Harp, Woman or Flowers: What You See First Determines Your Personality Traits


Harp Woman or Flowers See First Personality Traits

How we perceive the world tells a lot about the type of person we are. What you see first in this fun personality test will help you understand yourself. It is also known as the Harp optical illusion.

As all of us have unique and individual perspectives on how we see, observe, and analyze things, it can help us learn a lot about ourselves and how we are different from others. An optical illusion personality test can help us understand how our mind processes information and what we think when viewing an image or a picture. Moreover, it can also help us understand the interesting facts of our personalities.

โ€œThere are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.โ€ – Aldous Huxley

How we experience life is largely based on our perception. We have trained our minds to identify designs and patterns to show us what makes sense to us. Hence, our perception can be the deciding factor whether we succeed in life or fail. Optical illusions can help us analyze how we perceive the world and help us understand our personality.

โ€œWhat you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing; it also depends on what sort of person you are.โ€ – C.S. Lewis

Personality assessment tests based on optical illusions are perhaps the most fun and exciting ways to know about your personality. The intricacy and ingenuity of optical illusions cross the wires in our minds and stimulates our mind. Perhaps this is why psychologists recommend the use of optical illusions tests to reveal the hidden positive and negative personality traits within us.

We collect information through sight and our brain processes the details. But these optical illusions can actually be completely different from our initial perception.

What You See First Determines Your Personality: Harp Optical Illusion

In this fun personality test, we will take a look at the stunning painting created by surrealism artist Rafal Olbinski. Carefully observe the image below and notice what exactly you see first when viewing the picture as that will reveal your true personality.

Get ready to challenge your imagination and your eyes. 

Here we go.

What You See First Determines Your Personality
What You See First Reveals Your Personality: Optical Illusion Personality Test

Results: What did you see first? 

This optical illusion is about the string musical instrument, the harp, and the face of a lovely woman strategically placed inside it to create an illusion. If you look carefully youโ€™ll notice that two broken strings from the harp create strands of hair for the lady, while the clouds form the rest of her hair. The flower is also creatively placed right where her ear is supposed to be. This is undoubtedly an imaginative composition.

Did you see the harp? Or the womanโ€™s face? Or the flower?

Read on to find out what your perception reveals about your personality.

1. If you saw the flower

flower See First Determines Personality Traits

Did you see the flower first? This reflects you have an excellent ability to truly listen and focus on the most crucial and meaningful things in your life. As the flower represents the ear of the lady in the image, it means you never shy away from lending an ear and listen to what someone has to say. You are compassionate and tend to support people when they need you the most.

The flower is a symbol of beauty and it also represents your inner beauty as well. You are a naturally beautiful person filled with gentle unspoken love that radiates from you and attracts others on an emotional level.

The golden flower also signifies spiritual awakening. Your ability to listen to others and understand their emotions means that you understand yourself well. It allows your spiritual self to bloom and allow peace and happiness to illuminate your life. You are also able to quiet your mind and listen to the calm voice of your heart that guides you towards a beautiful life.

2. If you saw the harp

harp See First Determines Personality Traits

So you saw the harp first. Great! This personality test reveals that you have a strong desire for love, healing, and inner beauty. The harp signifies angelic beauty and grace as it is believed to be a musical instrument of the angels. Listening to beautiful music helps you experience a satisfying and deep love that appeases your inner desire for peace and love.

Although itโ€™s normal to seek love from others and look for a romantic partner to meet your need to be loved, right now you need to focus more on loving yourself. Unconditional acceptance of yourself and self-love can satisfy your inner yearnings.

Start by accepting your flaws, weaknesses, and feelings and acknowledge your thoughts and emotions. This will help you experience the peace, kindness, and self-love that you desire.

3. If you saw the face of a woman

face of woman See First Determines Personality Traits

If the first thing you saw in the optical illusion was the womanโ€™s face, then it means you have faced and overcome significant challenges in life. As you have lived through a rough and trying life, you have emerged as a beautiful and strong person. The frame of the harp creatively forms the ladyโ€™s face.

This symbolizes that you are a beautiful individual with a lot of inner strength and inner love as the harp is associated with angelic beauty and grace. Going through a lot of hard times in life, you have transformed into a graceful and lovely person gleaming with love and light.

Now that you know what your perception has revealed about your personality, you can now take a closer look at things when you first notice them. And you may realize this can completely shift your perception in life and make you open to new possibilities and opportunities in life.

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What You See First In This Optical Illusion Personality Test
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  1. Sakkhi Dutta Avatar
    Sakkhi Dutta

    I saw both flower and woman together

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