10 Passionate And Intense Signs You’re In Spiritual Love


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Passionate Intense Signs Spiritual Love

Love makes the world go round, and everyone walking on the face of the Earth is looking for love, whether they admit it or not. Love can be beautiful, intense, messy, and sometimes even all-consuming. But when it comes to spiritual love, it can change your life and the way you see the world. But, do you know the signs of spiritual love though?

If you get to experience spiritual love in your life, even once, then know that you have tasted what true and real love really feels like. Spiritual love is life-changing, and you will understand this only when you get to experience it.

What Is Spiritual Love?

Do you know what spiritual love is? It’s when you love each other completely by accepting each other as you are, with all your flaws, quirks, and imperfections. You never judge each other on the basis of what you didn’t do right, rather you love one another for all the things that you do. Respecting each other even when you have differences is what makes your love one of a kind.

You push each other to be the very best versions of yourselves, and no matter what happens you’re always there to catch them when they fall. Spiritual love is all-encompassing, and it is something that doesn’t understand dishonesty, cheating, and deception in any shape or form. Spiritual love is only possible when there’s respect, understanding, and trust between two people.

Spiritual lovers feel a sense of peace in their lives that drives them to be better every day. Your soulmate pushes you to see the world through a different lens, and you see it as you’ve never seen it before. Experiencing spiritual love is one of the most intense and powerful feelings in this world!

So, what are the signs of spiritual love? Read on to find out!

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10 Passionate And Intense Signs Of Spiritual Love

1. You trust each other, and consider each other to be equals.

You never make the other person feel as if they are inferior to you or that you’re better than them. Both of you see each other as equals and strive to make each other the best versions of themselves. The relationship is based on respect, equality, and trust where both of your qualities are equally acknowledged and complimented.

Both of you acknowledge your differences, but you never see them as drawbacks, rather you see these differences as something that can help you see the world in a different way. And that’s what spiritual love is in a nutshell, you recognize what both of you bring to the relationship, then respect it and build trust.

2. You love and accept each other for who you are.

In a relationship where spiritual love is at the center of it all, there is no scope for toxicity and selfishness. You never feel the need to pretend with each other, or hide behind a facade to impress your partner; both of you know who you are and accept each other fully for that. You don’t expect perfection from your partner, rather you love them all the more for their imperfections.

Both of you know what love truly means, and that’s why you respect each other enough to never try and change the other person into someone who you think they should be. You never try to ‘fix’ each other, because that isn’t what spiritual love is. Acceptance and mutual respect are what makes your relationship tick.

3. You have intense, meaningful conversations.

One of the major signs of spiritual love is having deep, purposeful conversations. Having deep conversations with each other doesn’t just bring you closer, but also helps you understand each other on a more emotional and spiritual level.

The beauty of spiritual love is that it makes you think about everything deeply, especially all those things that you might have felt were frivolous before. When you have deep conversations with your partner, you feel like you can talk forever, and you’ll never get tired. You love listening to what they have to say, and you love to share your deepest thoughts with them.

You start to see meaning in all those things that you used to find meaningless. Intense conversations about how you both see the world, make you appreciate each others’ points of view and also make your love stronger in the long run.

Related: 7 Signs You Are Spiritually Connected With Someone

4. You find yourself becoming the best version of yourself.

You know you’re experiencing signs of spiritual love when you feel like there’s a lot of personal growth happening in your life, and the best part of this is, that you’re not even actively trying for it. It’s just happening, and that’s the power of a spiritual love connection.

For example, you might have been someone who used to love eating junk food, but now you take better care of your health and choose to nourish your body with healthy and nutritious food because you want to improve yourself and be better.

The right kind of love will always push you to be better, and the same goes for spiritual love. It contributes to your personal growth, helps you be better in every aspect, and most importantly, makes you realize how important it is to work on yourself.

You start taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally and understand that personal growth isn’t about being rich or having a ton of expensive material things, it’s actually about knowing who you are and what you need to do to become the very best version of yourself.

signs of spiritual love
Spiritual Love Connection

5. You share a passionate emotional and physical bond with each other.

There are many relationships out there, that either has a very strong physical connection or an emotional one, but rarely does it happen that a relationship has both. If you share a strong physical and emotional bond with each other, then that’s one of the biggest signs of spiritual love. You understand everything they go through, and it’s as if you can feel everything they feel.

This kind of spiritual connection is hard to come by, where both of you feel each other’s emotions on a very intense and deep level. If they’re not feeling good, you know it in your bones. If they’re happy about something, you feel the same kind of joy in your heart. When you get intimate with each other, it’s not simply a physical act, it’s more like two souls are coming together and engaging in something spiritual.

Related: What is Soul Sex? Know The Spiritual Aspect of Sex

6. You feel a sense of unexplainable peace within yourself.

Before your soulmate came into your life, it felt like you were angry, annoyed, and scared of the world, but now you don’t feel like that anymore. Since you have fallen in love with them, you don’t feel scared of the world anymore, rather you look forward to each day with hope and peace in your heart.

You’re living a more spiritual and holistic life now, compared to before, when you were just existing and going through the motions. You appreciate every little thing that life has to offer and are enjoying every moment of it.

The inner peace and sense of contentment that you feel within yourself whenever you’re with them speak volumes of the love you share with each other.

7. You share the same values and beliefs.

This one’s a no-brainer. One of the biggest signs of spiritual love is the fact that both of you share similar morals and values. Having the same set of values helps both of you stay on the same page, and helps you experience life in the best way possible. You don’t always disagree on things and tend to have fewer fights compared to other couples.

You might have minor disagreements, but that’s just about it; things never take an unhealthy turn because, at the end of the day, both of you harbor the same kind of beliefs about love, life, and the Universe. Both of you share the same vision for your future and that’s what matters at the end of the day, doesn’t it?

8. You never feel any sort of jealousy, distrust, or discontent in the relationship.

If you have found the love of your life, with whom you share this amazing spiritual love, you would never want to let them go. But at the same time, you would never feel the need to be suspicious and possessive about them. You will love them with all your heart, but at the same time, you’ll respect who they are as an individual and will never try to curb their freedom in the name of love.

Spiritual love never tries to possess or dominate someone, it lets you be free and do what you think is best for you. It is more about giving and sharing, rather than taking and limiting. There’s no place for any kind of discontent, distrust, and envy in a love like this.

Related: 4 Types Of Romantic Relationships That Awaken Your Spirituality

9. You feel drawn to each other, even when you’re not together.

There’s an invisible thread that connects you both all the time, even when you are apart. You have your own lives, but whenever there’s even a little distance between you two, you never feel alone; you carry each other in your hearts and know that wherever you go, they will always be there beside you.

This unspoken connection that you both share with each other just makes your love stronger and gives you that strength to go on even if you’re going through something challenging in your life. This invisible but strong thread that binds you two together, makes sure that your spiritual connection never breaks.

signs of spiritual love
Spiritual Lovers

10. You can be your most authentic self with them.

When you’re in a relationship with your soulmate, there’s absolutely no scope for inauthenticity. They accept you completely, including your flaws, imperfections, and oddities, and never feel the need to mold you into someone you’re not.

Even if you put on a mask in front of others, or prefer to put up walls to avoid being vulnerable, you never have to do all this in front of your partner.

They know you inside out, and always make you feel that it’s okay being you. You never have to change yourself for them, and you never have to behave like someone else in order to impress them; you can unapologetically be yourself without a second thought.

Related: 17 Signs Youโ€™ve Found Your Soulmate

Spiritual love is truly one of a kind, and if you have that in your life, then you’re without a doubt one of the lucky ones. Getting to experience something like this and being on the receiving end of it can feel really special. Treasure and cherish each other, and no matter what happens, never let each other go. What you both have is worth fighting for, and if you let it go, you might not find it again.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What happens spiritually when you fall in love?

Experiencing spiritual love means getting to take a look at someone’s soul. You gradually know them inside out, and it’s their soul that attracts you to them.

What is a spiritual soulmate relationship?

When you are in a spiritual soulmate relationship, you strongly feel that the other soul is in your life for a reason. Be it a friend, lover, spouse, mentor, or family member, they have come into your life for a reason.

passionate and intense signs youre in spiritual love pinex
Signs Of Spiritual Love
passionate and intense signs youre in spiritual love pin
Signs Of Spiritual Love
Passionate Intense Signs Spiritual Love pin
10 Passionate And Intense Signs You’re In Spiritual Love
Passionate Intense Signs in Spiritual Love
10 Passionate And Intense Signs You’re In Spiritual Love

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  1. Rita Avatar

    These intense feelings we feels at first in our hearts when we are two unknown in this world
    But we were seeking something, someone, somewhere and somedays….madly….
    But nowadays It is changed by the Supreme power, (our Almighty God, our Divine, our Christ
    our Universe, our Higher self)
    It is possibled through the intention of our inner
    Core…..and the Fairy passionate and
    Intense of our SPIRITUAL DIVINE TRUE LOVE……!!!! .
    Yours soul

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