August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For The 12 Zodiac Signs


Accurate Full Moon Horoscope For 12 Zodiac Signs

Did you forget there’s a second full moon in August? This rare blue moon is going to take you by surprise! Read on to learn how!

As per the lunar phases, the next full moon will be another supermoon which will make an appearance on Wednesday, August 30th. This full moon will reach its peak illumination at 9.35 P.M. EDT.

A very potent astrological phenomenon can be witnessed when the night sky will be graced by the second August full moon in the sign of Pisces.

When we have the rare event of two full moons in a single month, the second one is called a  blue moon due to its rarity, and this time, the second full moon in August 2023 will also be the closest Supermoon!

Now, when a full moon happens when the moon is closest to us in its orbit, it’s called a supermoon. A supermoon appears brighter and bigger than other full moons.

Naturally, the astrological and esoteric significance of this August full moon gets quite amplified!

We will look into the spiritual meaning of this Super Blue Full Moon of August 2023 in a bit, but before that, let’s delve into the full moon horoscope of the 12 zodiac signs.

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Full Moon Horoscope For Your Zodiac Sign

Let’s explore what’s in store for your zodiac sign according to the full moon astrology:

full moon
August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You are someone who believes in action and taking initiative. You’re always eager to take control of your situation and tackle your challenges.

You live in “now” and “here”. But this full moon will make you more introspective and inclined toward your spiritual self.

You might suddenly find yourself pondering over the bigger questions of existence, the law of Karma, divinity, and destiny. This super full moon will make you slow down and get in touch with yourself.

A sport, physical activity, or hobby can be an excellent outlet to channel your thoughts and feel more grounded.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

According to your full moon horoscope, your personal and social relationships will be illuminated by this lunation.

As a deep and sensitive soul, you hold your relationships very close to your heart and these connections have a huge influence on your well-being.

However, this full moon will make you aware of the reality of most of your relationships. Some secrets or shocking information might get revealed. You will be compelled to let go of your assumptions and see your connections in a different light.

This can bring you closer to some of the people in your life, and on the other hand, you might realize some people you connect to are not in alignment with your best interests.

You might even decide to cut ties with those holding you back from blooming into your full potential.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

According to the full moon super moon astrology, this lunation will throw a spotlight on your professional and public life. You will become suddenly aware of what others expect from you and what your authentic self truly desires to be happy and fulfilled.

You might find yourself at a juncture of your life where you feel like pursuing a totally new career path that’s more aligned with you. This full moon will also heighten your intuition, so listen to your inner calling and let go of your limiting beliefs.

If you’re feeling dissatisfied with your current job, organization, or project, this would be the right time to search for new opportunities or apply for a promotion or hike.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The second full moon this month will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities for your overall growth.

During this lunation, you will get the inner calling to explore new experiences. You will exhibit your adventurous side and seek out options that broaden your horizons.

It will be a splendid time to travel, take up a new hobby, learn something new, or meet people from diverse backgrounds. Embrace experiences that challenge your perception and help you evolve.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The second August full moon 2023 will inspire you to set healthy boundaries in your relationships. You sometimes struggle with your need for external validation and this lunation will make you more self-aware through intense emotional upheavals.

You will look into your shadow self and figure out the emotional baggage that you have been carrying for so long. You will also feel introspective about your journey so far and the experiences you had with the people around you.

You might realize there are relationships that you have been neglecting and decide to invest more of your energy into nurturing the.

On the other hand, you will let go of those connections that are spreading negativity in your life and not serving you anymore.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

As per the full moon super moon predictions, you will revisit your commitments and introspect whether these agreements are still in alignment with your highest good.

This can be both in your personal and professional relationships. Business negotiations, contracts, legal aspects, and things like these will need reconsideration.

In your personal life, intimacy, commitment, and partnership will be important themes. You might take an inventory of your romantic relationship and reflect on your mutual goals, expectations, and boundaries.

You might also let go of some obligations and commitments that are not fulfilling and draining you out.

Read Spiritual Meaning of Zodiac Signs: The Unique Spiritual Essence of Each Zodiac Sign

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The super full moon August 2023 will make you aware of those aspects of your life that you generally overlook or take for granted. Things like your daily routine, habits, work schedule, and most importantly your health will come under the spotlight.

You might want to create more healthy routines and take care of your overall well-being. You might also strive for a more healthy work-life balance.

If you were thinking about kicking or cutting down some unhealthy practices or indulgences, this will be the perfect time to do so.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This full moon is casting its glow on the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled but in a sustainable and authentic way. You will be pushed to contemplate what makes your soul happy and not just your ego.

You will listen to your authentic self and find out who and what ignites passion, romance, hoy, and happiness inside of you. A major theme of this lunation will be letting go of other people’s opinions about you.

You might have been projecting a certain image about yourself in your public life, but this is the period when you will embrace your true innermost desires and make necessary changes to live your best life.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Brace yourself for this full moon, because it will make you face some very uncomfortable questions.

You are wild and free-spirited, always looking for the next big adventure. But this lunar event will make you reflect on the flip side of your personality.

Are you being evasive? What are you running away from? Past emotional wounds, heartbreaks, and setbacks can come up. It will be a good time to process the emotions attached to those unfavorable experiences.

Ask yourself do you need distractions to keep your mind off of uncomfortable feelings and what you really want to feel comfortable, supported, and safe in your life.

Read Cosmic Pep Talk: Unleashing the Positive Traits of Zodiac Signs

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This full moon will highlight your mental landscape. Are you being lost in your daily routine? Are you being grateful for the little blessings that life is giving you? How are your daily habits and practices influencing your emotional well-being?

As you try to find answers to these questions, you might get an urge to bring some changes into your daily life. You might want to pursue a new hobby or go back to a project that you have put on the back burner.

This will be a wonderful time to have direct communication with people around you and delve into learning opportunities and creative projects that bring you satisfaction, joy, and happiness. 

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

This full moon will put its celestial spotlight on your material possessions and themes like security and comfort.

You put a high emphasis on wealth and financial stability to live a secure and happy life. But in the process, you tend to ignore your relationships and loved ones.

You are logical and practical in nature and try to avoid emotionally overwhelming situations. But this lunation will make you reflect on your personal life and how the bonds you make with others truly make your life rich, safe, and comfortable.

This will be the right time for you to nurture your relationships and devote more time and energy to fostering strong and deep connections.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

This full moon being in your sign brings a significant transformation in your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world.

You might feel you no longer identify with the work you do or the people you hang out with in your daily life.

This identity crisis can be scary at first but don’t feel overwhelmed. Think about how you perceive yourself and envision your life and then let go of everything that doesn’t align with your vision.

You might have outgrown certain hobbies, practices, or even people, and that’s perfectly okay. Just be sure of who you are and how you want to live your life. Then find people, projects, or communities that are more in alignment with you.

What Is The Spiritual Significance Of The Full Moon In Pisces?

The rare cosmic phenomenon of the Super Blue full moon will bring radical changes for each zodiac sign. And for the collective, the overall energy will be reflective and mature.

The lunation being in the sign of Pisces, the last zodiac sign, will inspire us to be more mature and contemplative.

But most importantly, it will ask us to let go of our limiting beliefs, fear, anxieties, and toxic relationships in order to embrace the beautiful opportunities and possibilities of the future.

This lunation will inspire us to let go of what doesn’t serve us anymore and make necessary changes in our lives so that we can identify and utilize the blessings that the cosmos will soon send our way.

So that was all about the full moon predictions for the 12 zodiac signs. Are you resonating with our horoscopes for the full moon 2023? Let us know in the comments down below!

full moon
August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For The 12 Zodiac Signs
full moon
August 2023 Full Moon Horoscope For The 12 Zodiac Signs

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