgery.
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Relieve Your Stress And Anxiety
CV 17 Press Button On Your Body Relieve Stress Anxiety Pin

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