How To Let Go Of Someone You Love


How To Let Go Of Someone You Love

Are you struggling and finding it extremely painful to let go of someone you love? Well, that is what love does to you and your heart. Letting go of someone you love is never easy, even if it’s the right decision to take. But this article can help you when it comes to how to emotionally let go of someone you love.

Letting go of the person you loved with all your heart will probably be one of the hardest things you will have to do in your life, but sometimes it is what it is. Not all relationships are meant to last, and you might realize later on that there is someone better waiting for you out there.

When it comes to moving on from a broken relationship, there are a few things you will have to do to make the process easier for yourself.

Related: How To Manage Feeling Depressed After A Breakup

4 Things You Can Do If You Are Trying To Let Go Of Someone You Love

1. Delete and throw away every single thing that will remind you of that person.

Every picture, gift, conversation, and even contact number. You must block his/her social media accounts. Itโ€™s not an act of bitterness; itโ€™s an act of helping yourself out. It will help you to stop yourself from checking on him every time and make you realize that itโ€™s all over. That youโ€™re all alone right now.

It will be the first and hardest step of letting go because you got used to doing all these things before. There will be times that youโ€™ll get tempted to reread and reminisce but in order to forget, you must delete.

Learn to live and be happy again without that person. Reformat your whole system, but this time, without his/her presence.

Let Go Of Someone You Love
How To Let Go Of Someone You Love

2. Be stronger than your emotions.

Everything starts in the mind. Donโ€™t let things around you influence you to dwell in the past. Empty your mind. Donโ€™t let your emotions control your day. Take responsibility. Start your day with a little motivation that you wonโ€™t think of him or her for the rest of your day.

If you decided to move on, make a plan and then stick to it every single time. Divert your attention to things that wonโ€™t remind you of her/him. Create and find your own source of happiness. Make yourself busy and when youโ€™re alone, pray. It can help you a lot.

Thereโ€™s no trick to moving on, but if you learn how to be stronger and control your emotions, youโ€™ll get over it sooner than you thought.

Related: How Do You Let Go Of Someone You Love: 6 Buddhist Practices

3. Accept.

We all know that itโ€™s an act of unloading all your emotional baggage that youโ€™re carrying all this time. But itโ€™s not an easy process to forget and accept everything because itโ€™s the most painful stage of healing and it doesnโ€™t happen overnight.

So, give yourself time to grieve and feel your feelings. Embrace the pain.

Remember, if you can fall in love with someone whoโ€™s completely wrong for you, imagine how hard you can fall for someone who is perfect for you. Maybe this person didnโ€™t love or treat you as you deserved, but someone else will. Use the situation as a learning experience for you.

You still have a lot to learn about life and yourself. Stop regretting, asking questions, and making thoughts, it will just hinder you from moving on. Youโ€™re all alone and itโ€™s the perfect time to rebuild yourself. Reconnect with the people around you.

Create new memories. Surround yourself with positivity. Accept the fact that everything has been already over. You canโ€™t fix it anymore. Youโ€™ll never be the same as before, but itโ€™s okay. Forgive him. Forgive yourself and keep moving.

Let Go Of Someone You Love
Let Go Of Someone You Love

4. Know that you will feel the same pain every night if you still choose to be alone and if you donโ€™t help yourself to move on.

Donโ€™t be afraid to continue the things that you do even if it reminds you of him/her. Donโ€™t be afraid to listen to your favorite music even though you can hear him/her singing it in front of you. The world wonโ€™t adjust just because he or she left you. Life wonโ€™t stop just because youโ€™re hurt.

Get used to the pain and live by yourself again like what youโ€™re doing before he/she came into your life as if he/she never existed. Itโ€™s okay to cry, but donโ€™t make it last a lifetime. Donโ€™t dwell too much on the past because you are not living there anymore. Forgive yourself and accept everything.

Related: How To Let Go Of Your Soulmate: 6 Things That Happen

Remember, life is a race and itโ€™s okay to rest for a while, but in order to get to the finish line, you must stand up and start to run again. Always look on the bright side of every situation. Get ready because greater things are coming your way.

Be free. Run. Explore, let go.

Let Go Of Someone You Love
It Hurts To Let Go Of Someone You Love
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How To Let Go Of Someone You Love

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    E.J. Cenita

    Thank you for featuring my piece! <3

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