Is Yin Or Yang More Dominant Within You? Let’s find out with this Yin Yang Quiz!
The Yin and Yang, according to Chinese philosophy, are naturally occurring forces in the universe which in actuality not only complement one another but are interdependent.
They actually come about through the process with which they are interconnected. It is their very opposition in the natural world that fosters the strength of their existence. This oppositional pull exists in each individual as we experience life.
The following quiz taps into the extent to which you balance the pull of the yin and yang that is naturally occurring in your encounters with the world. It is somewhat akin to what we describe as “Type A” or “Type B” personalities, or something in the middle.
For instance, are you a fighter, a doormat, or a kind person who is capable of standing up for yourself when it is appropriate? Are you self-centered or people-pleasing, or are you simply a generous person who has boundaries?
This quiz will give you a sense of how balanced you are as an individual, or does the yin or yang pull you too hard in one direction or another?
Start Yin or Yang Quiz
You just need to answer few simple questions about yourself, your choices, likes and dislikes, mood and so on. Try to answer spontaneously so that you can get the right answer. It’s a fun quiz. So, don’t stress yourself!
Let us know your results in comments below.
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