People Draw Energy From Other People Like Plants Do: Unveiling The Fascinating Connection


People Draw Energy From Other People: Human Energy Exchange

The ground-breaking research by Professor Dr. Olaf Kruseโ€™s biological research team showed that plants draw alternate energy from other plants for their own survival. But, do you know that people draw energy from other people, and that too, both positive and negative? Yes, energy exchange between humans does happen!

Let’s find out how energy transfer between humans takes place, and how we go about absorbing people’s energy.

How do plants draw energy from other plants?

Dr Olaf Kruseโ€™s research team at Bielefeld University investigated the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This living organism not only absorbs energy from photosynthesis but also draws energy from other plants. For the first time, such behaviour has been confirmed in a vegetable organism. 

The research team found that Chlamydomonas species when faced with a shortage of energy, started to draw energy from neighboring vegetable cellulose. 

Chlamydomonas secretes cellulose enzymes to digest and break cellulose into small sugar components, which are transported into cells and transformed into a source of energy. This energy transfer mechanism helps Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to grow continuously even in difficult situations.

These findings show a bright future for bioenergy! However, scientists are yet to study if a similar process occurs in other types of alga. 

Do people draw energy from other people, like plants?

Just like human beings, plants also need light and water to survive. And if plants are able to draw the same kinds of energy, energy exchange between humans is also possible. Makes sense, right?

Olivia Bader-Lee, a physician and therapist, followed the results of this investigation and said that people can draw energy from other people in much the same way as Chlamydomonas species to feed their emotional needs.

Because people absorb energy from others, we feel happy staying around happy people, anxious around negative people, and so on. We experience different emotions when we are in a certain group with a mixture of energy and emotions. Our physical bodies are like sponges, soaking up the environment. 

Bader-Lee said, “The human organism is very much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feed emotional states and this can essentially energize cells or cause increases in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger.”

Bader-Lee suggests that humans can heal each other simply through energy transfer just as plants do. “Humans can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature. That’s why being around nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people,” she concluded.

Also, we all feel energized around positive and optimistic people. But spending time with negative people leaves us mentally drained. This is how people draw energy from other people.

Related: 10 Ways To Clear And Raise The Energy In Your Home

Criticizing the analogous concept for humans

According to Snopes, the well-known website for debunking myths and rumors, it is a false claim that humans may absorb energy from others in the same way as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

The algae only consume the physical organic matter of other plants, but not some unseen, untapped metaphysical form of energy. Therefore, the analogous concept for humans would be cannibalism. Read more at

How to prevent energy drains while releasing people’s energy?

Here are a few strategies for you:

1. Stay grounded.

Are you centred within your spiritual self? If yes, you can easily sense foreign energy entering your space. 

And if you stay grounded and not centred within your ego, you can easily release other peopleโ€™s energy and emotions down your grounding cord with your intention.

2. Practice non-resistance.

Change becomes difficult when you resist it! Similarly, when you try to resist and protect yourself from an uncomfortable person, the bad energy remains stuck in your space. 

Instead, imagine that your body is like clear glass or water. This puts you in a state of non-resistance. And, when someone throws some invalidation at you, it will pass right through you.

3. Aura space.

Every person is surrounded by an energetic aura around him or her. This is your personal aura that you need to own, or else foreign energy may enter it. Start practicing awareness! 

Become aware of your aura boundaries (about an arm’s length away from your body all the way around, above, and below) as a way to own your personal space.

Related: Aura Test: The Magic Stone You Pick Reveals What Your Aura Thirsts For

4. Energy cleanse.

Do you know the color gold has high energy? And it is useful for getting rid of foreign energy? Energy cleaning with gold can make you feel cleansed and refreshed. 

Imagine a gold shower nozzle at the top of your aura (a few feet above your head). Now turn on the nozzle to allow clear gold energy to flow through your aura and body space and release down your grounding.

5. Call back your energy.

When you own your aura space there is no room for otherโ€™s energy to enter. But, we spread our energy around when we think or focus on other peopleโ€™s work.

Itโ€™s like having a big golden circle like a sun above your head, which is like a magnet attracting all of your energy back into it (and purifying it in the gold energy). Then bring it down through the top of your aura and into your body space. 

Thatโ€™s how you release your energy back into your personal space.

Make sure you donโ€™t call back negative energy as that can destroy your physical and mental health. The more you focus on positive energy, the more peaceful you are. 

People Draw Energy From Other People Like Plants Do
Energy Exchange Between Humans
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Nourished By Interaction: People Draw Energy From Other People Like Plants Do
energy exchange between humans
People Draw Energy From Other People Like Plants Do: Unveiling The Fascinating Connection

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  1. Thorivee Avatar

    thank you for this ๐Ÿ™‚

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