What Numerology Says About Your Love Life


Numerology Says About Your Love Life

The practice of numerology can reveal many of your deepest secrets and hidden desires that define you as a person. Your birthdate can hold so many secrets of your life that you don’t know about at all, including your love life. You can discover how you act in a relationship and your romantic expectations with the love life number you belong to.

What kind of a partner you are, what kind of partner you desire, and most importantly what kind of relationship you want to be in – all of these can be decoded with the help of your birth date and your love life number.

How can you calculate your love life number?

Here’s how you can calculate your love life number: Take your birth date and add the digits, and the result you get is your love life number. In case your birth date is a single-digit number, then your love life number will be that only.

For example, suppose your birthday is on the 26th, so it will be, 2+6=8. So your love life number is 8.

And if your birthday is on the 4th of any month, then it will be 0+4=4, so your love life number will be 4.

Here Is What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

1. Love Life Number 1

Love Life Number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th)

People who have love life number 1 tend to take the lead when it comes to love and relationships. You absolutely love the “chase” that comes with romance and love. You can be sometimes self-centered and can get bored very easily; you crave a lot of excitement and adventure to feel happy and rejuvenated. Another great thing about anyone who has this love life number is that they do not hesitate to experiment.

You tend to have multiple relationships in your adult life, which can sometimes pose a challenge when it comes to settling with ‘The One’. You are sexually active and adventurous and know how to show your partners a good time, between the sheets. If you don’t find sexual and intellectual compatibility between you and your partner, then the relationship is doomed.

Related: Numerology Compatibility: Find True Love With Your Life Path Number

2. Love Life Number 2

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What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th)

In numerology, the number 2 can adapt to any situation and offer emotional security to their lovers. Because your love life number is associated with the moon, you have a very emotional temperament and caring nature. You are an extremely private person who does not open up to others that easily, and prefers to take their time.

Having a stable domestic life is important to you, and you always look to have an understanding and common sense in your relationship. Promises and vows are sacred to you and in no circumstance will you ever break yours, nor will you tolerate your partner breaking theirs. For you, respect, affection, and emotional compatibility come first and sexual passion second.

3. Love Life Number 3

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, and the 30th)

Number 3s are extremely fun-loving, enthusiastic, and experimental, especially when it comes to lovemaking. You need both space and people’s company in equal measure to feel happy and content. If someone tries to confine you or clip your wings, you will become more restless. But if you are given enough space and freedom to live your life as you want, you will be the best kind of lover there is.

Sex matters a lot to you, and without it, you feel lost, and if possible you would like to engage in it every day. You like experimenting with it and have no inhibitions, and are always up for something new. When you get into a new relationship or get married, you might be very idealistic in the beginning, but after a while, monotony can ruin it.

4. Love Life Number 4

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st)

In numerology, people with love life number 4 are steady and trustworthy people, who can sometimes feel emotional and frustrated if they are confined in any way. You are very good at solving problems and navigating through difficult situations, which is why you make a really loyal and mature lover. You might seem a bit cold and unapproachable from the outside, but you have a soft heart beneath that tough exterior.

Falling in love and being in a relationship is not a joke for you, and you take these things very seriously. If you choose to get into a relationship, you will be very dedicated to it and will not give up if things get challenging. Sex and romance don’t matter to you much, and you indulge in them mostly to make your partner happy.

Related: Know What Your Heart Truly Desires According to Numerology

5. Love Life Number 5

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 5th, 14th, and 23rd)

If your love life number is 5, then you are a curious, friendly, and adaptable person, who has an outstanding sense of humor. You get bored very easily, which is why you want your relationship to be fun and exciting. Mental stimulation is important, and if you don’t get enough of it, things can get very uninteresting for you.

You struggle a bit with commitment and you take a very long time to settle down. Number 5s love flirting with almost everyone they come across, and hesitate as far as any kind of emotional commitment is concerned. You do not like to be tied down in any way, and the success of your relationship depends on whether your partner is able to make their peace with this nature of yours or not.

6. Love Life Number 6

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 6th, 15th and 24th)

According to numerology, people with love life number 6 generally hate discord and work towards keeping peace at all times. You prioritize your family, do your best at staying devoted and loyal toward your partner, and always try to maintain harmony and balance wherever you go. Without peace and stability, you feel lost.

You treat lovemaking as an art, and it’s not just something physical for you. You like to take your time and enjoy every moment of it with your partner, which makes you a thoughtful, magnetic, and attractive lover. If your relationship in which you had invested a lot of time does not work out, you can get very bitter about it.

7. Love Life Number 7

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 7th, 16th, and 25th)

If your love life number is 7, then you are someone who prefers seclusion most of the time and can be hard to read and understand. You are spiritually inclined and don’t show much interest in material things, which makes you an intellectual and interesting lover. You have a psychic and intuitive side to you, whose idea of intimacy is unlike anybody else’s. Sensitive and devoted to a fault, you make for a great lover.

You are mostly driven by your emotions than your senses, and this can sometimes make you susceptible to getting heartbroken. Your relationship and love goals can be very unrealistic at times, which is why you get disappointed when they don’t meet your sky-high ideals.

8. Love Life Number 8

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th)

In numerology, people with love life number 8 have a strong degree of responsibility and bravery in all things worldly. You are very practical and secure as a person, and that is exactly what you offer your partner – security, and stability. When you are in love, you tend to find yourself swimming against the tide very often.

Mostly monogamous, you are ambitious to the core. Though not preoccupied with tall aims, you need a strong and emotional bond with that special someone. You have innate power, ambition, and aggression in yourself, and if your partner doesn’t have these same qualities, you tend to get frustrated and let them go.

Related: Numerology: What Your Sun Number Says About You

9. Love Life Number 9

love life number
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

(Born on 9th, 18th, and 27th)

In numerology, number 9s are very helpful and involved. You are a sympathetic being which is why you can be taken for granted very easily. You often show your love by helping out your partner and taking on their problems and responsibilities. You have a calm demeanor most of the time, but if triggered, you can erupt like a volcano.

You are jovial with an outgoing and extroverted nature and this magnetism draws people to you. You have a lot to give and crave love and affection from your close ones. Sometimes you tend to get confused between sex and real affection, and that ends up hurting and disappointing you a lot at times.

So, what is your love life number? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

How Numerology Reveals The Deepest Secrets Of Your Love Life
The Deepest Secrets Of Your Love Life As Revealed by Numerology
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What Numerology Says About Your Love Life
Numerology Says About Love Life
What Numerology Says About Your Love Life
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What Numerology Says About Your Love Life

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