12 Signs You Radiate A High Vibration


Signs You Radiate A High Vibration

Positive emotions, such as love, forgiveness, empathy, and peace, are frequently linked to high vibrations. Here are 12 signs of high vibration energy in your life.

At our core, all we are made up of is energy, and our high vibration is simply the movement of our energy through space.  

Our vibrations are very important because they are responsible for how our lives unfold. Through the Law of Attraction, we create our entire lives based on our vibrations.  In the simplest terms, when we have a high vibration we create more of what we want in life. When our energy is low, we create more of what we donโ€™t want.

signs of high vibration
12 Signs You Have A High Vibration

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Itโ€™s good to remember our vibrations are always changing across time, and thereโ€™s nothing inherently wrong with having a low vibration because low vibrations do serve a valuable function!   Low vibrations provide signals to us that our thinking and behaviors are headed in a direction we donโ€™t want to go, and these signals can be very useful if we are aware of them.

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However, itโ€™s also useful to know when you have a high vibration, so you can celebrate the moment and make it last a little longer!

signs of high vibration
Signs Of A High Vibration Energy

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So, here are twelve manifestations of a high vibration. Have any of these things happened to you lately?

12 Signs Of High Vibration Energy

1. Being Excited To Wake Up And Start Your Day

When we are running at a high vibration life feels exciting.  If you leap out of bed in the morning ready to tackle the day, you can bet you are running on a high vibrational frequency.

2. Good Health

Our bodies are physical manifestations of our vibrations.  High-quality energy results in a high functioning body, and this reduces and even eliminates injury and illness.

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3. Feeling Strong

When our energy is high we will feel as if we can move mountains. Feats that usually feel too challenging suddenly feel possible.

4. Being Able To Communicate Clearly And Effectively

When our vibration is moving quickly our words flow easily and effortlessly.  We can communicate with others in a way that is understood, without tripping over our words or sticking a foot in our mouths.

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5. Financial Prosperity

With good energy, abundance moves into our lives easily.  In times like these we are more likely to win prizes, receive unexpected checks in the mail or even find forgotten money in our laundry.

6. Pleasant Interactions With Other People

signs of high vibration
12 Physical Signs Of High Vibration

All things are easier when we have a high vibration, including our relationships.  In high times, other people will treat you with kindness and respect, even if your interactions with them are ordinarily strained.

7. Going With The Flow

A high vibration will keep you in an optimal state of productivity, flowing easily from one movement to the next.  You will feel perfectly balanced, neither overwhelmed nor bored. You will often feel like you are โ€œin the zone.โ€

8. Time Speeds Up

When you are going with the flow, time passes quickly.  As we always say, time flies when youโ€™re having fun, and when youโ€™re having fun you have a high vibration.

Many people have noticed and remarked that time seems to be speeding up the older we get. Some believe worldwide time acceleration is occurring because the energy of the entire planet is raising.  This might be possible, as more and more people are becoming aware of the power of positive thinking and applying it to their lives.

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9. Expressing Kindness And Love Automatically

Those who have high vibration are more likely to radiate love and light on others. They naturally share more smiles, hugs, and acts of kindness, without strain or effort.

10. Having Intuitive Or โ€œPsychicโ€ Moments

When we are in a high energy state we receive information in ways beyond our five senses.  For example, we may suddenly just know the answer to a question or get a vision of whatโ€™s to come.  A high vibration puts us in a greater state of knowing and understanding.

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11. Feeling Happiness, Joy Or Elation

Not only do these emotions feel good, but they are also strong indications you are creating a positive future for yourself!  They are also among the easiest signs of a high vibration to identify, if we pay attention to them.

12. Looking Your Best

Our energy affects our appearance and how we care for ourselves.  When we are feeling our best our skin glows a little more, our hair shines a little brighter and we are more likely to pick out a flattering outfit.

If youโ€™re exhibiting signs of a high vibration right now, congratulations!  Keep doing what youโ€™re doing, because you are moving in the direction of the things you want.

However, if your higher vibration isnโ€™t as high as youโ€™d like it to be, no worries! Remember, your energy is constantly fluctuating on the vibrational scale, and you can always consciously adjust the direction you are headed in.

Another thing to remember

Is that a lower vibration is always the result of a negative thought or belief.  A little bit of personal reflection in downtimes can help us identify the cause of any lower vibrational energy.  Are we obsessing about our ex? Are we angry at our boss?

signs of high vibration
12 High Vibration Signs

Are we putting off something we know we really want to do?  A little introspection can help us identify any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs holding us back from a high vibration.

Beyond self-reflection, if youโ€™d like to raise your vibration, itโ€™s also very beneficial to act as if your vibration is already high. So spread a little love, find balance in your work or put on your best outfit.  By mimicking the effects of a high vibration, you can actually trick yourself into raising your vibration to a more optimal level.

Thanks for reading!

Originally appeared on RAISE YOUR VIBRATION TODAY
Printed with author's permission
12 Manifestations Of A High Vibration
Raise Your Vibration: 12 High Vibration Signs
12 Manifestations Of A High Vibration
12 Signs You Have A High Vibration
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12 Signs You Radiate A High Vibration

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