Trippy Illusion Will Make You See An ‘Expanding Black Hole’


Optical Illusion Is the black

A new optical illusion has intrigued and tricked people all over the world as it shows an expanding black hole when you stare at it for too long. As you know that optical illusions are a fun way to trick our eyes and brains, they challenge our perception and make us see things that don’t exist in reality.

So here is a fun way of testing your perception and reality with the black hole like experience.

The Expanding Black Hole Illusion

According to experts, this trippy optical illusion is designed to trick the brain into thinking that one is moving into a deep and dark place, such as a cave or tunnel.

So what are you waiting for? Challenge your brain by taking a look at this image!

What do you see? Is the black hole expanding?

Discover The Expanding Black Hole In This Viral Optical Illusion
This Optical Illusion Shows A Black Hole

The Science Behind This Expanding Black Hole Optical Illusion

Most people are tricked by this viral optical illusion test, which causes them to believe that the dark “black hole” region at the center of a static image grows rapidly as if they were moving toward it.

This was part of a study by psychologists – Bruno Laeng, Shoaib Nabil, and Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s study. Kitaoka is a psychologist at Ritsumeikan University in Kobe, Japan, meanwhile, Laeng and Nabil are psychologists at the University of Oslo in Norway.

On a white background packed with tiny black ellipses, there is a massive black ellipse encircled by a dark halo.

When a person stares at the image for a few seconds, the dark elliptical section appears to extend outwards, which is why the pattern is known as the “expanding black hole.”

The researchers said that about 86 % of the 50 people who stared at the optical illusion, were about to see the growing darkness. They believe this illusion is based on how the brain perceives shifting light levels. Although, 1 in 7 are unable to see the black hole moving and experts donโ€™t know why.

The dark region in the core of the image resembles the entrance to a cave or tunnel, while the surrounding pattern provides the sensation that the viewer is heading toward it.

So, are you one of those who were able to spot the black hole moving? Share your thoughts about the black hole illusion comments below!

Laeng, Bruno, and Unni Sulutvedt. “The eye pupil adjusts to imaginary light.” Psychological science 25.1 (2014): 188-197.

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